American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 582 If it is fertile, how can it be fertile!

"Careful! I can't change the traffic lights in Barrington!"

When Walter proudly contacted Chuck and stated that he wanted to save Chuck, but was stunned by Chuck's words, a warning from the mechanical wizard Lele came over the intercom.

The little red car driven by Peggy, the waitress, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and raced down the green light.

But the traffic light at the next intersection unexpectedly went wrong, making Lele unable to control the change, so that when he came over, it was still a big red light.

A large pickup truck drove directly across the intersection.

The two cars were about to collide closely.

And with the size of two cars, the little red mobility car of the waitress Peggy was destined to be directly smashed into pieces by the large pickup truck.

At the critical moment.

The veteran agent Cabe, who followed closely, drove a classic black official SUV, accelerated, rushed forward, and knocked away the pickup truck that was about to hit him sideways.

The little red car drove through the intersection with great difficulty.

"What's going on?" Amidst the screams of the waitress, the adrenaline surge caused by the violent collision against the car pulled Walter back from his dazed state.

"This is called taking care of the overall situation!" The old agent Kaib was unscathed in this violent collision. He got out of the car immediately, holding the walkie-talkie to save himself.

He straightened his slightly messy hair and was very satisfied with his performance.

The previous fierce conflict between the Scorpio team and him because of Chuck, all kinds of conspiracy theories, and all the ugly words were said.

If he doesn't do something.

Not to mention the successful rescue of 56 aircraft this time, Project Scorpio was officially launched under his leadership. Even Walter would ignore him in the future.

All right.

He's confident it won't be like this forever.

After a few years, Walter, who thought he could remember everything and not forget everything, would give him another chance.

After all, he took little Walt away from his parents according to traditional American arts and trained PUA since childhood. To Walt, he is his father!

This is the inevitable result supported by massive amounts of empirical data!

Gaining the approval of his father should have been the lifelong goal of the super genius hacker Walt.

The only pity is that there is a mysterious detective Chuck.

Too dazzling!

The effect of this PUA is greatly reduced, but his 'father' is still a knot and bond in Walter's heart.

But what really attracts Walt the most and makes Walt work hard is Chuck walking in front, leaving only a Batman-like figure for Walt!

Even Chuck and Walt never had a real face-to-face interaction.

But it still makes Walt madly 'obsessed' with Chuck's back in front of him.

Now he tells Walter, the 'child', in the most manly way that your dad is your dad after all!

Back then, he was able to get off the helicopter, make a domineering appearance, and take little Walter away.

Now he could crash and clear the way for Walt.

Thinking of this, he once again straightened his hair, which was a little messy after the violent crash, and showed a confident smile.

This time, it’s done!

"Go to the airport quickly! Don't disappoint me!"

However, his perfect performance only received a classic national curse from the heart of the pickup truck driver who was almost killed by him.

After all, even though this is a blue state, there are still red necks driving big pickup trucks.

They are the most upright people.

The veteran detective Cabe seemed deaf when faced with the scolding of the pickup truck driver. He ignored him at all and just looked at the little red car with a pleased look as he continued to drive with the green light because he cleared the way.

Then, his smile quickly froze on his face.

Because the little red car did not continue to rush forward, but slowed down, Walter's extremely frustrated voice came from the intercom: "No need to go to the airport."

"Why?" Old Detective Cabe's heart skipped a beat, and he asked anxiously, not even caring about his hairstyle or style.

Psychological guru Toby dialed the cell phone on the plane and then transferred it to Walt, using a cell phone instead of an intercom.

Therefore, veteran detective Cabe, who was busy coordinating the Los Angeles police to set up roadblocks to clear the way, did not know that he had contacted Chuck and Chuck's honest evaluation of their exciting and wonderful rescue drama.

"We have contacted Chuck." Mechanical wizard Lele explained in a calm and matter-of-fact tone, as if this sentence was enough to explain everything.

"Then what?" Old Detective Cab asked subconsciously.

But then he understood from the silence on the intercom.

Now that we have contacted Detective Chuck, all crises have been solved. Even if it has not been resolved yet, Detective Chuck will definitely have a way to solve it.

And it's still a better way than what they're doing now.

Knew it.

If Chuck doesn't die, Walt is afraid that he will be shrouded in shadow for the rest of his life and will be unable to get out.

Old agent Cabe sighed inwardly.

He knew that it was not the right time to ask further questions at this moment, but it was his duty to poke at Walter's Achilles' heel and most painful spot.

"So does Detective Chuck have any better ideas?"

"Of course he has..." Seeing that Walter was still reluctant to speak on the intercom, Sylvester, the fat young man who admired Chuck the most in Scorpio, endured it again and again. Finally, he couldn't hold it back and said the three things Chuck said casually. A method was explained.

"Chuck being Chuck, he came up with these ideas within seconds of him getting on the phone with us and learning about the situation.

Do you dare to imagine?

I'm called a humanoid computer.

Then Chuck is a quantum computer! And it’s a super quantum computer!

Too fast!

too strong! "

"..." The old agent was completely confused and had a headache as he listened to the fat young man Sylvester's "brainless boast".

Confusion and headache are the same thing.

That is, Detective Chuck really thought of so many solutions in an instant, and these solutions are not sophisticated at all.


Even too simple.

Even children can understand it. Maybe the complicated terminology will be removed and arranged in a primary school homework book. Children may be able to figure it out.

However, no one thought of it!

The FBI, the National Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and all kinds of intelligence organizations and think tanks supported by huge amounts of money did not expect it!

He is not Chuck, otherwise he would immediately think of the TV series "Latent", in which Yu Zecheng and the webmaster complained and complained about the explanation.

"There are too many intelligence agencies now. It will be of no use to spend large sums of money on them."

This moment is really that moment!

If it weren't for Scorpio, a group of super talented teams who would rather sacrifice four streets or even forty streets, they wouldn't have thought of these methods.

I am afraid that conspiracy theories will never be eradicated.

Even he seriously doubted that the various intelligence organizations that had been severely infiltrated by Disai were probably really sitting back and watching the air crash happen, so as to naturally erase the magical existence of Detective Chuck.

The crisis can be easily solved now, but what happens next?

How does it end?

At the beginning of the crisis, he stood up directly, photographed the Scorpio plan he had been preparing for many years in front of the leadership, and took over the task at the critical moment.

In the end, it was not the Scorpio led by him that solved the crisis, but it ended with this ridiculous ending.

Where does Project Scorpio go from here?

Where is his future?

When everyone here fell silent, the plane exploded.

Previously, the captain only informed the plane that the landing was delayed, but did not tell him what happened.

Now a phone call came, and with everyone paying attention, Chuck said those words, but the key words were instantly grasped in the ears of these passengers.

Raptor fighter, shot down!

"OMG! We're going to die!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! We are in our own country, and we are about to land in Los Angeles, the freest and freest city. How can it be possible that our own fighter jets shot down our own passenger planes?"

"It's possible, it's completely possible! Something must have happened, otherwise it would have landed by now."

"It can't be that there are real reporters, investigation teams, and princesses on our passenger plane that are the cause of the disaster, right?"

"OMG! The person answering the phone is Detective Chuck!"


"It's still impossible! If it were just our plane, Detective Chuck might indeed be shot down on the plane.

But you haven’t heard that there were a total of 56 planes this time. It’s impossible to let 55 other completely unrelated planes be buried with him just to kill Chuck, right? "

"Yes! This movement is too big. Once something happens to us, the world will be shocked. No one would dare to do this!"

"Haha! No one dares? It's just a small trouble that can be solved by a few cats and dogs. Why don't they dare to do it?"

"In the face of disaster, there are only cats and dogs!"

"This is different! The building collapsed, the rescue was slow and no one rescued, and finally we got a cat or dog to divert attention.

The entire island has been burned to a rubble field, and the rescue is so slow that no one can rescue them. You can get a cat or dog to divert attention.

Those are the possibilities of cats and dogs existing on the ground.

We are flying in the sky now, and there are no cats or dogs on the plane. Even if there were, there would be no cats or dogs to rescue them after the crash. "

"Doesn't this seem even more miraculous?"

Listening to the hysterical and bizarre discussions of these American adults lying by the window watching the Raptor fighter jets flying with the passenger plane, Reiko also leaned over and took a few glances, and then looked at the calm Chuck with strange eyes.


Detective Chuck was so famous that after he was recognized, everyone naturally agreed that if the plane was shot down, it would most likely be because Detective Chuck was on it.

"Are you really okay?" Reiko asked curiously, pointing to the two Raptor fighter jets accompanying the flight.

"It's okay." Chuck raised his decorative glasses.

Known as a super hacker, when he was a child, he used a helicopter team to cross the country to capture Walter, who was full of cockroaches, but he couldn't do anything.

But for Chuck and Anna.

At this moment, even if the Raptor fighter jet flying next to him really received the order to shoot down the passenger plane without shame, Chuck's crisis warning was not triggered at all.

Because of Anna assisted by Chuck, the Raptor is just a toy in their hands.

"It can be solved so easily, why did they send fighter jets to shoot us down?" Seeing that Chuck was still so calm and calm, Reiko felt relieved and asked the key question.

When she decided to follow Chuck and completely move out of Tokyo to a foreign country, it wasn't like she didn't do any homework at all.

She knew that there was a famous American Iai in the United States, who would draw his gun and empty the magazine whenever he disagreed.

However, she still couldn't understand this outrageous move when she dispatched fighter jets to shoot down her own country's passenger plane full of citizens after a disagreement.

"It's very simple. Destruction is easier than construction. It can't solve the problem, but it can solve the person who caused the problem." Chuck said expressionlessly.

"But these are 56 planes with thousands of people!" Reiko was stunned.

"You should be familiar with it." Chuck said bluntly.

"..." Lingzi was speechless.

She knew Chuck was back in her hometown of Tokyo.

But when I thought about it more carefully, I realized that what Chuck said was straightforward.

I don’t want to know, I’m scared when I think about it.

If this kind of incident happened in Tokyo... I'm afraid it would be the same solution.

on the street.

The little red car is parked there.

Walter operated the computer for a few times, then closed the laptop with a snap, tilted his head with a pained expression, and looked through the car window at the large passenger plane in the sky flying towards Los Angeles International Airport, in a daze.


So sad!

If Walter is born, why should Wolf be born!

"Is it solved?" Peggy, the waitress in the driver's seat, asked with concern.

Walter turned his head and glanced at her.

"I mean there won't be any more accidents, right?" Peggy, the waitress, explained and reminded: "After all, every time we thought things were solved, accidents would happen, every time!"

"The simpler and more direct the method, the less likely it is to make mistakes." Walter was full of uncontrollable discomfort.

"That's right." Peggy, the waitress, thought the same thing.

Each of the three methods Chuck casually gave can completely solve the problem. Except for the last one, which requires a super hacker, the first two are simply fool-proof operations.

Anyone can operate it.

Being so universal means it’s hard to make mistakes.

"We succeeded!" Waitress Peggy used the intercom to confirm with Lele and the others. After she was completely relieved, she happily encouraged Walter who was dying.

"Did we succeed?" Walter asked emotionally.

"Of course!" Waitress Peggy smiled: "Although it is the final rescue plan given by Detective Chuck, without our efforts, how could we possibly contact Detective Chuck and finally solve this crisis?

Haven't you heard that story?

One engineer just drew a line and charged $10,000. Others were dissatisfied and thought the charge was too high.

He explained, draw a line, $1. But you know where to draw the line, $9999.

Aren’t we doing the same thing now?

I tried every means to contact the divine detective Chuck who knows where to draw the line, and the value is the greatest. "

"But Chuck said everything we did was meaningless!" Walter's face was still ugly: "Even if we don't know anything, he can probably find a way to land safely."

"..." Waitress Peggy was speechless.

Before, she might have doubted it.

But I watched with my own eyes as the super genius team Scorpio came up with one awesome plan after another, but always failed in the end, and Detective Chuck casually mentioned the three best solutions after knowing what happened.

According to that, as long as Walter dares to listen, he can continue to talk.

Under this situation, she also instinctively believed that even if they couldn't contact Detective Chuck, he could land safely.

"Don't be sad. It's not the first time anyway. Super geniuses also have omissions. Even I mentioned it that you didn't expect, let alone Detective Chuck~" Waitress Peggy tried to comfort her.

Walter: "..."

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