American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 605 Detective Chuck, kid, sit down!

"Is there more, Detective Chuck?" Walter suppressed his anger and asked word by word.

"Of course." Chuck said matter-of-factly: "Governor Ryan, let the CDC be ready to make antidotes at any time.

Otherwise, with their work efficiency, even if the antidote is found, it will be too late. "

"Yes, yes!" Governor Lane was surprised and nodded in agreement.

The CDC is also a positive and negative organization, and the staff there are also positive and negative staff.

That kind of work efficiency is absolutely intolerable in this kind of race against time for life.

"..." Walter listened to Chuck adding a lot of details and didn't want to talk anymore.

None of this was within his scope of consideration.

In his mind, when he locks in his dual identity of computer and biohacker, he can get the antidote.

If not, then based on the DNA map left by the biohacker and the genetic map of the customized biological virus, hand it over to the CDC, and the antidote can be found within two hours.

But even after experiencing the plane missing incident and witnessing all kinds of chaos, mistakes, incompetence, procrastination, irresponsibility...all negative work efficiency by both positive and negative staff from beginning to end, he still did not face up to this problem.

They still feel that if they master the theory, they can get the theoretical results they want based on what can be achieved in theory.

Even confident enough to directly use the results to make other judgments.

The bet is that the future expectations are exactly the same as his calculations!

For example, without saying a word, he directly opened the isolation zipper to let the little girl with organ failure breathe some "free" cold air...

However, it completely ignores the distance between theory and practice, which is still thousands of miles away.

Take for example the final need for the CDC to produce an antidote.

If we don't communicate well in advance and let the other side be prepared, there will be a similar team of protagonists there who can complete the task perfectly.

But has the delivery time been calculated?

Anyone who has watched The Walking Dead knows that the CDC is headquartered in Atlanta, a full 3,500 kilometers away from Los Angeles.

We will send a special plane to wait, and the whole journey will take at least 4 hours without wasting any time.

This has easily tripled the time it took the CDC to produce an antidote.

"You heard Detective Chuck's order!" Governor Lane shouted angrily when he saw that Walter looked like he was in a state of isolation.

"I know you super geniuses love to compete, and you feel so helpless right now! This will make you make irrational decisions!

So please control your impulse to do stupid things! Do your job! Like saving my daughter Helena! "

This was an almost exact replica of what had just come out of Walter's mouth, reflecting Governor Lane's deliberately suppressed and almost overt irritation.

He has reason to be so angry!

A large part of the salary paid by highly paid consultants hired by the state like Scorpio is paid by California taxes.

He is also the governor of California after all.

Now that his daughter is facing such a life and death crisis, advisory organizations like Scorpio should do their best to help him save his daughter Helena.

But Walter's reaction and performance were far from what he expected.

Let’s not talk about the arrogance of imitating Detective Chuck to keep people away from thousands of miles away.

Without thinking carefully, he just relied on a theory and without the consent of his governor and father, he just tore open the isolation zipper without hesitation.

After that, when he begged the other party not to rush away without saying a word, he was so arrogant that he used the most unpleasant words to retaliate against him.

Later, it was proved again that this kind of arrogance was completely unfounded.

The detective Chuck refuted it in just a few words and was riddled with holes.

Even for inexplicable reasons, I had to choose to go back to the so-called base when I could have worked immediately on the spot, which was a huge waste of time.

And time is now life to his daughter Helena!

This puts him on the verge of breaking out.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had to rely on Scorpio to cooperate with Detective Chuck, he would have told them to get out immediately, and then left them with nothing to eat afterwards.

But even if Scorpio and the others were needed now, it was difficult for him to maintain a calm request posture.

It was his inevitable choice to use Walter, who was said to have high IQ and low EQ, to confront him with his harsh words, and in turn confront Walter and urge Walter to take immediate action.

If you have the ability like Detective Chuck, even if you repeatedly refute his requests and refuse to come over, you won't give him the face of the governor.

But as long as you are really capable, you can really help save your daughter.

He just endured it.

But half-empty buckets of water like Walter and Scorpio?

Don't think of him as the governor, he is really a good old man with no temper!

"Yes, sir!" Seeing Walter looking at Governor Lane with an extremely ugly face, old agent Cabe quickly stood between them, blocking their sight, and answered Governor Lane with a standard response.

Then he took Walter and left.

A temporary base for Scorpio was soon opened in the house next to the governor's mansion.

Sylvester, a fat young man who refused to go in and just waited in the car, constantly spraying disinfectant spray, and the others soon found out what happened.

Psychological master Toby and mechanical wizard Lele looked at each other, and they were both too surprised to say anything.

But Sylvester, the fat young man, endured it again and again, but in the end he couldn't hold back the anxiety in his heart. He expressed the weirdness in his heart like someone suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"So, as a detective, Chuck is unwilling to come to the scene, but we Scorpios have to be on the front line, or is it a fatal mission like a biological virus attack?"

"That's a good point, don't say it next time." Psychological master Toby complained.


There was a heavy sound of smashing something, and the whole place was silent.

But they saw Walter slamming a coffee cup on the table. The quilt was shattered, and only the handle was intact.

His palms were scratched by fragments, and his face was filled with uncontrollable anger.

The fat young man Sylvester and the others immediately fell silent.

They have never seen this level of Walter.

Very strange, very scary!

"Walter, control your emotions!" Old agent Cabe also felt a little angry and couldn't control it.

He originally thought that Scorpio, led by Walter, could do something great.

But after I actually did it, I found that the ideal was very full and the reality was very skinny.

Led by Walter, they formed a team to cosplay the Scorpion who is Detective Chuck, but they only cosplayed a superficial part and couldn't use many of their unique skills.

On the contrary, Detective Chuck also had flaws that he could overcome, but they were unscrupulously magnified by Scorpio, headed by Walter.

Governor Lane's irritation was almost genuine and could be seen by everyone.

He also understood why Governor Lane was so angry.

If it were him, he would be equally angry.

"I scanned it with AVG software, but there are no clues." The fat young man Sylvester was afraid and immediately started doing his job as they were supposed to do.

"If we can find the signature in the virus code, we can find out who sent it." Mechanical wizard Lele also got into the topic.

"That means there are no clues!" Walter said coldly.

"Temporarily." Mechanical wizard Lele opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything about finding a way with Detective Chuck.

As the only woman in a truly talented team, she is the most supportive of Walt.

Especially at critical moments.

"Governor Ryan has encountered ten clear threats since he came to power. Four criminals have been locked up, and there are six more." Old detective Cabe also put away his anger and got down to business.

What he didn't say was that when he received the news just now, he quietly asked Detective Chuck for his opinion.

According to the reminder of Detective Chuck, let his men investigate these six criminals in depth.

And they did not take the four criminals who had been locked up lightly, lest they were in jail in name, but in fact it made no difference whether they were in jail or not.

"Is there anyone on the list who is better at computers and proficient in biophysics?" Walt asked.

"No." Old Detective Cabe shook his head.


This is also what Detective Chuck explained.

“I know computers can be hacked, but how can a human body be hacked?”

Old agent Cabe regards Walter as his son, but he still feels sorry for him and tries hard to give Walter a chance to show off.

"I can easily obtain your DNA, coffee cup or chewing gum, and then I will study your genetic sequence and find the defects." Walter immediately quickly popularized the science.

"Such as lung disease! Then I bind that piece of genetic information to a cold virus, and then spray it in your face."

"Or spray it around you." Sylvester, a fat young man with severe mysophobia, said, "Now you understand why I am so mysophobic," and he washed his hands with disinfectant again.

"Can it still be like this?" Old detective Cabe was surprised: "Isn't this a home trip, a murder weapon?"

"So the killer's future lies in bioterrorism attacks." Walter replied and looked at the psychological master Toby.

"Toby, is there any result?"

"I have traced the codes of computer viruses, including furry bears, rabbits, and Serbia. No wonder the positive and negative cannot be cracked. The virus does not use any known basic mechanism." Psychological master Toby.

"Ahem." Old Detective Cabe interrupted: "Don't worry about these details, just do your best."

The reason for his attitude is that on the one hand, he is the representative of positive and negative staff.

On the other hand, Detective Chuck is still listening over there.

Before that, he took the lead in targeting the bears and rabbits with suspicion.

Then he was ridiculed by Detective Chuck, "Undecided in trouble, you are a bear and a rabbit." "You can lie to others, but don't lie to yourself at this time." "That's a sign of incompetence."

Now the psychological master Toby repeats his routine, once again verifying the words of Detective Chuck.

Because psychological master Toby is recognized as the most useless guy in the Scorpio team.

"So you're going to give up and just sit back and watch a little girl die?" Walter wanted to smash something again, but unfortunately his coffee cup had been smashed by him, and there were still bloody marks on his hands.

"It's you who should work hard, not them!" Chuck, who had been online, finally spoke again.

"You are the super hacker!"

"..." As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent again.

Except for Walter, everyone looked at each other quickly, feeling uneasy.

Because... what the hell!

They almost forgot about this one!

Although they are all hackers, their more basic labels are humanoid computers, mechanical wizards, psychological masters, emotional intelligence masters, muscle-takers, and clock-in geniuses.

And Walt is the super hacker.

The person who should be in front of the computer, with his fingers flying, quickly tracing the IP address of the hacker.

But now Walter is being irritable and angry, and at the same time giving orders, letting them, who are not very professional, do what should be his most professional job.

And he got angry at them because they didn't do what he should have done...

No one originally thought of this level.

But now that Detective Chuck has revealed it, everyone feels so weird and worried... worried that Walter will break through the defense again and go berserk.

"If you can't control your anger and regain your sanity, I can take over your work and track down the hacker's IP address." Chuck's calm voice came, regardless of their worries.

"No!!!" Walter finally spoke out and yelled: "I can do it! I don't need you!"

With that said, he sat down in his seat, quickly operated the computer, and started doing his job that he should have done long ago.

Everyone understood why Walter had such a big reaction.

If Detective Chuck really takes over Walt's job scope, then with Detective Chuck's ability, no one doubts that Detective Chuck can do a great job.

But by then, what's left for Walter?

That's when the self-esteem and self-confidence of being compared to the divine detective Chuck were completely gone.

"Okay, I've successfully cloned the infected computer and traced the email.

Although it was reflected back to several servers around the world, it was stuck in an infinite loop. "

Stimulated by Detective Chuck, Walt immediately showed amazing efficiency.

"What a mean but efficient method, called the round-robin scheduling algorithm.

But in the eyes of real experts, it is full of flaws, the scope can be easily narrowed, and there are patterns to follow in the routing data.

Do you see this prefix?

I recognize this prefix!

I've found the IP address!

Cab, we're leaving right now! "

"Is it far?" Old agent Cabe was reminded by Detective Chuck, and his mind was filled with time and clockwork. Every move he made must consider efficiency.

"If it's too far away, you can directly call the local police to raid, and we will provide online guidance."

"..." Walter stood up suddenly and swayed. Under the apologetic but insistent gaze of old agent Cab, he finally reported his address and sat back dejectedly.

what is this?

After all the hard work, I thought I had created a new path for hackers and geniuses.

But in the end, they went back to the office and only did remote technical support...

"This time is a special situation..." Old Agent Cabe reassured him again, and started to make a call and remotely shake people, directly asking the local police to raid and arrest the hackers, which once again greatly saved time.

"Let me bandage it for you." The waitress Peggy also felt a sense of crisis and hurried forward to check on Walter's hand that was cut by smashing the coffee cup.

Because she suddenly thought that if Walter and the others went back in circles and stopped doing field work, with their genius IQ and hacking skills, they could still make a living.

But she claims to have high emotional intelligence and is responsible for external public relations. Where will she go then?

You can’t just do public relations with others remotely in the office, right?


It doesn't seem impossible.

Many online female anchors are very good at communicating with people...

It’s just that the clothes need to be cool and the dressing up needs to be new... My nine-year-old son Ralph is not suitable for checking in anymore...

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