American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 604: Once you meet Chuck, you will suffer for the rest of your life

Walter only felt that he had received a critical hit of 10,000 points!

It's Chuck again!

Why do you hit him from completely unexpected angles every time when he feels good about himself? ! ! !

"If I were you, I would pull the zipper back up." Chuck reminded bluntly.

Walt made no move.

But Peggy, the waitress, had already quickly pulled back the zipper that Walter had opened casually.

"I trust my judgment, and even if it's wrong, it's already like this, and there's no point in pulling it back." Walter looked at the waitress Peggy with a dark face.

"It's never too late to wear a mask for protection!" Chuck corrected, listening to Walter's familiar tone.

"The spread of the virus is limited by time and space, and the concentration can also determine life or death.

You don't even care about this, no wonder you are so brave and just open the zipper.

The little girl with a severe cold and a severe fever and whose organs are failing is too stuffy and needs air conditioning?

And then you unzipped it?

Have you fallen into a state of irritability, impulsivity and excitement again? "

Waitress Peggy and old agent Cab looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"You!" Governor Lane was originally horrified when Walter suddenly opened the isolation zipper while speaking.

Now after hearing Chuck's analysis, he suddenly looked at Walter with great anger.

But he didn't have time to curse Walter with harsh words, and immediately grasped the key point.

"Detective Chuck, you must save my daughter Helena, she is only 6 years old! Please come here immediately, please!"

"I won't go there." Faced with Governor Lane's plea again, Chuck still refused without hesitation.

"The reason I have already said is that you have been infected with an unknown virus, and the existing signs cannot indicate that it is specially customized only for individuals.

Therefore, it may be extremely harmful to children.

There are many boys and girls here, and all of them are super geniuses.

Their brains cannot be exposed to such dangers and cannot withstand such risks.

Otherwise, we are irresponsible for the progress of human society as a whole.

And you are the governor and a positive and negative staff member, so you should understand best the principle that our positive and negative staff’s first priority is always your own safety! "

"..." Governor Lane was speechless.

After the waitress Peggy was stunned, she suddenly became frightened.

She also has a super-genius son Ralph at home.

Now that she had been in close contact with a suspected source of infection, if she had gone back without paying attention and infected her son...

Thinking of this, she glanced at the pale and dying governor's daughter in the isolation ward, and became more and more frightened.

She is not Governor Lane. Once her son Ralph encounters something like this, she does not have the ability to mobilize such resources in a short time to grab a lifeline for her son.

Fortunately, she had just laughed secretly in her mind at the fact that Walt was so restrained by Chuck, and felt that Chuck could only say that Walt was ignorant and fearless.

But she was no better at all.

Before entering the house just now, the fat young man Sylvester had clearly reminded him of the risks involved, but she calmly reassured him that it would be okay.

Thinking about it now, when she first cooperated with Scorpio, her state of burst of inspiration was nothing but an extremely rare state.

The real her is actually just a truly ignorant person!

"Detective Chuck, I understand, and I also know that I shouldn't ask you to take risks.

But the person talking to you now is not Governor Ryan, but Helena's father Ryan. "

Governor Lane begged: "Please save her because she is such a cute little girl!"

"Governor, I think we may have misunderstood what Detective Chuck meant." Old Detective Cabe couldn't stand it anymore and quickly answered.

"He said he couldn't come here, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability to save Helena!"

When Governor Lane looked over expectantly, old detective Cabe was shocked and continued: "We can definitely cooperate.

Detective Chuck and Walt are both super geniuses who can communicate more efficiently.

And Walt and we are all on site, which can completely make up for the shortcomings that Detective Chuck cannot overcome.

As long as Detective Chuck has any good ideas, we can implement them as soon as possible and implement them as quickly as possible.

There is no way we can save Helena more efficiently than by working together. "

"Detective Chuck, is that true?" Governor Lane looked at Chuck and asked.

"Not bad." Chuck nodded.

When old agent Cab heard what Chuck said, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There was plenty of air-conditioning in the house, so he still secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

How dangerous!

Scorpio is under his supervision, and coming to help Governor Lane this time is also his first official mission after he almost screwed up Scorpio's mission.

Then Walter did a stupid thing, unzipping the isolation zipper without permission, exposing the governor's critically ill young daughter to the outside environment!

Not to mention the risk of exposing them to unknown viruses as well.

Detective Chuck is right.

As a positive and negative staff member, your first priority is to protect your own life safety, which is always the most important thing.

Of course he wouldn't do that.

Because he is so old, his daughter died, and his ex-wife married someone else.

As a lonely man, he would rather die than anything else, and he valued the reputation of saving the world more.

If he could die on the front line, he would have died with a smile on his face.

But if he died because of Walter's confident pull, that would not be what he wanted.

He couldn't accept the thought of dying in such a way, being used as a negative example of safety standards after death, and being ridiculed forever by his colleagues and future generations.

What's even more frightening is that it's okay, but because of Detective Chuck's honest reminder, Governor Lane completely resents their Scorpios who are 'not very capable, but they are the first to cause trouble'.

Afterwards, they will be nailed to the pillar of shame. They will be frustrated in the rest of their lives, and may even be fired from the Department of Homeland Security. Finally, they will become homeless and die in depression.

That's the worse thing!

That's why he answered hurriedly and tied Scorpio and Detective Chuck together, saying that they would join forces and kill them together.

Even if they Scorpio is responsible for the quacking, Detective Chuck is responsible for the random killing.

He also admitted it.

Because if Detective Chuck didn't agree with this statement just now, his worst fears would most likely come true afterwards.

Under this situation, even a veteran agent like him, who was used to seeing life and death scenes, was breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Time is urgent, do you have any good ideas?" Walter could no longer bear to be ignored and despised.

"First, we must target the attacker." Chuck said expressionlessly: "Governor Ryan, I hope you will answer the next question seriously.

Have you offended the medical complex? "

"No." Governor Lane shook his head.

"When I say offend, not supporting them is considered offending." Chuck reminded: "In the face of their huge interests, not fully supporting them, even a little bit, may cause tens of billions of dollars in damage." loss.

If you don't make any money, you will lose money. This money is enough to start a war, let alone a retaliatory and deterrent attack on your family. "

"I understand, but still no." Governor Lane nodded first, then shook his head.

It was the first time he had such a conversation with Detective Chuck, and it was to save his daughter who was in danger of dying. He was afraid that Detective Chuck wouldn't believe it, so he subconsciously revealed what was in his heart.

"Maybe you don't know that before I entered politics, I worked for a pharmaceutical group, so I didn't have any conflicts with the pharmaceutical group..."

"Very convincing." Chuck said seriously: "Second question, have you offended the military-industrial complex?"

Everyone knows why this question is asked.

Because compared to the vibrant pharmaceutical groups, the military-industrial complex that is the foundation of the country does have the ability and confidence to launch such an attack on the governor of a large state.

Moreover, the military-industrial complex is inherently biased towards the side of Sanchi's political opponents.

As the governor of California, Governor Ryan is on the side of evil.

After Governor Ryan shook his head again, Chuck continued to ask: "Have you offended the drug cartel or the DEA?

Have you offended the prison service industry?

Have you offended the LGBQ+99 community?

Have you offended ANTFA?

Have you offended the Proud Boys..."

Governor Lane's head was about to break.

After everyone was stunned, everyone fell silent.

Although there are many questions, none of them should be asked.

Exactly the key question.

For example, the third question, asking whether Governor Ryan has offended drug cartels, is easy to understand.

Because both Mei Li and Xiaoying, who are father and son, started out as drug dealers, their lives have become unbearable. It is normal for them to want to repeat their past success.

Therefore, it is easy to understand that using official power, and even dispatching the army, to attack competitors and offend drug trafficking groups.

As for offending the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), this is easy to understand.

It is said that we love a big gun together and love a big medicine together.

As the leader of one of the regions with the largest consumption of calf products in the world, Governor Lane has inextricable connections with suppliers, so it should not be too normal.

If you choose a small supplier, you will naturally offend your own procurement and regulatory departments.

Other questions are similar.

Once asked, everyone will understand instantly.

"Ahem." Old agent Cabe couldn't listen anymore. Although these were important, they were hard to talk about, so he quickly wanted to change the subject.

"Detective Chuck, is there a possibility that spies from abroad want to do something?"

"It can't be a foreigner." Chuck interrupted bluntly.

“Ever since the leader’s head opened in the United States, there has been no strong leader in power.

It doesn't make any difference if I don't mention lucky dog.

Even if he drags Yiwu Niang up, he will most likely do better than anyone else.

At the very least, it can provide fun, attract a large number of foreign tourists, and create jobs.

This is true even for the commander-in-chief, let alone the governor of California.

Undecided in times of trouble, the furry bear and the rabbit.

It’s okay to lie to others, but don’t lie to yourself!

Especially now when you need to save your own people! "

"..." The corners of veteran agent Cab's mouth twitched.

"Then who are you talking about? How do we find him? And then save my daughter Helena?" Governor Lane asked without any embarrassment.

"Immediately use your connections to conduct a thorough investigation to see if the military's hundreds of biological laboratories at home and abroad have actively or passively leaked any biological viruses. Colds and fevers are only external symptoms."

Chuck said bluntly: "If this is the case, there should be more than just your daughter Helena, there are more victims, it is easy to verify.

In addition, Walter, stop being dazed and reverse trace the hacker’s IP as soon as possible to lock his identity! "

"Is it finally my turn?"

The corner of Walter's mouth curled up, feeling that it was finally his turn to play, and he wanted to prove that his judgment was correct.

“In the past, there were only computer hackers, but now there are biohackers, who can tailor viruses to only make specific people sick!

I firmly believe that Helena suffered such an attack!

The person who hacked into this computer is the same person who made your daughter Helena sick.

As long as we find him, we can figure out what kind of virus he is using and make an antidote, otherwise we can't even think about finding other cures. "

As he spoke, he put away his things, even the virus-infected computer, and left again while talking.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Governor Lane stopped him: "You can't throw out another theory and then leave."

"I want to go back to our base and track it." Walter said matter-of-factly, looking at Governor Lane expressionlessly.

“Governor, you feel helpless right now! This will make you make irrational decisions!

So please control your impulse to do stupid things!

Like blocking my way!

Let me do my job! "

After saying that, he bypassed Governor Lane and prepared to leave.

The whole person felt refreshed and refreshed for a long time.

It’s not easy!

Today he was already unhappy because of his sister's affairs, and meeting a critically ill little girl who looked very similar to his sister made him even more irritable.

Then he was criticized like this by Detective Chuck.

He didn't agree with Detective Chuck, but he couldn't refute him.

He felt that both sides were evenly matched.

But the way Governor Lane looked at Detective Chuck after he finished speaking made him very unhappy.

He couldn't quarrel with Detective Chuck, and he didn't want to quarrel with the waitress Peggy in front of outsiders to avoid her telling the embarrassing things about him before.

But you, a mere governor, dare to babble in front of me and look down on me?

It’s you who’s fighting now!

"Wait!" Governor Lane once again reached out to stop Walter.

Although Walter said not to block my way and went out of his way to avoid it, he still didn't make Governor Lane trust him.

"Detective Chuck, what do you say?"

"Walter doesn't need to waste time going back to the base, you can work right there!" Chuck pointed out bluntly.

“It has no impact at all and actually saves time!”

"I'll tell you!" Governor Lane saw that Detective Chuck confirmed his suspicions and immediately glared at Walter.

At this time, time is the lifeline of his daughter Helena, and Walter is still unconsciously wasting his daughter Helena's lifeline. How abominable!

"..." Walter's movement of leaving gracefully froze.


He brought all the tools, why did he have to spend so much time returning to the Scorpion base...

"I need Sylvester and the others to put their whole heart into their work, and here they are not even willing to come in, let alone work with their whole heart."

After all, he was a super genius. Although he was embarrassed, he immediately had a way to say it.

"You can find a place to work nearby, and I can provide a place!" Governor Lane said flatly.

Walter: "..."

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