American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 578 Peggy: I’m not targeting anyone, I just want to say that everyone present is happy!

In the cafe.

As the waitress Peggy scolded her, the whole place fell silent instantly.

Not ordinary quiet!

But it’s the kind of silence that’s like being frozen in time!

Deadly quiet!

But there are still people who can think.

That's the super-genius Walt.

After all, the neural reaction speed of a super genius is countless times faster than that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, it would not take a long time for ordinary people to calculate the problem, but for super geniuses, it would be easy to calculate the result.

Unless time is truly frozen, a super genius's brain is always running at high speed.

But at this moment, Walter would rather his brain didn't react so fast, why can't he react like ordinary people.

If he were an ordinary person, this moment would not have been extended countless times.

There is a saying in the East that one day in the sky is one year on the earth.

That's not a true time passage ratio, but a personal sense of time.

Good times always go by too fast.

The days of suffering are like years!

Now Walter is living like a year.

Because all the waitresses whom he despised in his heart dared to scold them.

Even if they scolded him, they actually discovered Watson, whose blind spot they all had not discovered!

The time point was just after he had just used observation and speculation to make the other party unhappy.

This is so embarrassing!

However, before he finished regretting it, he thought of an excuse to cover it up and covered it up in an understatement, and he ignored another key issue.

That is, he is not the only super genius here.

The moment he felt regretful and embarrassed was like time standing still to others.

But for Sylvester, a fat young man known as a humanoid computer, it was enough for him to react.

"I now know where he inherited his talent."

Sylvester held the mobile phone in one hand and continued to make calls, while holding the spice jar in the other hand and playing chess with the little boy. He looked at the furious waitress Peggy with a shocked expression.

Even the little boy Ralph, who was always so quiet that he seemed to hear nothing, see, see or care, looked at his mother with strange eyes.

"Watch your words!" The waitress Peggy became even more angry and walked over quickly. Because her son was right in front of her, she suppressed her anger and reminded the fat young man.

She didn't think it was a compliment to herself.

Instead, he felt that the fat young man was mocking himself and his son!

You know, over the years, too many people have used the words "talent" and "challenge" to describe her son in front of her.

After retorting every time, she gently reassured her son that he was fine.

But now it's good, one look shows that the fat young man who is usually bullied by others is also doing this.

How abominable!

Unexpectedly, even my son, who has always been indifferent to such harsh words, was hurt this time and looked at her mother with a "pitiful" look!

She feels so distressed!

"You misunderstood!" The fat young man Sylvester was at a loss and wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start. He could only look at Scorpio's leader Walter again.

"The match is the king, the jelly is the queen, the sugar bag is the knight, they are playing chess." Walter always rescues his partner at critical moments.

"Your son is playing chess with a chess master!"

"And he defeated me in only eight moves!" The fat young man Sylvester answered.

“I’ve only seen this kind of performance from Walt and Chuck.

Your son is incredible and a true super genius!

The same to you……"

"So..." Peggy, the waitress, was stunned by the result. She covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief and had tears in her eyes.

"That's right! Your son's IQ is not challenged, but his IQ can challenge anyone. He is a real super genius!"

Walter didn't know when he walked to the waitress Peggy, and looked at the 9-year-old Ralph with her.

"That's not what I said!" Peggy, the waitress, wiped her tears and cried and laughed.

"I mean, you think he inherited his talent from me, so I'm far smarter than I thought, so what I just said is true?"

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place was quiet again.

The mysterious and confident smile on the corner of Walter's mouth was frozen there.

The fat young man Sylvester's fat face was full of embarrassment. He didn't know whether to keep raising his hand while holding up his mobile phone to call the data center.

Ralph, a 9-year-old boy who had always been a quiet and handsome man, rested his chin on the arm of the bar and looked at everyone with interest with his usually indifferent eyes.

But the one who really reacted was the old agent Cabe!

When Peggy, the waitress, said this for the first time, he froze there, his head pounding, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously.

In the past, he was always attacked by the Scorpio quartet, causing crises. He made a brilliant debut, but within a few minutes, he was deprived of this aura of superiority.

The feeling of being repeatedly labeled with adjectives such as ‘ridiculous’, ‘idiot’s colleague’, and ‘a man-made butt wipe’.

His face grew darker and darker.

But at that time, he still firmly believed that what he was doing was something of great significance!

Man-made disasters are man-made disasters!

Anyway, it wasn't him who caused it, he is still the American hero who turned the tide!

But when a waitress loudly reprimanded the Scorpio team that he had risked all her future and honor to hire, and casually made a point that they had never thought of before, the impact on him was too strong.

So much so that he froze there for half a minute before coming back to his senses when the waitress Peggy brought up the topic again.

If this is true, not only will he become a laughing stock, but if word spreads, even the United States will become a laughing stock!

It's so high-level, but it turns out that it's just a novice. The so-called crisis and disaster can only be solved with a phone call or even a message.

But none of the highly paid professional agents from the airport staff to the FBI, National Security Agency, and Homeland Security have thought of such a simple solution.

Is it intentional?

Or accidentally?

he does not know!

All he knew was that if word spread, other people would laugh out loud.


He could only yell at Scorpio's leader.

Ordinary people like them can't imagine that they can understand it.

But Scorpio is a talented team and specializes in hacking information security. Why didn't they think of such a simple first solution?

"Of course not." Although Walter was shocked and regretful for a while, at this moment he had already regained his confident super genius demeanor and explained unhurriedly.

"Didn't you see that Sylvester's call has not been answered yet? The work efficiency of these large companies is so low that you can't even imagine.

If you think about it for a moment, you will know that if everyone performed their duties faithfully, then this crisis would not have occurred at all.

Time is pressing now. If we have this time, it is more reliable for us to go there in person!

Otherwise you never know what troubles are waiting for us to solve next! "

As soon as these words came out, veteran agent Cabe immediately let out a sigh of relief.

Whether it's true or false, an explanation will do.

At this moment, the intercom rang, and the voice of the mechanical wizard Lele came from there. The background sound was the sound of police sirens, which was obviously the treatment of the police car clearing the way.

"Walter, we are almost at the data center. We should be able to get the spare hard drive soon."

"Copy that, Lele, waiting for you to take action." Walter returned to his laptop, ready to take action at any time.

But the waitress Peggy's eyes were no longer like before, thinking that they were a group of people who were taller than before. Instead, they were full of doubtful suspicion.

She grabbed Sylvester, a fat young man who felt uncomfortable playing fish and chess, and whispered, "How much did Homeland Security give you?"

"$50,000 each." The fat young man Sylvester did not reply with top secrets this time, but answered honestly.

Because the waitress Peggy is no longer the same in his eyes.

Not only did he have a son whose IQ crushed him.

She is also very intelligent and can see Hua Dian at a glance.

"50,000..." Peggy, the waitress, was stunned, with a look of realization in her eyes, but she said nothing more.

The reason why she asked this question was because she suddenly thought of the arrogance of the old agent Cabe who threw an envelope of dollars to her boss as soon as she entered the cafe.

So I guess the price of hiring this professional team of cosplay detective Chuck is not low.

But I never expected that it would cost as much as $50,000 per person.

And it looks like it’s still money for a one-time mission!

Everything about this magic seems so reasonable with Qian's ability.

In this so-called crisis of 56 planes stuck in the air, I heard veteran agent Cabe say that the first plane will crash in less than 89 minutes.

The Scorpio team was also summoned urgently.

After all, Walter was repairing the router in the cafe not long ago.

So in real terms, as long as you work for two hours, or at most 2.5 hours, you can get a reward of $50,000.

Hourly wages are as high as $20,000 per hour!

What is this concept?

You know, in the Los Angeles area, the average hourly wage for waiters is only $12.

She is a beauty, certainly well above that average.

But it’s only about $20.

The hourly salary of each person in this Scorpio team who cosplays as Detective Chuck is 1,000 times hers!

After she was shocked, she suddenly realized, and then her eyes flickered.

The ex-girlfriend of Scorpio leader Walter O'Brien said she didn't know what grudges her ex-boyfriend had with Detective Chuck?

Now she vaguely understood.

In addition to the pride rivalry between super geniuses, there is also Chi Guoguo’s conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest!

No wonder Walt got so excited when talking about Detective Chuck.

Peers are Chi Guoguo’s hatred!

"No! This place should be open 24 hours a day!" Just as the waitress Peggy's wisdom was soaring, stimulated by Scorpio's income, the unwilling voice of psychological master Toby came from the intercom.

"It seems they have gone out of business!" Mechanical wizard Lele immediately informed here: "Walter, there is a problem now, there is no one here."

As soon as this word came, the old agent Cabe was shocked.

Walter glanced at him lightly, and then at the waitress Peggy, his eyes were already about to say 'Look! I told you! I have everything under control! ’ means.

"You are a mechanical engineer, pick the lock!" As soon as he mentioned his old profession, veteran agent Cabe immediately reminded him.

"I have the tools, but now we only have 6 minutes left. This lock needs more time, and there is no time." Mechanical wizard Lele quickly explained.

"Bates, get them in!" Old Detective Cabe immediately ordered his men who drove over.

"Go away!" The Homeland Security agent who drove over immediately pushed Lele away and took out his gun.

"Stop! Are you crazy?" Lele held down the agent's hand to prevent him from shooting, and quickly explained.

"This door is 75 millimeters thick and made of six layers of polycarbonate. Your little gun can't penetrate it at all. It will only bounce bullets and hurt us.

Walt! Please don't let this person mess around again! "

"Now we only have 5 minutes. The damaged software will be uploaded to the database and the old backup software will be overwritten and cleared. This will probably cause the death of 20,000 people!" veteran agent Cabe reminded loudly.

Everyone was silent.

There was nothing we could do for a while.

"We have to abandon the data center route, pull the team back, and the four of us can think of a solution together. In this case, we may be able to think of another solution within an hour..." Walter said quickly.

"At that time, the first two planes will be out of fuel!" Old agent Cabe immediately pointed out the problem.

"Do you think you could figure it out at that time?"

"Wait a minute!" Peggy, the waitress, came over at some point. When she heard this conversation, she interrupted in disbelief.

"You just accepted the possibility of two planes crashing?"

"If we lose two, we can keep the remaining 54!" Old agent Cab said with an iron face: "This is the price that must be paid!"

As he spoke, he turned to order his subordinates: "Contact the aviation bureau immediately and tell them that these two planes are hopeless."

"Agent Gro is taking the overall situation into consideration. As long as the ultimate benefit is large enough, the loss is acceptable." Walt looked at the unacceptable look in the waitress Peggy's eyes and couldn't help but explain.

"It's not you and your families who pay the price anyway, right?" the waitress Peggy said angrily.

"Do you have a better way?" Old Detective Cab asked with an ugly expression.

"Of course!" Peggy, the waitress, was stimulated by the huge hourly wage ratio of 1,000 times, and her brain was running at high speed, and she really had an idea again.

"Why bring them back? There is a walkie-talkie, they are always online, over there and back, does it affect your discussion of countermeasures?

No impact at all!

Just let them stay there and use tools to break the door lock immediately!

do not speak!

I know there's less than 5 minutes left!

Not enough time!

But can't you extend the time?

The really critical time was an hour after the plane ran out of fuel and crashed!

But now you can't get a spare hard drive within 5 minutes.

However, it is entirely possible to use hacking methods to prevent the damaged software of the airport control tower from being uploaded to the spare hard drive, thereby overwriting and damaging the old version of the software.

You are super hackers, can't you even do such a simple thing?

Why do you look at me like this?

Can't it be done?

I think about it, I think about it... I think about it!

It doesn’t matter if you can’t do it!

The damaged software of the airport control tower is regularly uploaded to the data center to overwrite the old software.

If you can't stop it with hackers, you can definitely stop it with physical means!

Just unplug the network cable.

There is no network, how can the damaged software be transferred?

Wouldn't this give you enough time to get the old software from the spare hard drive? "

Walter: "..."

Everyone: "..."

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