American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 61 The delightful third date

Thanksgiving Day.

Chuck packed up and drove to Monica's apartment as promised.

My predecessor was like this, and my family broke up when I was very young. I followed my predecessor's father who was a soldier and traveled around, so I had no concept of celebrating holidays.

If Monica hadn't taken the initiative to invite him, Chuck's day would not be any different from usual.

Monica's apartment.

"Put your legs down!"

Monica was preparing Thanksgiving dinner when she caught a glimpse of her brother Ross sitting on the sofa with his legs stretched out on the coffee table, and she immediately screamed.

"ok, ok."

Ross put his legs down dissatisfied and muttered, "Mom never does this!"

"Mom and dad went abroad for vacation and didn't notify you."

Monica retorted as she came over and wiped the spot where Ross's foot had been with a clean rag.


Ross was speechless.

For Thanksgiving in previous years, they would go back home to Long Island to spend the holiday with their families.

But this year, their parents didn't know what happened, so they flew abroad without any notice, and the old couple didn't take them with them.

He had no choice but to spend the holiday with his sister after her sister repeatedly promised to cook the same Thanksgiving dinner as his mother.

The other old friends also did not go home for their own reasons and stayed in the apartment. It was their first time to spend the holiday together.

"It's already very clean."

Phoebe reminded.

Monica didn't stop and continued to wipe the already very clean coffee table with the rag.


Seeing this, Phoebe couldn't bear it and raised her voice.

"What's wrong?"

Monica kept moving her hands and glanced up at Phoebe.

"You scared me."

Phoebe complained: "It won't be your mother coming later, it'll just be your date, Chuck."

The last time Monica saw Beverly, she was crushed by one sentence, talking about how her parents favored sons over daughters. This was not Monica's pretentious delusion, but a fact.

No matter how well Monica does, her mother will always pick on her.

So much so that every time she hears her mother coming over, she is extremely nervous. She takes pictures of the pillows on the sofa countless times according to her mother's preferences to ensure that the pillows are in the best condition.

But even so, her mother would still take pictures of the pillow and change its position when she came over.

"Just because it's Chuck!"

Under Phoebe's gaze, Monica reluctantly stopped wiping her hands, squatted there, looked at the coffee table next to her to make sure it was spotless, and said nervously: "He likes to be clean."

"You bitch is just hypocritical!"

When Ross heard this, he immediately thought of how he was disliked by Chuck when they first met on the farm, and complained harshly.

"Do you still want to have Thanksgiving dinner?"

Monica immediately stood up and glared at her brother.

"You want to drive away your brother because of him?"

Rose's eyes widened: "I don't believe it!"

Monica sneered: "Chuck has never been a festival person. I finally got an appointment with him. This is his first time to celebrate the festival with me... If you don't believe me, just give it a try!"

"There is no humanity in people of the opposite sex!"

Ross and his sister looked at each other for a long time, and finally believed in his sister's determination, muttered something, and did not dare to say anything more.

At this point, if he doesn't stay here, why don't he go to his lesbian ex-wife's house to spend the holidays with her female fitness teammate's best friend?

"It's never festive."

Chandler listened and said quietly: "It sounds like there are many stories, like someone."

"Oh, Chandler~"

Monica looked at this good friend with pity, knowing that the biggest psychological shadow on her was that Thanksgiving Day when she was a child, when her mother, the great writer Liu Bei, and her extremely enchanting father fought for their manservant and caused a bloody mess. Eventually divorced.

After the family was broken up, Chandler could no longer celebrate holidays, especially Thanksgiving!

After pitying her friend's tragic experience as always, Monica changed her face directly: "Today is not the time for you to feel sorry for yourself. Put away your self-deprecation and complaints. I don't want Chuck to think of any unpleasantness."


Chandler was stunned by this attitude, but he still subconsciously mocked: "Phoebe is right, you scared us."


Monica looked at everyone sheepishly.

Everyone nodded in unison.

This was not her normal state. Where had their good friend, the enthusiastic hostess, gone?

"very good!"

When Monica saw this, she immediately put away her embarrassment, ignored everyone's speechless expressions, and nodded with satisfaction.

"This is her third date with Chuck~"

Rachel, her roommate and best friend, smiled ambiguously.


Everyone dragged their voices and suddenly realized.

As we all know, in the popular world of American dramas, three dates is enough to warrant an in-depth conversation.

"Uh-oh, uh-oh."

Seeing that everyone understood, Rachel, her roommate and best friend, laughed even harder, and then she covered her face and cried out in pain.

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

Monica looked at her best friend with a bruised nose and face, feeling angry and funny.

Originally, she had made all the preparations, and specially raised money to send away Rachel, the wealthy daughter who could not buy a plane ticket to go on vacation with her family because her salary as a waiter was too low. In this way, after the Thanksgiving dinner, her brother Ross and the others went back to their respective homes, and she I can be alone with Chuck.

But who would have thought that best friend Rachel would be so disappointing.

On the way to the airport, I took a taxi, but the car was snatched away by another girl. Not only that, when I went to argue, I was beaten up by the girl. I was so beaten that I didn't go to the airport and came back directly. Cry.

She doesn't look like a girl born and raised in New York.

Taking a taxi in New York is a technical job, but also a physical job. She couldn't believe that this was the first time that her best friend Rachel encountered a fight over a car.

If it were her, it would be the other party crying rhythmically!

What's more important is that she won't interrupt her best friend's important date!

"No...I don't have health insurance."

Rachel covered her face and said sadly.


Everyone was speechless and stopped talking.

In the past, the wealthy lady who had nothing to worry about except buying and selling, in order to experience life and be self-reliant, now not only has difficulty supporting herself, she even dares not go to the hospital when she is sick or injured.

Because the price of medical treatment without medical insurance is not something that ordinary people, no, it should be said, cannot be enjoyed by people with an annual income of less than 3 million.

As for borrowing medical insurance to treat Rachel, although it didn't cost anything, it was a crime. Even if she could see the hope in Rachel's eyes, Monica could only pretend not to see it.

"It's okay to know that it hurts. From now on, you have to take the initiative to fight for what should be yours."

Monica looked away: "You are also a New York girl, you should fully master these things."

"Where have I ever needed to master this before?"

Seeing that Monica didn't answer, Rachel hummed: "If you don't insist on me cutting off the credit card... I don't mind, just stay in the bedroom. When the pain becomes unbearable, don't blame me for disturbing you." good."

Monica couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

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