American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 593 American Reunion (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

"Open!" Gideon heard what Chuck said, and the last trace of doubt disappeared, and he directly ordered the special operations team.

Everything that happened today made him wish he could do it for the night!

The special operations team immediately violently demolished it.

After opening it, I was immediately reminded of the melody sound.

"Schubert, Trout Quintet!" Gideon, who loved listening to music, immediately recognized what was being played.

But that didn't make him feel any better.

Because a few hours ago, he and his girlfriend danced together to such a beautiful melody, but they were completely ruined by the owner of this melody.

You may even never get back to that beautiful mood.

"There is a note." Dr. Reed focused on the note in the box and read it out.

“It will never be dark, as tomorrow is to all living beings.”

"Poetry by Chaucer," Chuck reminded.

"Yes!" Dr. Reed slapped his forehead: "I feel very familiar.

It turned out to be a poem that my mother often read to me when I was a child.

This is widely regarded as the first love poem. "

"Lid!" Gideon reminded, Dr. Reed opened the lid, revealing two strands of blond hair and a compact disc.

The CD says: "Your mission!"

"Another mission!" Psychology Master Toby complained: "Your BAU is really miserable, but it's not surprising.

Who makes you always study these perverted criminal minds.

Now it is reasonable for you to be studied and played with in turn.

After all, in the eyes of those perverts, those who can observe them are the same kind or companions.

Your studying them is the greatest encouragement to them.

Aren’t they deeply attracted to you?

You are the Detective Chuck in the eyes of these people~"

"Chuck, let Layla and the others go offline, or switch to a new line." Dr. Reed held the CD and said privately to Chuck.

"Okay." Chuck agreed this time.

Although he didn't think that Peggy and Leila could not accept all this with their IQs, but after all, there was still Ralph and the others.

The waitress Peggy could not accept her son being involved in such a thing and watching such a cruel video.

Soon, amid the dissatisfaction of Peggy and others, Chuck asked them to go to the children's table that should belong to them.

Dr. Reed then played the video on the disc simultaneously.

A desk with lights shining only on the table top, creating an extremely dark area for the chairs behind the desk.

A dark figure walks slowly in front of the camera, disappears into the darkness and sits down. A vague outline can be seen facing the camera.

“I promise you, you will eventually understand why you do this.

You may also thank me that you are now going to conduct a search and rescue operation.

A young girl's life depends on you completing the mission.

Look how beautiful she is! And how painful! "

Along with his voice, the video switched to a blond girl throwing things towards the camera and slapping the prison window at the top of her lungs.

“Now listen carefully, there is only one rule and you must abide by it!

That means only people from your team can participate in search and rescue.

Jason Gideon.

Alan Hotchner.

Derek Morgan.

Al Glenway.

Spencer Reed.


Garcia. "

Each time a name is spoken, the video cuts to photos of each person being photographed from a distance while out and about.

Some of these photos are of them at work, and some are of their lives.

It was obvious that this pervert had been stalking them for a long time.

But they didn't know anything.

Gideon's face grew darker.

This is no longer Garcia's responsibility alone.

Being dealt with so deliberately by such a dangerous person, not to mention a fat girl like Garcia who has low self-esteem and needs a relationship, it wouldn't be much different if it were JJ and the others.

All right.

There are still differences.

JJ and Reed were covered by Chuck, which was obviously beyond the pervert's expectations.

The perverted words continued: “A search has to be done in the right way, otherwise it’s not a search, is it?

That's the rule.

Very simple, right?

Now you are about to receive the final item, which contains the final clue to completing your search.

You may find that you need a book that inspires many adventures like mine.

Believe me, I really hope to see you soon.

Because it means a successful ending for all of us. "

"No, you don't want to." When the mechanical wizard Lele heard this, he sneered at the perverted criminal who disappeared into the darkness in the video.

"Yes, he doesn't know who he is facing at all!" Walter was full of confidence.

"We are not BAU!" Psychology master Toby tried his best to show his existence and belittle BAU.

Dr. Reed and Gideon ignored him.

In fact, they are more familiar with Toby than Walter.

After all, he is a so-called psychological master, which is more suitable for a department like BAU that specializes in criminal psychology research.

Toby had heard about BAU's status before when he was playing outside. He was very interested in BAU and tried to apply to join.

Gideon did not choose Toby, however.

He would rather choose Dr. Reed, who is still in school, to take care of him personally, rather than let Toby, who has long been a mature 'psychological master', take care of him.

The reason was not stated at all.

There is no need to say it.

It's all about psychology.

When you see the other person's actions, you know what the other person is thinking.

Toby was unhappy about this.

For this reason, as always, the so-called "pressure stimulated his gambling addiction", he went to the casino to gamble heavily, not for making money at all, but for excitement.

At the beginning, I could always win rationally, and then as expected, after winning a lot, I started looking for excitement, playing all the games, and finally lost all the money.

He owed a large sum of money to a casino and was chased everywhere.

It happens every time.

After being rejected by BAU, he gambled even more aggressively and ended up owing a large amount of money.

This time, he didn't run away.

But luckily, he met Walter.

Walt used his super genius brain to raise funds for the Scorpio Company in the casino at the time, which rescued him and helped him pay off his gambling debts.

Also let him join Scorpio.

Now that he has finally seen BAU so unlucky, how could he not slander and ridicule it vigorously?

"We have a time advantage now." Sylvester said: "He planned everything. He originally thought that you would see this CD after three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Other members of the BAU who were in Mexico at that time also returned, and the BAU gathered together to play his game.

But he doesn't know we exist.

I don’t know that we don’t need to wait until after three o’clock tomorrow afternoon to crack it and see the contents of the disc. "

"What we have to do now is to find him before he reacts and rescue the trapped girl." Lele sneered.

"At that point, let's see if he still really wants to see us as soon as possible."

"Blonde hair can be tested for DAN," Dr. Reed said, "but that's too slow."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. We can use software to read the facial information of the trapped girl and compare it in the missing girl information database. The results are already out."

As Walter spoke, he had already completed facial recognition: "The girl's name is Rebecca Lawn. It has been two years since Virginia disappeared in south Boston.

Let me see, she is not a good girl. She takes drugs and alcohol, and has run away from home five times. It seems that this time, she has encountered something truly terrible. "

"This is not terrible." Chuck said expressionlessly: "What is really terrible is that the introverted girl was encouraged by the teacher to transform, and then she was bullied at school to be strong, her mentality was unbalanced, and she ran away from home.

And all this is hidden from parents and they don't know.

After running away from home, he was abducted by human traffickers to other states and used as a swordsman.

I finally escaped, entered the police station, and notified my parents.

As a result, the parents did not know that the girl was encouraged by the teacher to transform and use the wrong personal pronoun.

The police asked the prosecutor to directly deprive the parents of custody rights because they violated the child's wishes.

A girl who originally had parents and a family was sent to an orphanage, where she once again encountered the debate about physical fitness.

After escaping, he is abducted by human traffickers again, and the process repeats.

Finally, he was sent to a state with a lot of martial arts, where he was not only violated, but also filmed and sold in large quantities to make money.

After being targeted for a large number of broadcasts, she was rescued and returned to her original home with physical and mental torture. "

Everyone: "..."

All right.

Compared with this introverted girl, the blond girl Rebecca, who was addicted to drugs and alcohol and often ran away from home, seemed not so miserable.

Sure enough, it can only be worse, not the worst.

"This Rebecca has been missing for two years and has been imprisoned, which is pretty miserable." Lele couldn't help but say.

"I don't think so." Chuck said bluntly: "Just think of it as forced detoxification, and I don't think she was violated in any way."

"The reason why perverts are perverts is because no one can think of their special hobbies." Lele retorted.

“I found the hidden and sealed information, Rebecca was adopted.

When she was four years old, most of her family died in a fire in her ancestral home, which suffered from a short-circuit in the electrical wiring.

Her mother, two brothers, and one sister were all dead.

Only she was found uninjured in the backyard.

It was her father, his biological father, who rushed into the fire in an attempt to save his family. He only had time to save her, and then his whole body was severely burned and he nearly died several times. "

"Severe burns? Yes, it's him!" Dr. Reed said: "In the CD video, his movements are very weird, which is the sequelae of severe burns.

The person who kidnapped and imprisoned Rebecca was her biological father, right, Chuck? "

The reason he made the connection immediately was because he knew Chuck.

Since Chuck said that Rebecca was not that miserable, or even just equivalent to quitting drugs, there must be a reason.

Now when he heard about Rebecca's biological father and various signs, he immediately guessed this possibility.

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and confirmed his idea.

"What happened next?" Lele couldn't help but ask.

“Rebecca’s biological father spent several years in a burn ward.

It was also at that time that his life was precarious and he could die at any time. Unable to take care of Rebecca, he had no choice but to give up custody of Rebecca.

Let his only remaining biological daughter enter the orphanage and wait for adoption. "

Walter continued to read the news.

"What a good father..." Lele murmured to himself: "I think it must have been painful to the bones when he gave up custody rights."

"His heart aches even more when he sees his daughter like this." Chuck said expressionlessly.

Everyone agreed.

If it weren't for the fact that they were really helpless, who would be willing to give up the custody of their only remaining child and send her to such a shameful place.

After all, that's where children would have bundles of stuff under their pillows.

Just look at Rebecca’s experience.

Although he was quickly adopted by a kind-hearted family, during the time he was waiting in the orphanage, he was exposed to some bad habits at a young age.

I didn’t passively die from poisoning, but I passively became addicted from an early age.

Unsurprisingly, he followed the same path as most people who came out of welfare homes in the United States. They took drugs, drank alcohol and ran away from home. They were all five kinds of poisonous.

Now Rebecca's father spent many years between life and death, and finally survived with his strong will, took good care of himself, and finally reunited his daughter. But what he saw was that his daughter had grown up like this.

This is the only remaining daughter that he saved from the fire, wrapped tightly in his arms, and was burned all over his body to ensure that she was okay.

He was already numb to the pain, but he still couldn't accept such pain.

"Rebecca's father received a large settlement from the builders who used inferior materials."

Walt continued: "This also explains why he can't care about money. By the way, after he was discharged from the hospital, he stayed in Bennington Nursing Home for a year."

"Bennington Nursing Home?" Dr. Reed was stunned, and then his expression changed drastically.

Bennington Nursing Home was his mother's nursing home.

"Don't worry." Chuck said calmly: "Your mother is safe now."

Dr. Reed was relieved.


Because of him, his mother also received special protection from Chuck and nothing would happen to her.

"In fact, Rebecca's father was influenced by your mother." Chuck had already gotten the truth from Anna immediately and reminded him.

"..." Dr. Reed suddenly smiled bitterly, and then apologized to Gideon, who had been silent.

"I'm sorry, I think Rebecca's biological father was probably influenced by my mother during the time he was in the nursing home, where he was in extreme physical and mental pain.

That's why he borrowed my mother's favorite poems and her classical legends to play so-called games with us..."

His mother has schizophrenia, but she’s also a literature professor!

With her ability to create stories, the stories she unconsciously exaggerated could easily affect Rebecca's biological father when he was so painful and confused.

Gideon shook his head helplessly.

he is very angry.

Because he felt completely gone.

Not just because of this rare girlfriend.

What's more important is his forest cabin.

It was a paradise where he didn't need to know what was going on in the outside world.

There, he could close his eyes and not see the children crying for help or the corpses being torn apart.

That was the only thing he had left.

But now it is ruined like this.

But how could he blame Dr. Reed, the person closest to him.

Apart from his girlfriend, he only told Dr. Reed about the forest cabin, and he only wanted Dr. Reed, his disciple, to come to him in an emergency.

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