American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 579 Crazy Scorpio: Say it! Are you Peggy, a talented girl who grew up willing to fall into d

"Am I wrong?" Seeing that the whole place was dead silent again, the waitress Peggy looked around and shouted.

Walter raised his hands and grabbed the curls on both sides of his hair, with a painful expression.

The fat young man Sylvester opened his mouth so wide that his jaw almost dropped to the floor.

Old agent Cabe's eyes were full of disbelief. He subconsciously glanced at his subordinate who was making a phone call outside the cafe. He felt relieved when he found that the other party didn't hear him.

Just when the waitress Peggy was anxiously about to yell and ask again, her hand was held, and she looked down with a move in her heart.

Then she saw Ralph, his mother's son who had been silent and ignoring everyone, walked up to her at some point, took the initiative to hold her hand and played with her fingernails.

She immediately forgot her anxiety and her eyes filled with tears.

Because she remembered what Walter had said just now: "It's not that your son likes to play with your nail polish, but that he is not good at physical contact with others.

But in my heart, I really want to be in contact with others, so I touch you cautiously by painting your nail polish. "

She was doubtful of anything else Walter said.

But at this moment, she trusted the words about her son Ralph wanting to have contact with her.

The way she looked at other people was like the way Penny looked at Sheldon after she gave him a big gift on Christmas Day in The Big Bang Theory and was hugged by Sheldon for the first time.


Her son Ralph is touching her!

At this moment, even if the 56 planes in the sky fell down immediately and killed them all, she felt that she would die without regrets.

She wanted this moment to last forever.

"Walt!" Old detective Cabe didn't feel as much as she did.

He only heard that one waitress casually thought of a series of solutions when all of them were helpless.

You know, a minute ago, he was going to contact the Aviation Administration and the military to abandon two large passenger planes full of passengers.

Obviously they could not tolerate the crash of the passenger plane and even risked landing. The military's F22 fighter jets were already in place, ready to shoot down the passenger plane at any time.

But now even professional airport staff, agents and geniuses like the FBI, National Security Agency, and Homeland Security can't do anything.

The key is also the Scorpio team that he strongly advocates and works hard to build.

When Chuck was unwilling to accept employment from the National Security Agency, CIA, and Homeland Security, he had already envisioned a super talented team to cosplay Detective Chuck.

That’s right!

The idea of ​​Team Scorpio comes from Detective Chuck.

After convinced that although Walt's IQ was high, he was not as capable as Detective Chuck, he was determined to use a team approach to make up for Walt's shortcomings.

Moreover, teams are more controllable than individuals.

Especially for super geniuses with particularly strong personalities.

The team is more stable, and it can effectively restrain the super genius's urge to go alone, and use logging fatigue to restrain the super genius Walt for my use.

This was also the first time when he took little Walter away from his parents and relatives from Walter's home. He was too eager to use Walter's ability and did not consider whether the other party could accept the experience and lessons of using his ability to do things against humanity.

If you have logging tired team family.

So for the sake of logging, any anti-human things are natural.

But now such a super talented team with Detective Chuck as the benchmark is actually not as good as a waitress...

"I know." Walter recovered from the pain of scratching his head, quickly walked to his laptop, and with a fierce operation, he directly cut off the automatic upload and storage channel of the damaged software at Los Angeles International Airport.

"The Los Angeles International Airport control tower is still in contact with 56 aircraft and is responsible for other communication tasks. We cannot just unplug the network cable regardless..."

At this point, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the other end: "I have cut off the automatic upload and storage channel, buying us an hour..."

"What a brilliant idea!" Lele, the mechanical wizard who was outside the data center, heard the news and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Yes, why didn't I think of such a simple method?" Psychological master Toby slapped his forehead.

"Now!" Walter glanced at the very happy waitress Peggy interacting with his son from the corner of his eye, and immediately interrupted his companions' conversation about why "we didn't think of such a simple idea."

"Lele, I want you to open the door within 4 minutes!"

"I said I wanted more time..." Lele was about to explain, but was rudely interrupted by Walter.

"Listen to my orders!" Walter shouted impatiently: "We just need to reset the door locks and cut off the power in the ten blocks near the data center!"

"You want to cut off part of the power in downtown Los Angeles?" Old agent Cab looked at the excited Walt with complicated eyes.

"Can't we just cut off the power to that building? Or let Lele spend more time opening the door?

Anyway, you have gained another hour now? "

"No!" Walter interrupted with a bad attitude: "It's not possible to cut off the power so precisely, but a brief surge of power can open the door, and we can go in immediately.

As for letting Lele open the door? One more hour?

That's theoretical time!

We never know what difficulties will arise that are beyond our expectations, and we will need to spend time solving them.

It turns out we have to race against time!

do you understand? ! ! ! "

"Okay." Old agent Cabe looked at Walter like this, raised his hands half-way, indicating that he agreed, and he was completely following Walter's arrangement.

"Find the junction box covering that area immediately!" Seeing that old agent Cabe gave in and agreed, Walter immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and continued remote control.

"It should be on the commercial street!"

Over there at the data center.

Mechanical wizard Lele and psychological master Toby, although they don't know the amazing words of Peggy, the waitress in the cafe.

But he was keenly aware that his boss's emotions were on the verge of exploding. He looked at each other and quickly obeyed the order.

"I'm going south!"

"I'm going north!"

"Found one!"

The Homeland Security agents who drove them over also took action and found the target immediately.

"Very good!" Walter felt that he had finally heard the good news, and his emotions on the verge of crisis eased slightly, and he ordered to the fat young man who was still in a daze, looking for his chin on the ground.

"Calculate immediately the amount of electricity required to interrupt the power of ten blocks!"

Sylvester, the humanoid computer, immediately responded and walked over to the blackboard where the cafe's daily specials were written.

However, he did not make calculations immediately.

"No, no, no!" Walter immediately knew what his partner was going to do, and he disapproved of this waste of time but was helpless.

"I can't perform calculations in a chaotic state." The humanoid computer was constantly sorting the various chalk heads on the blackboard.

"This is my habit!"

"My habit is to kick your ass!" Old Detective Cabe shouted with suppressed anger.

Damn it!

In order to appease Walter, who was about to go berserk, he reluctantly accepted that the power to ten streets in the city was cut off.

This is downtown Los Angeles!

God knows how much trouble it could cause.

That means it’s daytime now!

Otherwise, even if Walter really couldn't accept the fact that he was inferior to a waitress, he would not agree to Walter doing this.

After all, it is better to face a powerless Walt running rampant than to face countless classic skin colors running rampant at night.

And now he reluctantly agrees to take such a big, troublesome step that may not even be necessary, so that he can save as many lives as possible against the clock.

But the time he had stolen was used by this fat man to pick up pieces of chalk and play with the decorations. He almost burst out of anger.


He had already known from the information that this humanoid computer not only had mysophobia, but also had obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This is also normal.

Because Detective Chuck has one too.

But at this moment, he really can't stand this!

This super talented team cosplaying Detective Chuck is a bit unreliable.

Not only in terms of intelligence, it did not achieve the increase that a super genius team should have, and it could compete with the detective Chuck.

Instead, it gave him a feeling of 1+1+1+1=0.1.

Detective Chuck has mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, but if he encounters a situation, he will take the initiative to overcome it, and his performance will not be affected by his own shortcomings at all.

"That's enough!" Peggy, the waitress who had been enjoying her son's sudden closeness, was in a good mood when she saw this scene. She walked over and stretched out her hand to see that all the chalk tips on the edge of the blackboard were pushed away, leaving only the fat young man. A chalk tip was left behind.

"This is the biggest and the smallest, it's a kind of order."

"That's okay, you are really a genius!" The fat young man took the only piece of chalk and was very happy. He praised the waitress from the bottom of his heart again, then erased the words on the blackboard and started to calculate quickly.

Peggy, the waitress, was already used to it and accepted the compliments from the humanoid computer calmly.

"Tell me!" Walter took advantage of everyone's busy time to walk up to her and stared into her eyes.

"Were you also a super genius when you were a child? Because your mother had to take care of you as a genius girl and spent too much time on you.

Taking you everywhere to classes and activities that are so far beyond your age that you ignore your dad’s feelings.

Your father was dissatisfied, so he quarreled over you and finally got divorced.

Because your family broke up, you shouldered this responsibility on yourself, and from then on you felt that you were happier being an ordinary person than a super genius.

So I gave up the happiness of being a super genius, pretended to be an ordinary girl, went to smoke, drink, skip school and act wildly.

In the end, he completely lost his future and was reduced to being a waiter.

But deep down, you are still the super genius Peggy?

Yes or no? "

"What are you talking about?" Peggy, the waitress, looked confused when she heard this, and then she became very angry.

"I told you to stop guessing a long time ago. If you don't have the ability to detect Chuck, don't try to guess Chuck!"

"Isn't it..." Walter's face was visibly frustrated.

God shows mercy!

How he wished that what Peggy the waitress had experienced was what he had surmised.

"Of course I'm not!" Waitress Peggy shook her head, then her heart moved and she looked at Walter.

"You have talked about another Peggy before...could this be her story?"

"No!" Walter shook his head.

The previous story is about another Peggy. According to the original logical deduction, her life might be like this, which would perfectly match the waitress Peggy in front of her.

Being reminded by Peggy, who was also a super genius, although it still made him uncomfortable, it was not difficult to accept.

Unfortunately, deductions are always deductions.

In reality, another Peggy met the detective Chuck. Not only did she not surrender, but she tried her best to improve her intelligence. Even he didn't know how strong the other person's IQ was.

Anyway, being like him is better than the shame of a super genius!

And the Peggy in front of him didn't have the past he imagined.

So this waitress Peggy is really a waitress...

The waitress Peggy has already broken through the genius filter, and she can see at a glance that Walter's words are not sincere, and her attitude towards the other Peggy has completely changed.

Before she was hostile and angry.

Now she is sympathetic and compassionate.

It's such a pity that a super genius with the same name and gender as her was destroyed like this because of his family.

Thinking of this, she looked at her son with even more loving eyes.

To hear them tell it, Ralph was also a super genius.

Although his family is incomplete and he has no father, she, as his mother, will definitely give him enough love and support and will not let him follow the path of Peggy.

"500,000 kilowatts!" The humanoid computer Sylvester immediately reported a number without the help of the distraught Walter.

"Okay." Walter came back to his senses, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said to Lele on the other end: "We need 500,000 kilowatts of current, can you solve it?"

"Please! Who connected the power to our office this morning?" the mechanical wizard complained happily.

"It'll be ready soon! Here we come!"

As she cut off the power, there was a burst of sparks and lightning from the data center door, and the rolling shutter door slowly rose.

"We succeeded!" Toby, the psychological master at the door, immediately reminded through the intercom.

When Lele arrived, the two rushed in and saw a row of servers, unable to tell which was which.

"This is not good."

"Don't worry!" Faced with Lele's worries, the psychological master raised his hands as if to cast magic.

"These servers outside should be in data centers, and customers' backups should be placed in iron cages."

As he was talking and walking, he got stuck and suddenly looked back at a photo on his desk. He immediately picked up the photo and began to profile the photo.

"Yes, the whole person! He is the boss! Cufflinks, tie clips, you can tell he cares about everything!

Manage various storage issues!

Judging from the way he wears his belt, he is left-handed.

Therefore the server on the right can be excluded.

He would subconsciously place big customers like Los Angeles Airport on the left hand side.

When you think of Los Angeles Airport, you think of airplanes, and when you think of airplanes, you think of altitude.

So the lower three floors are excluded.

He should be less than 1.7 meters, so he will definitely not be on the top floor!

A boss who loves to show off will never step on the ladder in front of his employees.

So it must be in this row... I found it! "

When he pulled out a hard drive, he proudly said to Lele: "You admire me, don't you? Am I great?"

Lele rolled her eyes, took out the walkie-talkie and told Walter the good news.

Yet the response they received was lukewarm.

It didn't bring any sense of satisfaction to such a super-level psychological master.

As if his efforts meant little.

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