American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 577 Is there a possibility that you are not pretending, but are stupid?

"Walt!" Old agent Cabe shouted immediately when he saw that Walter fell into a state of paranoia again because of Detective Chuck.

"No one compares you to him! Now he can't save 56 planes!

Only you can save! I need you to focus now! "

As he spoke, he glanced at the waitress Peggy with sharp eyes, who knew she had seen through the truth and positioned herself very accurately.

Her expression, which was still contemptuous of Scorpio and refused to admit it, instantly froze.

This old man is a bit scary.

"I have fully controlled the Los Angeles International Airport control tower, but I didn't find any original installation disk." Walt took a deep breath and forced down his displeasure.

"I need the original installation disk now!"

"Mr. Brooks!" Old Detective Cabe shouted to the African-American old man on the other end of the surveillance video.

"I have no intention of paying attention to your so-called telecom fraud! There is no problem with my identity! Follow his instructions immediately!"

"I don't know where the installation disk is." The African-American old man was also a little scared, mainly because he knew that there were indeed 56 aircraft hovering in the sky.

"That's all old software from 15 years ago! The manufacturers have already closed down!"

"You guys are so good! The manufacturer of such a critical software has gone bankrupt. It has really not been maintained at all these years, and you don't care at all." Mechanical wizard Lele mocked.

"..." Old agent Cabe's face darkened again.

It proved once and for all that the rescue mission he was ordered to undertake was a personal disaster!

It was a catastrophe created by a group of people who occupied key positions but did nothing!

"Where is your backup data?" Walter was speechless at this mysterious operation, took a deep breath again, and asked.

"Blackstein Data Storage Center!" the African-American old man replied.

"Okay, we can copy an old version of the software from the backup server." Walter once again clarified the next steps.

"I'll send it over, reboot immediately, and the system should run normally, as if the corrupted software was never downloaded!"

"The Blackstein Data Storage Center is in the northeastern city of Ventura, in the opposite direction from the traffic jam." The humanoid computer Sylvester immediately reminded.

"Even if we go in the opposite direction, it will take time. I have a feeling that there will be all kinds of unexpected troubles in the future." Psychological master Toby complained.

"If a helicopter were here now, we could arrive earlier and have more time to prepare."

"The helicopter is heading here." Old agent Cabe said solemnly.

It’s a helicopter again!

If only those idiots at the headquarters had any brains and sent the helicopter here early, the rescue mission would probably have been over long ago.

Instead of like now, troubles seem to come one after another, and there will always be another one!

"You must know that the system data will be automatically backed up every twelve hours, starting at five o'clock." The African-American old man reminded.

"So within 20 minutes, the only remaining usable software is broken," Watt concluded.

Everyone looked at the old agent Cabe.

It almost gave veteran agent Cabe a stroke.

They were right, the key to being ridiculed is to have a helicopter!

"It will take at least ten minutes for the helicopter to arrive."

"It's too late!" Walter shook his head: "Lele, Toby, go to the server and get me the spare disk!

Sylvester, call the Blackstein Data Storage Center and tell them we're on our way over and get them ready!

Here I am preparing to deliver software to LAX. "

"The time was suddenly shortened to 20 minutes. That's great! Now I, the psychological master, can come in handy." Toby laughed at himself as he and the mechanical prodigy Lele left.

The waitress Peggy stood next to her still calm son, watching the movements here from a distance, listening to Walter's instructions, her mouth opened.

But thinking about Walter's fierce reaction just now, and the look in the eyes of old agent Cab with the knife, she didn't express the doubts in her heart.

Since you can call the data center directly and let them prepare, why not just ask them to send the backup software?

Or even simpler to send the software to the airport control tower?

There is no need for helicopters, no need to dispatch mechanical wizards and psychological masters Baba to rush for time, isn't it just a matter of a phone call?

Isn't this even the approach that the airport should have thought of from the beginning, so that no Scorpios would be needed at all?

However, after hearing the "truth" from the psychological master that "she is finally useful", she figured out the truth on her own.

If the situation is not urgent, how can you reflect your own value if you can solve the problem with just a phone call?

Of course this is also her guess.

The main reason is that she doesn't understand these high-level terms. It's entirely possible that she didn't consider the key issues, which caused the misunderstanding.

She was not confident, and now she had her son with her. She really didn't dare to speak randomly and cause trouble for things she was not sure about.

But just because she didn't want to speak anymore, it didn't mean that trouble wouldn't come to her.

After the old agent Cab commanded his men to drive Lele and Toby to the data center, half of the people in the cafe were missing and it immediately became much emptier.

Scorpio leader Walter, who was strategizing here (nothing at the moment), looked over again, caught a glimpse of her appearance, and explained again.

"We are Scorpio! We are not a group cosplay detective Chuck!"

"Okay." Peggy, the waitress, smiled awkwardly but politely.

What she was thinking about was the so-called Scorpio Four, a chubby young man who claimed to be a humanoid computer and had severe mysophobia.

The guy wearing a hat is known as a psychological master who observes micro-expressions and figures out people's hearts.

The most important characteristics of these two people are simply not too obvious.

Clearly some of the characteristics of Detective Chuck.

This was all reported intensively by various news hot spots at the time, and everyone knows it!

The leader, Walter, looked pretty good, and she didn't know what the Asian girl could do, but she had a feeling that the two of them could do it, and it probably had some of the characteristics of Detective Chuck.

With such a team combination, and working with Zheng and Negative on major events, are they imitating the famous Detective Chuck?

Especially after she said it, the strange looks in these people's eyes and the strong reaction of leader Walter just proved that her guess was right.

But she could understand.

The truth is often the hardest to accept.

It’s so rare to be confused!

Although Walter's emotional intelligence is not high, his IQ is as high as 197. It is obvious at a glance that the waitress Peggy does not believe his words.

This made him feel bad.

Just when he was about to explain again, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it belonged to his ex-girlfriend, so he immediately connected.

"Walter O'Brien! What do you mean? You ditched me like that and you still have the nerve to continue harassing me?"

"It's not that I want to harass you! It's that you have to give me an explanation!" Walter said coldly: "What did you mean by those words when you left?"

"What do you mean? Do you really want to hear it? Originally, I was trying to save face for you, but since you insist on doing this, okay, I'll tell you!"

The uncontrollable roar of Walter's ex-girlfriend came from the other end of the phone, which made the waitress Peggy look at Walter with contempt.

She watched them break up in the cafe with her own eyes.

I originally thought it was because he was too busy at work and could only date during work breaks, but then he was dumped by his girlfriend, a beautiful female doctor.

But now that I heard what it meant, it turned out that Walter dumped his girlfriend and chose a time when he was working.

As soon as the identity is changed, the feeling is completely different.

Not to mention that she felt the restraint of the dumped female doctor girlfriend, and she was still so quiet and peaceful despite being dumped in such an abrupt way.

What a wonderful girlfriend!

If it were her, she would have slapped him away.

But such a good girlfriend, now his ex-girlfriend, was forced by Walter to lose his temper like this.

It shows that this Walter is not a human being!

"You are not an ordinary person, but you insist on trying to be an ordinary person? Why do you want to fall in love with me?


Isn't this clear?

You are imitating Detective Chuck!

He has been training himself to be more adaptable to the world and ordinary people, and the method he uses is also the method he has come into contact with many outstanding women.

You are all super geniuses!

Although we have only been dating for three months, I have heard more than once that there is a deep entanglement between you and Detective Chuck.

I don't know what happened to you.

But I envy him!

At least I spent three months of patience and love trying to teach you how to love as a normal person, but you were unmoved.

He could even take the time to write me an article and ask me to break up while working.

He doesn't care about my girlfriend's feelings at all.

The indifferent ones are really like the aloof gods.

But when I left, I understood that you were considerate and advised you not to torment yourself so much, and don't insist on competing with Detective Chuck, so I just mentioned him, and you became as excited as an ordinary person.

I have to explain!

I don't want to pay attention to you, but you keep sending me messages, flooding my mailbox, and it's endless!

Those who don’t know better think that Detective Chuck is some true love that cannot be obtained!

I spoke out everything that was on my mind!

Now I want to ask you too!

You and Detective Chuck!

What is the relationship between you two? "

"We are rivals!" Walter said in silence after listening to his ex-girlfriend's outburst, then hung up the phone, and then looked at the waitress Peggy who had been watching here.

"I know." Waitress Peggy said sarcastically: "Aren't you forming a group to cosplay Detective Chuck~"

Only a ghost can believe it!

Now she is 100% sure that this so-called Scorpio team is forming a cosplay team to cosplay Detective Chuck.

As a leader, Walt, although he seems to be a super genius, is not as good as Detective Chuck in all aspects.

You can only imitate!

But even if he imitated Detective Chuck to train himself to be more like an ordinary person, he also imitated Detective Chuck to get a girlfriend, but he didn't learn the essence at all.

Seeing the big from the small.

An all-around super genius like Detective Chuck, there is more that Walt can't imitate.

But super geniuses are stubborn and conceited, so they even form groups to cosplay in an attempt to surpass Detective Chuck.

It seems that the situation is not very good.

Otherwise, his ex-girlfriend and her would not be interested in exploring Chuck, and Walter would be as excited as an ordinary person.

In this regard, she just wanted to say: "Super genius Walter O'Brien, you have to be confident!"

"..." Faced with the sarcastic words given directly by the waitress Peggy, Walter was speechless, but the anger in his heart made him glance at Peggy again.

"You are anemic! This will make your nails pitted! So the nail polish will not be applied evenly! You need to supplement iron!"

He has been in many relationships, and although few of them lasted for three months like his ex-girlfriend, he also learned that sometimes caring for a woman can make her angry.

Like drinking hot water!

And now he wants to make Peggy the waitress unhappy.

Because he is very unhappy now!

"I don't remember asking you for your opinion, Einstein!" Peggy, the waitress, was not happy to have her shortcomings commented on.

"Einstein's IQ is 160, and mine is 197!" Seeing that Walter had returned to his own rhythm, he felt calmer and pretended to be the most awesome in the calmest words.

As if IQ is everything.

"Then you must know everything about me, if you are really that smart." The waitress Peggy looked at her unsatisfactory manicure, suppressed her displeasure, and mocked.

“You were wearing no-brand sneakers and your son Ralph was wearing orthotics, and your condition was passed on to Ralph.

The inflammation under your eyes is caused by a lack of sun exposure because you work two jobs at the same time.

As for Ralph's father, I chalk it up to interpersonal communication issues. "Walter commented unceremoniously from head to toe.

"So we broke up because I have communication difficulties?" Peggy, the waitress, took a deep breath to suppress the infuriating Qi surging in Rendu's second channel.

"I thought it was because of the blonde girl in Tahe! What qualifications do you have to say that my nail polish is cheap? Do you think you are the only one who can analyze it? So can I!"

"Oh?" Walter looked at her with interest, waiting for her analysis.

Quickly profiling a person requires extremely rich psychological knowledge, common sense, and quick thinking.

He didn't believe that the waitress in front of him had any.

"You said Einstein's IQ was 160, but your IQ was 197. Thank you for letting me get a key piece of information that everyone is curious about." Peggy, the waitress, sneered.

"That means Detective Chuck's IQ must be over 200! Even over 234!

Detective Chuck never took an IQ test when he was a child, but now he finally gets very useful information from you!

thank you! "

Walter's face was ashen.

This clearly means that Detective Chuck's IQ must be higher than his, and not even a little higher.

There is an Einstein's gap between him and Detective Chuck!

"Do you know why I say that?" Peggy, the waitress, continued: "Because if Detective Chuck were here, he would never make such a ridiculous speculation!

He'll know that my uneven nail polish is because Ralph painted it on my hands, and Ralph loves to paint!

The micro-expression observation of your group is completely different from the most famous micro-expression observation of Detective Chuck!

Don't use it indiscriminately to make yourself look embarrassed! "

Seeing that Walter's face was ugly and speechless, she stopped yelling at him, and instead walked towards the fat young man who was standing in front of her son, talking on the phone and fishing for who-knows-what.

"Hey! Just do your job well! As long as you make a good call and get through the phone, and let the people at the data center directly transfer the backup software to you, you won't have to mess around so much!"

Everyone: "..."

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