After the classic American symphony.

After being reminded by the leader of the special operations team, all the members of the special operations team gave up the muscle memory-driven instinct of changing to high-capacity magazines again and continuing to empty the magazines.

You must know that they are special forces members, and they are not armed with small pistols, but with long guns.

Not only does the magazine capacity far exceed that of a pistol.

And the power and penetration are far superior.

After one round, the perverted man, whose body was severely burned, had been completely beaten into a sieve, and his body was covered with dense holes.

Of course he cannot die anymore.

But there was no pain on his face.

I don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t have a good patch of skin on his face.

Or because he didn't have a good piece of skin on his body, being beaten into a sieve was considered a different kind of plastic surgery.

The special operations team used their American magical powers and cautiously stepped forward to check, confirming that the man whose whole body had been beaten into pieces by them was dead.

As steady as they are, they will certainly not make stupid mistakes that threaten their own lives.

They are well-informed and know that being beaten into a sieve does not mean that they will definitely die.

There is experience in the past that shows this.

Although that is just the sifting effect of the police using small pistols.

But safety still comes first.

Then when they skillfully tried to take down the dead man's 'gun' (after all, when they saw them just now, the man yelled and reached for something), they suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"what happened?"

Gideon first heard the dense beautiful voice in the communication channel and knew that a criminal psychology object that was very suitable for research had been scrapped.

Resisting the urge to interrupt from a professional perspective, I laughed at myself for being sentimental for a while.

Then I heard the gasps of the special forces members destroying the environment, and my heart tightened.

"It's a bomb! A bundle of bombs! Fake!" The angry and frightened voice of the special operations captain came from the communication channel.

Gideon's mouth twitched.

But he immediately thought that Chuck specifically told Dr. Reed not to follow him.

He also advised them that the BAU should not overstep their authority at the specific implementation level and steal the work of the special operations team.

Now it seems that it was indeed prescient.

He also understood why the special operations captain and the others were so angry and scared.

You must know that just now they were emptying the magazine and firing.

Thanks to God's blessing, otherwise if a bullet hits the bundle of bombs, it may be a total loss.

"Search for Rebecca immediately! Focus on the basement."

"We've already seen her!" After the special operations captain finished cursing, he saw several computer screens on the desk.

What is played above is the real-time panoramic life of Rebecca imprisoned in the basement.

Although the sound insulation in the basement has obviously been specially treated, it is difficult for sound to pass in and out.

But the sound of them emptying the magazines so intensively still alarmed Rebecca in the basement.

Like most Americans, she did not immediately skillfully dodge and find cover as soon as she heard this familiar voice.

Instead, he jumped up and started shouting.

"Rescue her." Gideon ordered, and he basically felt relieved and began to introduce the situation to Chuck and the others.

"It's really dangerous!" Dr. Reed was also a little frightened and swallowed his saliva.

Because he thinks more.

The rich imagination of the super genius brain has automatically imagined what would have happened if he and Gideon led the charge without Chuck's reminder.

At that time, they would definitely have to talk to this perverted criminal first.

Let's see if we can get him to plead guilty and be punished, so that he can be rehabilitated in prison (enjoy life and keep working hard), and let them study criminal psychology.

Even giving him the key specifically because of how much the other party values ​​him will probably cause him to have the illusion and impulse that it is up to him to persuade the other party.

If you want to persuade the other party, you must show your harmlessness and goodwill.

Putting down the pistol and approaching with raised hands is inevitable.

Based on how paranoid and well-prepared the other party seemed to be now, there was a high probability that they were not prepared to have a serious talk with them and would directly detonate the bomb when he approached.

The fact that he died on the spot was not the scariest thing.

The most terrible outcome is that he becomes another person.

There was a violent explosion at close range, and the roaring flames swallowed everything. He would definitely be severely burned and become another person. It was really not his imagination, but a high probability event.

"Walter..." After hearing this, the fat young man Sylvester looked at his good friend and guide with fear.

BAU is just a criminal psychology researcher, yet it is so dangerous.

They are Scorpios, but they want to save the world at every turn.

Moreover, the members of the BAU, except for Dr. Reed, are almost all serious FBI agents, and each has a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

It's not at all comparable to Scorpio's "all-Dr. Reed lineup" versus the five scum.

Chuck didn't let Dr. Reed and the BAU be on the front line.

But now Walter has to lead them to provide technical support from the safety of the rear and rush to the front line to do field work that they are not good at at all.

This is absolutely terrible.

If they encountered such an explosion, the others might still be able to escape in time.

He, who never exercises, is at best better than the super-genius Shame Little Sheldon who only knows how to walk quickly at zombies. How could he escape in time?

Even if others wanted to help him, they couldn't.

After all, who has the strength to carry such a heavy person?

The more I think about it, the more I get scared.

"Don't worry, we are not a BAU~!" Walter, who was also quite frightened before he could wait, comforted his friend, and psychological master Toby jumped out to show off his presence again.

"We are all involved in the big mission of saving the world, so we don't pay attention to individual perverts, so we won't be targeted by perverts.

Besides, didn't Detective Chuck say that when it comes to a real fight, those of us who rely on our wits should not be allowed to rush forward.

Of course, they directly command the special forces members who are specialized in doing this.


In our case, all it takes is Kaib and the special forces team to rush forward. "

"You have such a beautiful idea." Mechanical wizard Lele mocked: "We all go out to do the mission together. At the critical moment, can we just watch Kaibu alone?

You can!

But Walt would definitely not do that. "

The fat young man Sylvester's originally pretty face suddenly froze there again, looking at Walter eagerly.

He is very aware of Walter's feelings for the old agent Cab.

Just as Lele said, if something happens, Walter will come to you.

And Walt himself has some self-destructive tendencies.

Not to mention the addition of troublemaker Toby.

He had no doubts about the 'surprises' ahead.

It's a pity that there is a high probability that I will be more surprised than happy.

Walter didn't know what to say to his little friend.

He likes this kind of life and is full of expectations for the future on the front line.

Chuck did a great job as a detective.

He will never be worse than Chuck!

But just by himself, he actually didn't have much confidence, so he formed Scorpio.

Sylvester is essential to Team Scorpion as a humanoid computer, not psychic guru Toby.

Even though he knew that his friend was scared, he still couldn't say anything to completely reassure him. He could only give him a look that believed in him, conveying that although they, Scorpios, were going to be on the front line.

But the fat young man Sylvester will try his best to arrange them in the rear.

Just like the first mission.

It's just that it's not easy to say this in public.

Otherwise, everyone would be like this. Wouldn’t Project Scorpio be completely shut down and return to completely faceless technical support?

Then how can you pretend to be better than Detective Chuck?

The fat young man Sylvester saw Walter's eyes, received the message, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was content if he was not allowed to go to the most dangerous front line.

Just then, someone came and knocked on the door.

After the waitress Peggy left with her son Ralph, she went to another room to shield Ralph from the information.

But she was listening from a distance with her ears pricked up, so that she could better understand the group of people she was beginning to worry about. When she heard the knock on the door, she immediately went to open the door.

"You guys..." As soon as the door opened, an angry Jewish young man was about to get angry, but when he saw the face of the waitress Peggy, he immediately made a 180-degree turn and couldn't help but smile.

"Hello, my name is Schmidt. I live upstairs."

"Hello, I'm Peggy." The waitress Peggy said with a smile: "Are you okay?"

"It's so lively here." Schmidt smiled like a licking dog: "We are good neighbors upstairs and downstairs, so come and take a look."

"Good neighbor?" Psychology master Toby came over and mocked: "That's not what you said before Peggy came.

I remember your exact words were ‘You are such a bunch of boring nerds and violent maniacs’. "

At this point, he explained to the waitress Peggy who was looking over: "We are nerds, and Lele is a violent maniac. He wanted to tease Lele, but Lele beat him up."

"You misunderstood. In fact, I am also a nerd. I was often laughed at before." Schmidt said with a smile.

"See Sylvester? I used to be bigger than him and ridiculed, and no one knows better than me that it's wrong to laugh at others."

As he spoke, he casually showed off his muscle lines, waiting for the waitress Peggy to marvel at the gap between him and Sylvester, so that he could strike up a conversation.

You have to know how much effort he put in to lose weight and build this body of muscles.

However, the waitress Peggy just smiled and went back without paying any attention to this matter.

This made him greatly disappointed. He stood on tiptoes and shouted at the back of the waitress Peggy: "What I said is true! I have a cousin just like Walter and the others, and I love him the most."

"You're the only one who's bigger than Sylvester?" Psychology Master Toby mocked: "Then you'll have to wear a few more pairs of height-increasing shoes.

As for you having a cousin like us, isn't your cousin named Howard? "

"Huh? Do you know Howard?" Schmidt was originally unhappy because he was teased for being short, but thinking about the tall waitress Peggy, he was full of expectations. His current efforts are all for the height of his descendants.

But suddenly the psychological master Toby mentioned his cousin Howard, and he was stunned.

"Do you really have one?" Psychology Master Toby smiled: "We just met a little Howard who is known as the king of obscenity. It seems that he has a similar temperament to you."

"That's right! It's him!" Schmidt clapped his hands and shouted: "No one can be called the king of obscenity more than my little cousin Howard.

how did you guys meet?

I didn’t expect that in addition to being close neighbors, we also have the relationship of ‘distant relatives’.

This is great.

Let us erase the unpleasantness of the past with an eraser.

From now on we will be neighbors who love each other. "

"This is not Hollywood, let alone the San Fernando Valley." The mechanical wizard said happily: "Your tricks won't work here."

"Let's get down to business!" Walter frowned and looked at Schmidt who was dancing happily.

Going up and down the stairs to each other.

The three Schmidts living upstairs are completely incompatible with Scorpio.

Schmidt and the others are idiots full of hormones. They have all talked to Lele before and were violently taught by Lele.

In addition, the sound insulation upstairs and downstairs is not good, so the relationship between them will naturally not be good.

Schmidt came over angrily, but now he is obviously attracted to the waitress Peggy again.

Although he felt deeply humiliated that Peggy, the waitress, had forcefully joined Scorpio in that way, since she had joined Scorpio, she was a member of Scorpio.

As the leader of Scorpio, he subconsciously regarded such a beautiful Peggy as his own.

Of course, Schmidt can't covet the waitress Peggy like this.

"That's it. We have a vacant room upstairs. We are interviewing tenants today, and they will be here soon, so I hope you will be quiet and give the new tenants a good impression." Schmidt noticed that Walter and the others looked wrong, and explained road.

"By the way, where does Peggy live now? Do you need a room? Can you consider it? We can give her the biggest discount..."

"You have three men living upstairs, and now you want Peggy to live in it, thank you for your imagination!" Lele, the mechanical wizard, mocked.

"What's the point?" Schmidt chuckled and said, "They are all young men and women, and each has their own independent room. What's the problem with sharing a room? Aren't you also living with them?"

"Can you compare with Walter and the others?" Lele looked at him with disdain.

"Okay, we'll pay attention." Walter said, about to close the door and see off the guests.

Schmidt didn't want to leave. He squeezed through the door and tried to strike up a conversation. Then he heard an exclamation: "Schmitt!"

"Howard!" Schmidt was startled when he heard the familiar voice. He followed the voice and saw a familiar face appearing on the computer screen.

It was his cousin Howard Wolowitz.

After the incident at the BAU ended, the children who had been driven to the children's table came back. Little Howard heard Schmidt's voice and rushed over immediately.

"It's really you!"

"Why are you here?"

The cousins ​​were surprised to see each other.

"How come your cousins ​​are everywhere?" Little Leonard couldn't help complaining anymore.

Not to mention that Monica is Howard Jr.'s cousin. We also met a Jesse here in Los Angeles, who used to hang out with the bald Don from Fast and Furious.

Sent by Bald Boss Don to inquire about Chuck with Little Howard.

It turned out that the two cousins ​​were just the same thing. They didn't do anything serious and just watched their own collection of short movies together.

The DVD player he used was the DVD player that Bald Boss Tang snatched from his car.

Then the FBI broke in and caught him.

He is still in the detention center.

But it was a blessing in disguise. He was not stimulated by the coolness of Bald Boss Tang and the others like he was in the original time and space. He spent all his money to race a car, but he couldn't afford to lose and died miserably by a gun.

Now there is another cousin of Schmidt.


Every Jewish person I meet in the future may be a relative of little Howard.

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