American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 581 Detective Chuck: Your efforts are meaningless!

"Chuck? Detective Chuck?" Peggy, the waitress, was surprised.

This time, even the nine-year-old super genius boy Ralph, who was almost in a state of distraction all the time, looked over, with emotions in his eyes.

"That's him!" Walter walked around, his whole person extremely excited.

"Walter, we must save Chuck!" The fat young man Sylvester changed his previous cowardice and shouted emotionally.

"Do you and Detective Chuck have such a deep relationship?" Waitress Peggy was puzzled.

In her eyes, this so-called Scorpio team is nothing more than a cosplay team to explore the existence of Chuck.

His peers already hated Chi Guoguo.

Not to mention piracy!

Seeing how Walter cared so much about talking about Detective Chuck, especially the relationship between Scorpio and Detective Chuck that he formed, she thought they would gloat about his misfortune.

All right.

Walt's excited performance did have the meaning of gloating about his misfortune.

Psychological guru Toby also changed his previous depression. If he hadn't been worried about being too embarrassed before, he would have made all kinds of wisecracks at this moment.

But the reaction of the fat young man Sylvester made the waitress Peggy feel that this was definitely not gloating, but a kind of heartfelt worry and excitement.

Another member of Scorpio, the mechanical wizard Lele, although he didn't speak, his eyes were worried.

Half and half.

No matter how gloating about Walter's misfortune, his first reaction was to keep saying he wanted to save Detective Chuck.

So all in all, Scorpio really doesn't have much hostility towards Detective Chuck.

"Chuck is the first person in contemporary mathematics!" the fat young man Sylvester said excitedly.

"If he dies in this man-made plane crash, I will never agree to it!"

"Detective Chuck is pretty cool." Asian girl Lele shrugged.

"Sylvester, don't be excited! We will definitely save Chuck!" Walter was more excited than anyone else, and he just tried to comfort the fat young man to stay calm.

"This is our first show in front of him, and it is also a key moment for him to completely recognize our Scorpio! I will never allow any more mistakes!"

"Don't worry, this is Detective Chuck! I've been looking forward to meeting him." Psychological master Toby could only swear.

"Don't just get excited! Find a solution quickly!" Old Detective Cabe reminded calmly.

He was not surprised at all that Detective Chuck was on the plane.

After all, the identity Chuck used to fly was not fake.

As a senior advisor to the FBI, he has a very high level of authority. He used his real identity to go abroad and was monitored by various intelligence agencies throughout the process.

"Where's your helicopter?" Walter looked over directly.

"..." Old agent Cabe was speechless.

The helicopter promised by the headquarters is still on the way, as is the horse-riding Diao Chan.

"Cramer Airport is twenty minutes away from here!" Walter looked at the old agent Cabe with a disappointed look in his eyes, and then continued.

"If there is a helicopter, we can arrive within 5 minutes.

But there are no helicopters now and we have to get to the airport in ten minutes!

This can be done too!

Cab, close the road to Kramer Airport immediately!

Once we arrived.

By flying a plane carrying the old version of the software over at low altitude, I could download soft-board software to replace the damaged newer software.

Then communications are restored and Chuck will be saved because of us! "

"Closing the road to Kramer Airport?" Old agent Cabe had another headache and had to interrupt the excited Walt.

"It's going to be a lot of movement and I don't think it's the right decision. The runway there is too short."

"Just fly by at low altitude, no need to land!" Walter corrected.

"There are blocks there!" Old Detective Cab reminded: "If anything goes wrong, half of the block will be destroyed!"

"Four blocks actually, but I won't let that happen!"

Walter has returned to his original self-confidence, the arrogant self-confidence that he believed he could do anything.

"I don't know if this matter is worth alerting the Los Angeles Police Department to set up roadblocks..." Old Detective Cabe wanted to explain, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Walt.

"Not worth it?" Walter said excitedly: "That's Chuck!

Not to mention four blocks, just forty blocks. For him, it was all worth it! "

"This is the truth!" The fat young man Sylvester also said excitedly: "Most of the real progress of mankind is driven by a flash of inspiration from a true genius.

Without these geniuses, humans would have been no different than beasts for thousands of years.

Chuck is such a genius! It's worth taking all the risks to save him! "

"I know what you are doing. Once things get out of control, you start looking for a way out." Walter looked at old agent Cabe with extreme disappointment.

"I will not put rules over human life." Old agent Cabe denied.

"It's not just Chuck!" Peggy, the waitress, reminded.

"There are still more than 20,000 passengers on 56 planes.

Cab, you said you would not put rules over human life.

Are these more than 20,000 real lives not human beings?

Are there that many people in four blocks?

If you have this time to hesitate, wouldn't it make more sense to immediately send people to forcibly evacuate the people in these four blocks?

And this is still only possible!

I don't understand why you can't even tell which one is more important? "

"It's not that he can't understand, he sees it too clearly." Mechanical wizard Lele said quietly: "The man-made air crisis of 56 aircraft has been caused.

He didn't cause the crisis, he was just the one responsible for solving it.

If he can't solve it, he won't be promoted at most.

But if he causes a disaster in which four blocks are destroyed in order to solve a disaster caused by others, then he is really in trouble.

So on one side, there is a high chance of saving more than 20,000 people.

On the other hand, he just took a risk. No matter how unlikely the chance of destroying four blocks was, he was not willing to do it! "

"Is this how you look at me?!!!" Old Detective Cabe yelled with a livid face.

"What do you want us to think of you?" Walter was not intimidated and shouted back.

“When does the United States really care about the lives and deaths of ordinary people?

If you really cared a little bit, there wouldn't be such a naked man-made air crisis.

If you really cared a little bit, you wouldn't even be willing to send a helicopter when we are on the front line.


Even if you don’t care about the life or death of the more than 20,000 passengers on the plane.

But Detective Chuck is not only a human being but also an important asset to the United States. Why do you want to stop us from saving him?

You are going to let him die, right? "

“I’ve long heard that Detective Chuck offended many big shots because of his investigation.

These big shots assassinated him more than once, most often in Panzi. "The psychology master echoed.

"This is Los Angeles, one of the base camps of Disco. Law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, Homeland Security, and National Security Agency have been seriously infiltrated by Disco...

This can explain why these supposedly very powerful institutions did nothing after the crisis!

He reacted like a fool!

They did it on purpose!

They dare not assassinate Chuck legitimately in the United States.

But he can arrange a crisis, and then sit back and watch it happen, allowing Detective Chuck to unfortunately die in a plane crash.

Even if more than 20,000 Americans were buried with him for this.

It’s really quite romantic. "

"Shut up!!!" Old agent Cab couldn't stand hearing these conspiracy theories anymore and shouted directly at the psychological master Toby.

Because if he continues to listen to these conspiracy theories, he will doubt whether they are true.

"I'll make arrangements immediately, okay!" Old agent Cabe took a deep look at Walter.

“I just hope you’ve thought it through, your calculations aren’t always accurate.

Otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten to this point.

In case the low-altitude pass failed, four blocks were destroyed.

And we didn't get what we wanted. Not only were there 56 planes that we couldn't save, but four more city blocks were destroyed, causing countless casualties!

At that time, you will fall into unprecedented inner torture, and you should know it very well... So what is your choice? "

"I want to save Chuck!" Walter did not hesitate.

"Okay." Old agent Cab sighed and thought to himself: "Kid, once Chuck survives, you will live in his shadow for the rest of your life..."

He immediately went out and made a phone call.

"It's too late!" The fat young man Sylvester suddenly screamed: "We must act immediately!"

"We don't need their help! We are Scorpio! We do it ourselves! This is better!" Walter made a quick decision.

"Lele, I will immediately hack into the Ministry of Transportation, and you will change the traffic lights immediately! Close the road! Let's step on the accelerator to the bottom!"

Toby, you immediately search everyone on Chuck's plane. Even if you call one by one, make sure you can contact them. I want to talk to Chuck!

I need to update my wireless antenna software to pick up signals from airplanes, and someone has to drive me there. "

"My driver's license has been revoked. I prefer to take the bus, but I can do it!" The fat young man Sylvester's whole body was trembling, but he still gritted his teeth and tried to drive.

"Okay." Walter put his hand on the fat young man's shoulder and comforted him.

"Relax and think about what it means that we saved Chuck. It's all worth it, isn't it?"

"Yes!!!" The fat young man shouted loudly with his eyes closed.

The waitress Peggy looked at the huge changes that Scorpio had undergone because of Detective Chuck. While she was sighing, her hand was touched again.

She looked down and saw that it was her son Ralph who had given her car keys to her, and for the first time he took the initiative and said, "Save Chuck."

The waitress Peggy burst into tears again and nodded heavily. Only at this moment did she know the status of Detective Chuck in her son's heart.

"It's up to me. I've long wanted to race on the streets of Los Angeles!" Waitress Peggy shook the car key at Walter. When Walter shook his head, she immediately reminded him.

"Don't stop me, this is Ralph's wish too!"

Walter and Ralph looked at each other and accepted the waitress Peggy's recommendation. They quickly went out, got in the car and started driving.

Peggy the waitress drove.

Walter was operating a laptop in the passenger seat, urging through the headset while operating.

"Toby, any news from Chuck?"

"I'm investigating." Psychological master Toby analyzed by himself.

“At an altitude of 11 kilometers, only ancient technology is more vital.

Passengers using analog mobile phones from the past.

Okay, we can exclude people under 50 years old.

Make six figures or less.

Not working for a tech company.


It's a salesman!

Salespeople never turn off their phones because they don't want to miss any business.

Got it!

Gordon Tully!

The plastic salesman from Ruixida has just returned to work and uses an analog mobile phone. "

"Very good, call him immediately! Let him hand the phone to Chuck as soon as possible!" Walter reminded.

On the plane.

Suddenly the phone rang.

Under Reiko's surprised gaze, a white-haired old man took out an old mobile phone with an antenna from his pocket.


"Mr. Turi, listen carefully, this is Homeland Security. There is some emergency on your plane and we need your help."

"What a beautiful idea! Sally, do you want to prank me? You're still too young! See you at work! You idiot!"

"I'm not Sally! Because Sally has no way of knowing that the Santa Monica Mountains are outside your window.

There are two Raptor fighter jets in the sky ready to shoot you down at any time!

So now, listen to me, stand up, call Detective Chuck, and have Detective Chuck answer the phone! "

The white-haired old man looked sideways and saw the fighter jet, and he immediately became scared.

He didn't need to be very smart. The profound survival instinct engraved in the DNA of the American people allowed him to make the most accurate choice.

"Detective Chuck, your phone number!"

At Chuck's signal, Reiko stood up and took it.

"Yes?" Chuck raised his decorative eyes, glanced at the Raptor fighter jet accompanying him outside the window, took the phone, and said calmly.

"Chuck, I am Toby Curtis, a member of Scorpio. Next to me are Sylvester Dodd and Lele Quinn. Now Walter O'Brien wants to talk to you." Psychological master Toby At this moment, don’t forget to introduce yourself.

"Chuck, you don't have to worry now, we will save you right away! My Scorpio will save you!"

After Walter got through, he immediately reported the situation to Chuck at a super fast speed, and then said what he wanted to say most.

Just after he finished speaking, when the waitress Peggy rolled her eyes, Walter's entire state could be described in an animated picture.

That was the shy smile of the little soldier who was assigned by Li Yunlong to guard the trophies.

"No need to bother." Chuck said, but what he said made Walter stunned, and then he felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"What do you mean?"

"What you're doing is meaningless." Chuck raised his decorative glasses again and said calmly.

“There’s no need to risk a plane flying over to download the software.

There must be planes equipped with old versions of software that fly directly to foreign countries.

You can contact us with just one phone call and solve all your troubles.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t.

Since fighter jets can be sent to fly with them, the fighter pilots can use sign language to command the passenger plane.

If the passenger planes are landing one after another and cannot be contacted, can the fighter jets also be unable to contact them?

It's just a mere 56 aircraft.

Very simple thing.

Even if you didn't expect this, as a super hacker, after such a long time, you can completely rewrite a software to replace the broken new software and reconnect to these 56 aircraft.

Or are you saying that you can't even do such a simple job well?

I could go on with such simple and concise solutions, but I think you get my point? "

Walter: "..."

ps. In the future, updates at night will definitely be delayed, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be posted at 11:00 at night. Anyway, I will post it in the evening after finishing coding.

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