American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 608 Scorpio: We are good people, not like Detective Chuck!

The air suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at each other with some unspeakable embarrassment.

Scorpio turns out to be a foursome, and any one of them has the ability to embarrass the others with their nonsense.

But he met Detective Chuck.

They are the ones who always feel awkward.

The waitress Peggy was not convinced at first, but she became embarrassed by Chuck's self-aware look.

Because after Chuck pointed out the possibility that Governor Lane's words were more logical and consistent with reality, she actually felt that this might be the truth.

But I still hold out hope that this might not be the case.

After all, if, as Chuck said, none of the American politicians are good people, then what is the America they love most?

Can't think of it.

Old agent Cabe was even more observant and didn't try to pick a fight with him at all.

He had heard of Detective Chuck's harsh words that pointed out the truth.

The rejection of the National Security Agency also included a series of special service law enforcement agencies such as the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security.

It also spread throughout the world.

Everyone knew he was right.

But that’s him.

He has super abilities, is well-known in the scientific field, has a good background, and is very rich.

That's why I didn't get in trouble after always saying such rude things.

If it had been anyone else, he wouldn't have committed suicide by being shot eight times in the back.

It means ‘voluntarily hiding’ in the cement wall and becoming one.

Or go to the bottom of the underwater lake to experience the experience of Wolverine.

Or maybe unfortunately encountered a precise collision with an out-of-control truck...

Anyway, there is always something you can’t think of, and there is no surprise that can’t catch you.

It was as if death had come.

And everyone knows that those classic American blockbusters, whether they are science fiction films like Resident Evil or horror films like The Walking Dead, are actually documentaries.

Death Comes is no exception.

The 'God of Death' is really targeting you. Unless you kill the God of Death, you will die from an 'accident' one day.

As a senior agent, veteran agent Cabe is used to seeing this.

He couldn't stop Detective Chuck from talking nonsense, but he could pretend he didn't hear it and try his best to block other people from hearing and talking about it.

Just when everyone was embarrassed and speechless, Governor Lane's online connection flashed. After being connected, Governor Lane looked at everyone with an ugly and embarrassed expression.

“They said they can’t give it to us yet and they want to help.

But their lawyers claimed that handing it over to a politician would violate the patient confidentiality agreement.

They said they would help us solve it within 12 hours!

Damn lawyers!

Helena doesn't have 12 hours to waste! "

"Did you put pressure on them?" Walter looked at him incomprehensibly.

"Believe me, I'm tough enough and doing my best!" Governor Lane said angrily: "But they just talk to me in official terms!"

"Did you see that?" Chuck said: "The governor of California can kneel down and pray, but he still gets this official result.

So don’t be so indecisive as a bear or a rabbit.

The governor of California is nothing in the eyes of those who are truly in power! "

"..." Everyone was once again embarrassed by these overly straightforward words.

The veteran agent Cab and the psychological master Toby are the most obvious.

Because they both just did it.

Now he was almost called out by Detective Chuck in public.

The waitress Peggy was embarrassed by Governor Ryan because of her "high emotional intelligence".

I thought the governor of a big state was begging the pharmaceutical company like this, but the pharmaceutical company actually acted businesslike and almost didn't care about Governor Lane at all.

Otherwise, as long as this pharmaceutical company had a little bit of her high emotional intelligence, it would not be able to delay the rescue of a little girl and offend a governor to death.

And this kind of contempt, which can even be said to be contempt, was actually pointed out in front of everyone by Detective Chuck.

This is too miserable!

Governor Lane was also embarrassed, and beyond embarrassment was anger.

Not to Chuck.

But to pharmaceutical companies!

That was his precious daughter who needed saving!

No matter what he is, he is still a governor!

When this matter is over, he must give the other party a big hard blow!

But if he wants to take revenge, time will not wait for his daughter!

"My daughter Helena couldn't last 12 hours but they were just in the way.

I want to apply for a court injunction, but it will take at least 24 hours.

Detective Chuck, there must be something you can do, right? "

Now he can only hope that Detective Chuck will be as capable as ever.

"No need to ask him! I have a way!" Walter answered immediately.

"Really?" Governor Lane was overjoyed.

"I don't want to say it, but who are we?" Walter glanced at Chuck, and when he saw that he didn't speak, he immediately raised his chin.

"We are Scorpios! We are the most professional in obtaining confidential information!

In order to save a little girl's life, we can still grab this little time for you! "

"Walt, I'm trying to hack into pharmaceutical companies and get their records.

However, all clinical trial data records for confidential drugs are kept within the air-gapped system.

In other words, there is no Internet connection at all, and we cannot obtain information through remote operation. "

Mechanical wizard Lele informed the latest news immediately.

"This..." Governor Lane looked at Walter with great disappointment.

"Don't worry!" Seeing that Chuck remained silent, Walter raised his chin higher and higher, finally returning to his familiar rhythm of controlling everything.

As long as he maintained this rhythm, he believed he could solve all problems.

That’s how confident you are!

"There is another way! Governor, there must be paper files for clinical trial data like this, right?"

"Of course!" Governor Lane nodded: "But it must be stored in the company's archives.

The security information there is very tight, and it is not as simple as obtaining information directly from the Internet. "

"Okay, let's stop here, Governor, the rest of the work will be left to us." Old Detective Cabe suddenly interrupted.

"Then please!" Governor Lane understood immediately and agreed immediately. He took a deep look at the old agent Cabe and nodded to him.

Then, after veteran agent Cabe nodded in response, he hung up the video connection.

The tense nerves of old agent Cabe finally relaxed at this moment.

The previous worries about offending Governor Lane because of Walter's poor performance have mostly dissipated.

As long as they perform well next, the previous unhappiness will be erased directly.

They Scorpios will also get recognition and gratitude from the governor.

In that case, Scorpio under his supervision and leadership can truly stand firm and stand out.

Is there anything better than helping leaders do their dirty work to build closer relationships?

"Why not let him speak?" Walter said dissatisfied: "He knows the information of pharmaceutical companies better than we do, and he holds great power.

If you follow my instructions, you will be able to get the list more easily! "

"Walt!" the waitress Peggy shouted: "He is not only Helena's father, but also the governor of California.

He represents many things, and there are some things that you cannot participate in. "

"You moved others and moved yourself again." Chuck finally spoke again.

“The honor and dignity carried by the governor of California are not excuses.

Don't talk about him, even the commander-in-chief will be mostly happy people in the future.

Whoever can entertain the public better is more likely to be elected.

If he really had the courage to break the boat, he would have a better future.

But unfortunately, he cares more about his power and position.

Even his 6-year-old daughter, whom he said he loved most, was far less important than power and position. "

"How dare you!" the waitress Peggy said angrily: "The love of parents for their children is always the most touching.

I don’t believe that Governor Lane cares more about his power and position than his love for his daughter Helena! "

"It's useless if you don't believe it." Chuck said expressionlessly: "The world does not depend on your will!

A governor, or the governor of a large state like California.

If he is really like what he said, he will do his best for his daughter Helena.

Well now he has given us the list.

But he didn't!

No matter how smart a pharmaceutical company is, it will not delay a governor's time to save his daughter because of a doctor-patient confidentiality agreement at this critical moment when a deadly feud may be brewing.

Have you ever seen a private company, or a large private company, that cares about the feelings and rights of ordinary people?

If so, it must be an excuse or a last resort.

This is what happened now.

It can only show that as a governor, his so-called exerting all possible pressure is still just words.

Only then did the professionals see through his ruthless nature.

Otherwise, if he is really willing to risk everything for his daughter, and the governor of a big state really takes action, who in Los Angeles can stop him?

Just rely on the security guards of large pharmaceutical companies?

How much money are you willing to pay to go head-to-head with a crazy governor?

It's not because although he wants to save his daughter, he doesn't care enough to save her daughter.

He is unwilling to even have a slight negative impact on his political future.

Only then did he place his hope on us, hoping that we would take the initiative to help solve the problem.

As soon as the experienced veteran agent opened his mouth, he quickly slipped away.

I didn’t want anything to do with the dirty work that was to come.

Those who don’t know think that what we are saving now is not his biological daughter, but someone else’s daughter!

With him like this, you are really willing to find reasons to explain for him.

Sure enough, the farts of successful people smell good. "

"You!" Peggy, the waitress, blushed.

Both for Chuck telling the truth and for Chuck's vulgarity.

"Well, the most important thing now is to seize the time to save Helena."

Walt finally had a smile on his face when he saw Chuck attacking the waitress Peggy like this and making her so unhappy.

"Nothing else matters! Chuck, do you have any ideas?"

"I do! But I won't say it, and I won't be involved in the next dirty work." Chuck said bluntly.

"You don't feel sorry for your own daughter. Only a fool would risk going to jail to feel sorry for the other party!"

"Jail?" The fat young man Sylvester immediately shouted worriedly.

"No." Walter immediately reassured: "We are doing a just thing and saving a little girl's life!

I believe Governor Ryan will help us solve the trouble afterwards, right? "

Having said this, he looked at the old agent Cabe.

Old agent Cab nodded: "This won't be a problem!"

who are they?

Homeland Security's top operatives!

In a way, they are the law!

Not to mention that there is now private support from the governor of California.

Nothing will happen for a small violation of the law.

"You heard it." Walter was talking to the fat young man Sylvester, but he was actually talking to Chuck.

Chuck took the initiative to hang up the video connection.

He is not Walter and Scorpio!

He doesn't need to prove himself!

He will not take the initiative to give his own information to others, even if he is this person's savior.

Great kindness is like enmity!

Not to mention that the person who received his great favor was a politician!

Still a member of Dishui.


He did a lot of chivalrous and righteous things in private.

But that's all absolutely secret.

There is no evidence to prove that he did those things, and no one even knew that he had done those things.

If he could be caught in such a simple way, then those billionaires, congressmen, and senators who were sent to prison by him would probably die laughing.

Even if they were asked to sacrifice their biological daughters or granddaughters, they would definitely be willing.

Only a fool would do something like Scorpio!

"Is there a problem?" Sylvester, a fat young man, always felt uneasy when he saw his idol's reaction.

"What's the problem?" Psychological master Toby is also happy to belittle the detective Chuck who doesn't give him any face.

“If someone wants to catch us and send us to prison, no matter how innocent we are, we will still go in.

On the contrary, if no one has this will, then we will not go in no matter what.

After all, we are now also a senior advisory group of the Department of Homeland Security, and we have the secret support of the Governor of California.

You are a humanoid computer. How low is the probability of us being sent in? "

"..." The fat young man Sylvester was speechless.

How can this be calculated?

He didn't know if they had offended any big shot and were eyeing them, trying to send them in.

He usually likes to calculate probabilities, claiming to take into account all possibilities.

But that was only a possibility that he could understand.

More biased toward objective laws.

And he himself couldn't understand this kind of human nature, so how could he use mathematical models to calculate it?

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything!" Walter was in a good mood and gave the fat young man Sylvester a confident look.

"Walter, what should we do?" mechanical wizard Lele asked.

"Of course, just break in!" Walter smiled confidently.

"..." Although everyone was not surprised, they were still a little disappointed and worried.

"The security guards inside can't just break in at will in a short time." Old Detective Cabe reminded.

"Of course, if there is no better way, even if we break in by force, we will do it."

He had already flirted with Governor Lane and finalized a friendly cooperation agreement, so even if it was forced, he would give it a try.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome!" Walter said confidently: "We can complete the break-in mission quietly.

And they won't even notice if they get the list successfully.

Of course, this is not absolutely risk-free.

But I think we are still willing to take a little risk for the life of a little girl.

Isn't it?

We are not Detective Chuck! "

"..." Everyone was speechless. Under Walter's gaze, they all nodded, but there was a trace of worry in their eyes.

Taunting Detective Chuck like this, without using a humanoid computer to calculate, everyone felt that the chance of being slapped in the face would be infinitely close to 100%.

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