American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 59 Cold humor and weirdness

"Good night."

After Chuck explained the reason straightforwardly, he nodded to Monica: "Your friends are waiting for you."

Monica followed Chuck's gaze to the door, and immediately realized that her old friends must be peeping and eavesdropping on the other side, and she immediately pushed the door open in annoyance.

In her opinion, the reason for the failure just now was not only because she was drinking, but also because her old friends were eavesdropping behind the door and Chuck overheard it and thought the occasion was not right, so he refused.

As we all know, New York apartment doors are never locked.

With this push, everyone in the room was immediately shocked and dispersed. Facing Monica's angry eyes, they all pretended to be in various postures, as if they were not leaning on the door just now to eavesdrop.

"You're the doctor, right?"

Her best friend Rachel pretended for a while and then stopped pretending. Seeing that Chuck was about to leave, she immediately called out: "I'm Monica's best friend Rachel. It's nice to meet you. Why don't you come in and sit down?"


Chuck glanced at Monica who looked wrong, nodded and walked in.

Ross stood there with his arms folded, watching Chuck enter the room unhappily.

Monica had all kinds of complicated emotions gathering in her heart, and she couldn't sort them out for a while, so she went straight into the bedroom.

"So, how was the party tonight?"

Rachel warmly invited Chuck to sit down, and then started gossiping.

"Fortunately, we had a frank exchange of views."

Chuck thought for a moment and gave an accurate assessment.

"that's it?"

Rachel asked dissatisfiedly: "Don't you have anything interesting to do when scientists have dinner together?"


Dr. Ross Geller's unsatisfied cough reminds him that he, too, is a scientist.

You can definitely ask him about this kind of thing.

"Forget about the technical jargon."

Rachel glanced at Ross who was coughing, and added with a sudden realization: "No one wants to hear about how to identify the types of dinosaurs. That's not interesting at all. Tell us something we can understand."


Rose's face darkened.

How interesting dinosaurs are.


A young man with a handsome appearance but a unique temperament said with a half-smile, "For example, tell us how kissing counts as drinking?"


As soon as he said this, the short Italian young man standing next to him nodded repeatedly, his eyes magically showing that he was very interested in the details of the tongue.

"This is Chandler, this is Joey, they live in the apartment across the street."

Rachel gave Chuck a brief introduction and said deliberately coquettishly: "Chandler, Joey, how can you ask such a question!"

Having said that, her little eyes kept looking at Chuck, expecting him to answer.

"It's nothing. If you want to hear it, I can tell you."

Chuck was unimpressed.

"I want to hear it, I want to hear it!"

Another tall, beautiful girl answered immediately, nodding faster than Joey, a short Italian-born young man, with a look of joy on her face.

"This is Phoebe."

Rachel also introduced her: "Since you don't mind, tell us about it."


Chuck started to tell them calmly.


Everyone was immediately stunned.

What they want to hear is the details of the tongue. What's going on with your long list of mathematical jargon?

They subconsciously looked at Dr. Ross Geller among them.

But they saw Dr. Ross Geller, who always talked about dinosaurs and could make them fall asleep, also looked confused. He looked as confused as they did. When he noticed their focused gazes, his face changed immediately. It seems that he wants to show that he understands, but his acting skills are too stiff and not smooth, and he can't even fool outsiders, let alone their group of friends who get along day and night.

"Etc., etc."

Rachel couldn't listen anymore and interrupted rudely: "That's it?"

"Don't you want to hear the math behind how kissing counts as drinking?"

Chuck said seriously.

"Yes, that's what we want to hear."

Chandler, a handsome young man with a unique temperament, laughed at himself: "Apart from this, what else do we serious people want to hear?"

As he said that, he looked at his good friend Ross mockingly: "Dr. Geller, do you think his calculation is correct?"


Ross stared at his good friend, speechless.

He understands a hammer.

Chuck continued to talk about this whimsical math application problem mentally and verbally. For half an hour, Rachel and the others felt sleepy after listening to it. Ross's face turned darker and darker, and he could only hold on in embarrassment and politeness. He watched Chuck's calm explanation from beginning to end.

Monica was originally in the bedroom. Thinking of tonight's experience, she lay down on the bed, got under the quilt and cried softly for a while. She didn't get the comfort she wanted. She wiped her tears and secretly opened the door. What she saw was this The scene made me dumbfounded.

The previous depression and unhappiness disappeared instantly.

Isn't that the kind of person Chuck is? It's not aimed at her at all, and Peggy is right, once such a man takes the time to succeed, he will stay the same for the rest of his life.

Full of attraction and full of challenge!

She, Monica, has never been afraid of challenges and is not someone who gives up halfway. How could she be discouraged because of this little setback.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back quickly."

Monica smiled and came to the rescue: "Drive slowly and pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, I don't drink."

After Chuck gave his final conclusion, he repeated his previous words to Monica, then nodded to everyone, stood up and left.

Monica walked him to the door, and when she turned around, she saw everyone lying there in an extremely relaxed posture.

"Oh my God, Monica, he's handsome, but he's such a nerd, so boring."

Rachel shook her head and said with great pity.

Rose was pleased to hear that, and then not.

Because Rachel casually added: "It's like Ross talking about dinosaurs!"

"You really think I'm the same as Rose."

Chandler mocked: "I think he clearly has a cold sense of humor and is deliberately teasing us."

Rachel and the others were stunned: "You mean he did it on purpose? All his mathematical formulas were just nonsense?"

"If you don't believe me, ask Ross."

Chandler playfully named his good buddy Ross again.

"Of course he's talking nonsense!"

Ross answered with relief.

No wonder he couldn't understand it at all. It turned out to be all nonsense. It was nothing special. If he had been talking nonsense about dinosaurs, I would guarantee that Chuck would be the same as he was just now.

"what are you doing!"

At this moment, with everyone stunned, the tall and beautiful Phoebe suddenly reached out and hugged Monica. When Monica was let go, she covered her lips and screamed with a look of doubt on her life.

"Let's see if this Chuck is bullshit."

Phoebe smiled weirdly: "Although I don't understand his string of mathematical problem solving, I heard it and just verified it. Based on my many years of drinking experience, he is right!"

Everyone: "..."

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