American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 60 Nothing is impossible except what you can’t imagine

While Chuck and the others were happily spending the evening, Professor John Harper, who quarreled with his wife again and ran out of the house, came to the campus as usual.

Princeton University.

In the northeast corner, there is a fenced building.

Rumor has it that it was abandoned.

But no one believed it.

Because as long as there is such a place in the university, it has long been a holy place for moneyless lovers. Now that there is no such place, it shows the problem, not to mention that there are guards guarding the entrance to prevent anyone from entering.

Professor John Harper staggered over.

The guard saw him raising his hand in salute and opened the door to let him in.

We entered the building unobstructed and entered the inner room, which was a busy and lively scene.

Various electronic instruments were flashing, and researchers in white coats were walking around. When Professor John Harper passed by, they all stopped and shouted respectfully: "Professor!"

Professor John Harper nodded in return, enjoying the treatment. He went up to the second floor, walked to the office with supervision printed on it, and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

A solemn voice came from the room.

Professor John Harper pushed the door open and saw a middle-aged white bald man sitting behind his desk. He was wearing glasses and writing something. He said without raising his head: "John, didn't you have an appointment with three geniuses for dinner tonight?" Well, why are you here now?"

"William, they don't understand the importance of our work."

Professor John Harper looked at himself, the big brother of everyone, and said with an aggrieved look: "Just like Alicia."

"I told you before that being single and having no friends is your advantage."

William, a middle-aged white man with a bald head, put down the pen in his hand, raised his head and squinted his eyes: "When you chose to marry Alicia, I advised you that it is not suitable for you to have worries in our line of work."

"I'm doing great, very well!"

Professor John Harper retorted unhappily: "I owe much of the Red Bear's collapse."


Big brother William nodded in affirmation, but changed his tone: "But you could have done better and made a greater contribution, couldn't you?"

Professor John Harper lowered his head and stopped talking.

He is very confident in his abilities and will naturally not deny that he can play a greater role.

"I want you to come forward and recruit the three of them."

Professor John Harper lowered his head and expressed his appeal: "They are all real geniuses in the field of mathematics. With their joining, we can do greater things."

"I know."

Big Brother William nodded first, then shook his head: "But it's not appropriate. Sheldon Cooper and Peggy Swanson are both young geniuses. They are one of the current faces of Princeton University and Columbia University. They should not be touched lightly." , and they are still young, no matter how talented they are, they still need time to accumulate knowledge. As for Dr. Chuck Wolf... we tried to recruit him very early, but he refused."


Professor John Harper looked at Big Brother William in confusion.

In his opinion, as a special power department, Big Brother William can do it if he wants to.

"Not everyone can have such a high level of awareness as John."

Big brother William shook his head: "A genius who is not sincerely dedicated is not worth the price we spend to invite him."

Having said that, he couldn't help but recall the scene 7 years ago when he contacted a 15-year-old genius in mathematics after hearing about it.

The other party calmly stated the essence of their country's war, going straight to the core every word. He knew the result at that time.

Such a genius cannot be fooled, nor can he be strengthened by glory and challenge. At that time, he went to the Pentagon for a meeting and met Professor John Harper who was going to the Pentagon to decrypt the code. He turned to contact and recruited Professor John Harper. .

"And John, it's not what it used to be, Red Bear is going to collapse, and our department will be downsized."

Big Brother William saw that Professor John Harper was a little unhappy and reminded him.


Professor John Harper was immediately diverted and shouted: "How is this possible? Our career has just begun. The collapse of the Red Bear is the first step. We still have a greater cause to complete. You forgot ?”

"I know."

Big brother William comforted him: "Reduction is not a total abolition. You are still the most critical figure in our department. The implementation of subsequent big plans also depends on your wisdom. The role that the rest of the people can play is already very small, isn't it? ?”

Professor John Harper calmed down a little after hearing this.

Because this is indeed a fact, he has always been the main force, and everyone else is a dispensable support.

"I have an idea……"

Professor John Harper said suddenly.

Big Brother William listened and nodded: "You can give it a try, I will send someone to help you."

The time is quickly approaching before Thanksgiving.

in the school.

After class, Chuck was stopped by his classmate Cheryl: "Chuck, it's holiday, how are you going to spend Thanksgiving?"

"I'm not a festival person."

Chuck shook his head.

"Not festive?"

Cheryl was stunned for a moment, and then thought she understood something. Instead of continuing, she smiled and said, "Then you are the same as Justine."

"Stop laughing at me."

Best friend Justine stood aside with a book in her arms and smiled freely when she heard this: "I also want to go back to accompany my mother and sisters for the holidays, but every time before the holidays, the air tickets are priced too high. I can't afford it, and I don't want to pay." That premium.”

"I have to go back. I can't spend the holiday with you, otherwise my dad and the others will definitely explode."

Cheryl looked at her best friend apologetically, and then looked at Chuck: "Chuck, do you have a date that day? How about you two? It's good to have a companion."

"If Chuck wouldn't mind washing the dishes with me."

Best friend Justine smiled and declined.

"I do not mind."

Chuck nodded to Justine: "But I have an appointment that day."

He only admired Justine, who was working part-time while holding a scholarship, and did not think there was anything shameful about washing dishes on her own.

labour is the honour!

Moreover, the mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder left from his previous life also made him like to clean unclean things.

Justine smiled at Chuck.

She has a strong heart and doesn't think there is any shame in washing dishes, even though her childhood sweetheart boyfriend's mother has always disliked her as a dishwasher and is not worthy of her family's class.

Although my boyfriend and best friend didn't care about this, they didn't show support and appreciation like Chuck did.

"The campus will be empty during the holidays. Pay attention to safety and call me if you need anything."

Chuck took out a business card and handed it to Justine.

"Don't worry, I'm not Cheryl. It's safe to go out."

Justine glanced at her best friend, then took the business card and joked to herself.

"Ellen won't agree to this, you're very beautiful, okay!"

Cheryl hugged her best friend and praised her affectionately.

Chuck nodded.

Although Justine looks average in appearance, she is stronger on the inside and has an extraordinary temperament. She is a more heroic and connotative kind. She is also young and not ugly. She is young and energetic. She is not as safe when going out as she mocks herself.

Besides, having stayed in India for several years, he deeply understood the truth that one cannot use common sense to face the evil intentions of the world.

Only what you can’t imagine will happen in a world without magic.

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