American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 609 Detective Chuck is offline, but his taunts are everywhere!

"Does anyone have any objections?" Walter looked around the crowd and smiled immediately when he saw that the fat young man Sylvester hesitated but did not speak anymore.

"Very good. Time waits for no one. Let's set off immediately. I will tell everyone the plan on the way..."

At this point, seeing old agent Cabe about to open his mouth again, he immediately interrupted: "This time, don't say that it will save time if we don't go there in person!

This plan must be carried out on site! "

"You have the final say." Seeing that Detective Chuck was offline, old agent Cabe could only listen to the words of the wise man, Walt.

Otherwise, with his muscles and force, he would not be able to think of anything.

But although he didn't stop it, he was still a little worried.

no way!

In fact, Detective Chuck's words to Walter were so sharp and profound that he couldn't help but doubt that this operation really couldn't be carried out unless all Scorpios went to the scene?

"Come! Eat an orange!" The waitress Peggy took an orange and handed it to Walter while everyone was preparing.

"You haven't eaten much today. If you can't even take care of yourself, how can you help others?"

"I'm fine. In fact, I feel very good now." Walter raised the corner of his mouth: "It's you, how do you feel?"

"...What do you mean?" Waitress Peggy's face darkened.

"Is Detective Chuck as easy to get along with as you thought?" Walter said sarcastically: "Now you should understand why I didn't go down to see him when he came here before?"

"He attacked me and made you happy?" Waitress Peggy was too lazy to improve her emotional intelligence and asked, staring at Walter's gloating face.

"I just want to tell you that we are a team." Walter was emotionally intelligent for a while this time and did not nod directly, but he did not deny it either.

"Here you go!" Peggy, the waitress, continued to hand the orange in her hand to Walter with a straight face. When Walter thought she agreed with her and reached out to take it, she added.

"Whether it's saving Helena or facing Detective Chuck, it will definitely still be very difficult, especially for you, so you need to eat something to replenish energy and meet the challenge."

"..." Walter's stretched-out hand froze, but the waitress Peggy forced it into his hand, then shook her hair and left.

Why is it difficult to face Detective Chuck next?

Aren’t you not optimistic about him?

I feel that no matter what he does, Detective Chuck can find fault and ridicule him!

An innocent waitress who was obviously upset by Detective Chuck had the nerve to taunt him with Detective Chuck!

How abominable!

"In the next action, I will definitely save Helena successfully, and the whole plan will be perfect, making him blameless!" Walter pinched the orange and shouted at the back of the waitress Peggy.

"I very, very much hope so!" The fat young man Sylvester walked past him carrying the equipment, handed him the equipment belonging to Walter, and emphasized with sincerity.

But this statement didn't make Walter's face look much better.

Because if you are his partner, you need to use "extreme" plus "extraordinary" to describe hope, which makes it clear that you are very, very unfavorable to him!

Walter was holding a fire in his heart, and he was even more passionate and looking forward to the next action.

This time, he must prove himself!

Never give Detective Chuck a chance to laugh at himself!

no way!

Because of Detective Chuck's taunts and blows, Walter himself felt that he had to hurry up and think of some time-saving steps in advance without the need for old agent Cabe to remind him again.


In the car, he began to explain his infiltration plan.

"When I get there, I will find a way to hack into the pharmaceutical company's personnel files, find a suitable person, and induce him to come down. Then Lele and Toby will drag him down, and we will make his work card and Sylvester will pretend to be He swiped his identity card to enter the building and found the archives room..."

When the fat young man Sylvester heard this, he shouted directly: "I know we must get the list of all patients participating in drug clinical trials.

I also know that maybe the only way to find the person who made those children sick is as you said, but I still think it is better for me to act as a consultant. "

"Sylvester!" Walter interrupted unhappily.

Since he actually met Detective Chuck and had more frequent contact with Detective Chuck, he felt more and more that this partner who once supported him the most was becoming less and less considerate and always questioned his action plan.

“If Cabe is caught, Homeland Security will be involved.

If Peggy is caught, she will lose Ralph.

Lele and Toby need to divert the tiger away from the mountain and attract attention. "

"I can go and make the tiger leave the mountain." The fat young man Sylvester said immediately.

"No!" Walter flatly refused: "You must remember those documents! There are more than a hundred pages of documents, and you must remember them all in the shortest time. Only you can do it!

So you have to go in. I will tell you the layout of the floors and then guide you around the building, okay? "

The fat young man Sylvester endured it again and again. In the past, he would not have continued talking, but this time it was the pharmaceutical company that wanted to sneak in.

There must be viruses in there that can kill people.

And it's not a virus that he is usually worried about, which is actually harmless in the eyes of ordinary people.

Rather, it is a virus that can definitely cause harm to any individual!

Especially since his former idol Chuck also approved of his behavior and took it one step further, not even getting close to the virus.

In this case, it took a lot of courage for him to be willing to follow out of gratitude and recognition to Walter.

Now Walter lets him go in alone!

He also said that he alone could do it!

Does it really have to be him?

He still held back what he said and found a softer reason: "I still can't, look at me, I'm so big and conspicuous, I don't look like the staff in the building at all.

Unless the pharmaceutical company staff you induced looked similar to me, I wouldn't even be able to get through the door without being noticed and arrested.

Not only would I be arrested, but it would also directly jeopardize the next actions!

Helena couldn't afford to waste time like that.

You said that if Cab and Peggy go in, one will involve Homeland Security and the other will lose Ralph.

I don't agree with this!

Didn't Toby say that this is not a crime and that with the backing of Cabe's Homeland Security Department and the secret support of Governor Lane, nothing will happen?

If Governor Ryan is not going to help us deal with the aftermath, is it worth our efforts to fight for him now? "

"He's right." Psychology master Toby also added: "We want to find a suitable person to come downstairs and swipe his ID card to enter. This candidate should be a middle-level manager of the company.

He drives a low-end luxury car because he always wants to be in line with the vice presidents.

Such people should be more irritable.

After we hit his car, not only were we able to lure him out immediately, but we were also able to hold him off long enough.

But such people are often not like Sylvester!


It’s the kind that doesn’t look alike at all! "

Walter's expression froze.

He suddenly discovered a problem.

That is, with the frequent contact between Detective Chuck and them, the digital IQ of everyone in the Scorpio team has been fully mobilized.

It was a good thing.

But if the direction of this mobilization is to develop at a high speed in the direction of picking on others, then it will not be a pleasant experience for him!

Damn it!

He did seem to have forgotten about this.

Although there are many staff members who are chubby and wear glasses, tall, fat and silly ones like the fat young man Sylvester are too eye-catching.

The security guard will be confused after reading it. He may take a second look to see if the information is correct, and then the risk of being discovered will skyrocket.

"I still can't understand what this has to do with the sandwich shop across the street?" Seeing that Walter was embarrassed again, old agent Cabe quickly changed the subject with high emotional intelligence to save Walter.

"The pharmaceutical company's firewall is too strong. It will take several hours to break through it. We can't waste this time and must race against time!" Walter needed this rescue, so he could only answer the question even if he was embarrassed.

"But they own the entire building and have a lot of employees! So statistically speaking, someone will be ordering takeout from the sandwich shop at noon today.

I could easily hack into a sandwich shop's server and add a Trojan to their PDF menu.

As long as someone clicks into the PDF menu and downloads my buy-one-get-one-free coupon, we can bypass the pharmaceutical company's firewall and enter directly.

It's lunch time soon, so it will be done quickly. "

"Is it that simple?" Old agent Kaib was stunned: "Then if our agents order takeout like this at the headquarters, will our firewall also be bypassed and hackers can easily invade?"

"Do you think this is the first time?" Psychology Master Toby gloated and said with a smile: "Do you still remember what the FBI's BAU team encountered a few days ago?

Garcia, their best hacker, used her own laptop to connect to the headquarters network. Hackers easily hacked into the FBI headquarters server through the virus implanted in her laptop and stole a large amount of confidential information.

This isn't the first time, nor the last.

As long as there are still people taking advantage of the situation at work, more bizarre and incredible cases of leakage of confidential information will happen in the future! "

"I have a question." Waitress Peggy raised her hand, and when Walter looked over, she said, "Since you can easily hack in, obtain employee information, and make ID cards on the spot.

Why did you have to guide that middle manager downstairs and drag him with you?

Could it be that in such a large company with so many employees, they all order takeout, and then ask the takeaway person to put the order in the security room and come down to get it themselves?

Isn’t there anyone who goes downstairs and goes out to eat in various restaurants?

This is unlikely, right?

With such a whole building and so many staff, if they all order takeout, it would be troublesome to come down and pick it up at lunch.

But if many people choose to go downstairs to eat in various restaurants, we have ID cards that can be entered by swiping, so they can pass easily.

There's no need to go out of your way to lure some middle-level managers down to hold you back? "

"..." Walter's face became increasingly ugly.

He knew that because of the influence of Detective Chuck, his subordinates were making rapid progress in picking on him.

His perfect plan was so flawless that he was not afraid of any criticism from God afterward!

Before it even started, they were poking holes in it one by one!

If this is really the case with Detective Chuck's poisonous tongue...

Although he saw his good partner Walter looking unhappy, the fat young man Sylvester still let out a sigh of relief.

Because of everyone's hard work, Walter's plan has been basically rejected and completed. The follow-up plan should not require him to enter a pharmaceutical company building full of viruses alone.

And there was no need for him to reveal another possibility that was so hurtful.

That is, although he is a super genius and can have a photographic memory, it doesn't have to be him.

There is another Scorpio who is more genius than him.

There was no involvement of Cabe's status as a Homeland Security agent.

There were no custody worries for Peggy's Ralph.

There is no need to participate in Toby and Lele's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

The other party's image and temperament are also more in line with the image and temperament of pharmaceutical company staff, and will not attract extra attention.

He is not afraid of the possibility of virus infection in pharmaceutical companies, and has far more experience in front-line field work and sufficient willingness and enthusiasm.

This person is Walter who is going to sit there and command remotely!

Obviously Walter is the best choice, okay?

The more sensible approach is obviously for him to provide technical guidance to Walter outside and guide Walter into the archives room to obtain the files.

It's a pity that this idea was the first thing he thought of, but he didn't dare to say it.

The reason is also very simple.

A few minutes ago, his idol, Detective Chuck, had just confronted Walter. He should not waste time and go to the scene to catch hackers. He should let more professional people do more professional things.

And Walt is the super hacker. He shouldn't be giving blind orders and being incompetent and angry, but he should be able to operate the computer with flying fingers.

If he had said that he should not go, but Walt should go by himself, then Walt would definitely not be as rational as before and think his idea was reasonable.

Walt will only feel that he is imitating Detective Chuck and pointing fingers at himself, teaching Walt, the Scorpio leader, how to do things!

As a mechanical wizard, Lele is still a female driver despite her small stature, but she is still responsible for driving. She just listened to everyone talking and said nothing.

At this moment, he saw in the rearview mirror that Walter had the urge to smash things again, and he couldn't bear to remind him aloud: "These suggestions are very good and can very well complement Walter's plan. This is the ideal Scorpio!"

Everyone works together for a common goal!

Walter, this is what you want, isn't it? "

"..." What else could Walter say?

There was no coffee cup or anything like that around him at the moment so he could vent easily.

And Lele's words were indeed a step down for him who was embarrassed.

Scorpio is a group. In addition to him, the Scorpion King, others must also have their own value in order to bring out the greatness of him, the Scorpion King.

Otherwise, if others are useless, it also proves that he has no vision.

Lele was right, it was good to work together like this... but even though he was forced to work hard at such mental construction, his mood was not much better.

What he saw was not the fat young man Sylvester questioning his plans and decisions, not the psychology master Toby's last stab, not the waitress Peggy's perfect plan to kill him, not Lele's forceful attempt to save his respect!

What he saw was that although Detective Chuck was offline, his sarcastic tone still echoed in his ears for a long time.

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