American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 594 Whoever is incompetent is embarrassed!

"Call your mother." Gideon smiled bitterly in his heart, but looked at Dr. Reed with a comforting look.

"We need to know as much information as possible."

He knew that one of his disciple's biggest problems was that his mother was a schizophrenic.

And this type of schizophrenia can be inherited.

For this reason, even though I loved JJ very much, I once chose to give up.

Finally, with Chuck's support, he came out.

Under such circumstances, how could he bear to criticize the other party for this issue.

"Okay." Dr. Reed nodded with a wry smile.

Because his mother was involved in this matter, the mentor was so distressed and angry.

I also almost never visit my mother in the nursing home because I have been struggling with it all these years.

In order not to see her mother, she wrote letters to her every day, telling her everything she saw and heard.

It is very likely that this exposed the BAU to Rebecca's perverted father, which caused all of this.

After the call is made.

Naturally, it was not Dr. Reed's mother who answered the call directly, but the staff of the nursing home who took the call. After waiting for a while, Dr. Reed's mother's voice was heard.

"Mom, it's me."

"I know, Spencer, I haven't seen you for a long time." Dr. Reed's mother's disappointed voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mom, I will see you as soon as possible." Dr. Reed said ashamedly.

"Remember to bring JJ and Chuck." Dr. Reed's mother reminded.

"Okay." Dr. Reed agreed and quickly changed the topic to get down to business.

"Mom, I have something to ask you. Do you know Landau Garner?"

"Of course I know him," said Dr. Reed's mother: "He is a person who loves stories very much and is good at listening."

"Did you know he had a daughter?" Dr. Reed asked.

"I know." Dr. Reed's mother said, "But they all died in the fire. He mentioned more about a girl named Rebecca."

"Rebecca is his daughter." Dr. Reed reminded.

"What did you say?" Dr. Reed's mother was stunned: "She actually exists? I thought he made it up."

"What did he say?" Gideon interjected.

"This is Gideon." Dr. Reed introduced her quickly.

"I know you, you are Spencer's mentor, thank you for taking such good care of him all these years." Dr. Reed's mother said.

"But I don't agree with you bringing him into the Positive and Negative Agency to engage in such dangerous work!"

"Mom!" Dr. Reed shouted sheepishly.

"Spencer, you know my attitude towards positive and negative." Dr. Reed's mother said seriously.

"Facts have proved that my suspicion was correct. Don't you admire Chuck the most?

From the information you told me, I can see that he and I have the same point of view. "

"You're right." Walter couldn't help but answer: "But this does not affect our cooperation with positive and negative agencies. Chuck is also a senior adviser to the FBI."

When it comes to his distrust of positive and negative institutions, he knows it firsthand.

"Is this?" Dr. Reed's mother was very happy.

"This is Walter O'Brien, my new friend." Dr. Reed said helplessly.

"Mom, answer Gideon first. This is very important."

"Okay." Dr. Reed's mother agreed: "Landau never said Rebecca was his daughter. He said that all his children died in the fire.

When he spoke of Rebecca, he said 'a Rebecca', more like a concept than a specific name.

I have always regarded this as a metaphor, not a real person, but an ideal person..."

"It's the Holy Grail!" Dr. Reed answered.

He had already guessed that Rebecca, the perverted father, was led to this by the story in which book his mother used.

"Holy Grail?" the fat young man Sylvester blurted out.

As a qualified otaku genius, he is very interested in the Holy Grail and so on.

"Yes." Dr. Reed's mother said with relief: "It's the Holy Grail! He regards you as the Knights of the Round Table in modern society."

"He imprisoned his biological daughter Rebecca and regarded her as the Holy Grail. He asked you modern Knights of the Round Table like you BAU to search for the Holy Grail. What if you can't find it?" Lele asked curiously.

"We must find him immediately, subdue him, and rescue Rebecca before he notices it!" Gideon's face changed and he said solemnly.

"Yes!" Dr. Reed worried: "He is so well prepared for this treasure hunt game that he must be extremely immersed in his own fantasy.

Then Rebecca in his hands is no longer his daughter, but a Holy Grail.

Although the Holy Grail is good, it can be destroyed if it does not achieve the results he wants. "

"I'm already searching for his address." Walter answered immediately.

"But his hometown in Nevada was not rebuilt after the fire and should not be there."

"Search the property in his name immediately to find the kind of house that can lock people up for a long time, right in Virginia." Chuck reminded.

"Killing the hacker can only be done by himself, otherwise he would not leave such a big bag of cash untaken.

So his location is near the city where the hacker died. "

"Found it!" Walter's fingers were flying, showing the speed of a super hacker, and he filtered out the addresses that met the requirements almost as soon as he spoke.

"It's right next to our headquarters." After hearing Walter's address, Gideon immediately understood the place.

"Sure enough, we have been prepared for it, we must act immediately!"

"You must act decisively to prevent him from dying together." Chuck reminded: "With such a degree of burns, I live in extreme pain every day.

Once things don't go as he expected, he will definitely lose control.

Judging from his carefully prepared actions, he was most likely prepared to die together and completely resolve his pain.

Spencer, you and JJ don't follow me. "

"Chuck..." Dr. Reed suddenly felt embarrassed.

The BAU is a collective, and now the agent in charge, Hotchner, is flying to Mexico on the BAU's special plane to rescue the female agent Al who was framed.

The muscular bald agent Morgan is also there, as are the remaining four.

JJ and Garcia are both women.

Only he and his mentor Gideon were men.

At this moment, Gideon was irritated by the other party and found it difficult to calm down. How could he not accompany him.

"You listen to Chuck!" Dr. Reed's mother immediately agreed.

"Reed, you don't have to go." Gideon also spoke: "It's enough for me to lead the team."

"Actually, you don't even need to go in." Chuck said bluntly: "When you arrive quietly, you can conduct reconnaissance on the outside first, designate the strategy, and then leave the later tactical execution to the special operations team members.

They have enough experience to do it all.

If you lead the team, you will make all these things constrained, which will jeopardize the entire operation, jeopardize your own safety, and also jeopardize the safety of the special operations team and the hostages.

After all, if something goes wrong with the special operations team, they will immediately empty their magazines.

On the contrary, I won't be as indecisive as you, thinking about everything through talking to get perverted criminals to surrender for you to study criminal psychology.

The target was so special this time. The special operations team acted alone. Even if they encountered resistance, they could still help him solve his pain while ensuring the safety of themselves and the hostages.

This is probably the ultimate purpose of him spending so much effort to play this kind of game with you. "

"..." Gideon was speechless.

Every time the BAU takes a team out to arrest these serial perverted criminals they have discovered, it is either the muscular Morgan who leads the team, or the lead agent Hotchner and the others.

Even Dr. Reed sometimes wears an FBI combat uniform and leads the team himself.

Anyway, there must be someone from their BAU leading the team.

But now that Chuck said this, it seemed that it was really awkward for an amateur to command an expert.

Once it comes to executing the arrest mission, in fact, the special operations team is indeed enough.

And it's the best choice.

After all, this is what the special operations team does professionally.

The team members work in perfect harmony under the command of the captain.

Now they have to act as BAU and be responsible for temporary on-site command during the specific tactical operation of arrest. It is indeed easy to interfere with the performance of the special operations team.

If a dangerous situation is encountered, it will affect the judgment of the special operations team, giving the captured target more time to react and take actions that are more harmful to everyone.

Isn't this so embarrassing?

Fortunately, the bald agent Morgan was not there, and the person who heard this was Gideon, the spiritual leader of the BAU who is responsible for wisdom.

Otherwise, the muscular bald agent Morgan would be embarrassed.

Because of his position in the BAU, this is actually what he does the most.

If the criticality, importance, and even necessity of position are directly denied, then whoever has no wisdom will be embarrassed.

"I know," Gideon agreed.

Industry specializing in surgery.

He understands.

This time, he didn't want to talk to the other party first to understand the other party's criminal psychology to improve his level.

He was bored to death.

not in the mood.

If the other party was really ignorant, he would acquiesce to the special operations team's use of traditional skills.

In a villa.

I still don’t know how many hours have passed since my game was launched, and before the next step prompt is given tomorrow afternoon, it will have been completely cracked.

Gideon led the special operations team and quietly came over.

Under the dim light, he walked hard, went down to the basement, and opened the prison door that was converted into a classic American basement.

"I brought you food, chicken!"

"Please, I don't feel well, I need to see a doctor!"

The blonde girl who had been locked in there for two and a half years had a pale face.

She felt even more uncomfortable when she heard the chicken. She didn't want to eat it at all, so she knelt on the ground and looked up at the terrible man who had captured her and imprisoned her.

"I know you like chicken." The man with burns all over his body said without paying attention to the blonde girl's request.

"No, no, no, help me untie the chain!" The blonde girl grabbed the big iron chain that was holding her: "Please!"

"No, you will run away." The man with burns all over his body shook his head.

"No, I will never run away. I will always be with you. I will do whatever you want me to do, I swear!" The blond girl begged, grabbing the terrible man's severely burned hand.

In the two and a half years since she was captured, she was ready to let this perverted kidnapper do whatever he wanted from the beginning.

Even later, she endured her discomfort and fear and took the initiative to seduce him, just so that she could escape or live a better life.

However, she had no idea what the other party wanted and seemed to just keep her as a pet.

Still the most serious kind of pet.

This left her with absolutely no choice but to repeat the process of begging every time.

"I'll come get the plates in half an hour." The man with burns all over his body said a word, turned around and left.

As always, the blonde girl saw that begging was in vain, so she became angry, picked up the dinner plate, and threw it at the man's back.

"Why don't you kill me, you son of a bitch!"

Now angry, the man with burns all over his body turned around, his terrifying face showing tenderness and seriousness: "Because I love you so much, Rebecca."

Seeing him like this and seeing such a strong contrast on his scary face, the blonde girl Rebecca was scared again. She watched him leave, turned around and lay on the bed, hugging her head and crying.

Growing up, she longed to be loved.

Especially this kind of exclusive love.

But now that she suddenly had this kind of love, she felt that she couldn't bear it at all.

Listening to his biological daughter crying behind him, the man whose whole body was burned was also in pain. After he left, he returned to his room, watched his daughter on the monitor, and murmured to himself.

"Rebecca, it's coming soon. It's going to be over soon. As long as they follow what I say, we will all be free soon. It's a pity that I can't save you personally after all. I can only save myself..."

The reason why he was so severely stimulated in the first place was not only the extreme physical pain of severe burns and the mental pain of losing all his relatives, but also the pain of knowing that the only biological daughter he saved was raised with all the five poisons.

He was unwilling to accept it, and then he was gradually influenced by Dr. Reed's mother, completely schizophrenic, and separated his biological daughter from the name Rebecca.

Just when he turned on the TV to see if there was any movement at the BAU, he suddenly heard a loud shout.

"FBI, open the door!"

Then, as expected, the FBI special operations team didn't give him the chance to open the door, or even the thought of opening the door. When he heard this classic yell, the door had already been kicked open.

A group of heavily armed FBI special forces broke in with guns drawn.

"How dare you!!!" The man with burns all over his body had time to get angry and yell at the FBI special forces who rushed in.

This is not his plan!

He can't accept BAU's ungrateful gameplay at all!

He has repeatedly explained that there is only one rule in this game, and that is there are only 7 people in the BAU! ~

Not one more!

Not one less!

In this situation, it is obvious that BAU has found foreign aid.

And having scouted the BAU for so long in advance, he immediately guessed who the BAU was looking for!

"Detective Chuck!!!"

As the man with burns all over his body roared, he ignored the FBI special forces team members' repeated loud warnings and reached under the table.

The FBI's special forces team members are so experienced and have a sense of self-protection. The moment he made a move, he had already made a muscle reaction.


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