American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 610 Peggy: I stand on my own merits and am not afraid of the boss’s displeasure. That’s how

"Walter, here we come!"

When Walter seemed to hear Detective Chuck's taunt again and fell into a slight autistic state, the car stopped and Lele reminded him.

Everyone also looked at Walter, waiting for his decision.

"...New plan." Walter said solemnly: "After we hack into the personnel files and make the identity cards, I will go in personally, and you will wait outside for guidance and help me."

"Do you want to think about it again?" After the fat young man Sylvester breathed a sigh of relief, he began to worry about the safety of his good friend.

"Maybe you don't have to go in either..."

"Impossible!" Walter categorically denied: "If you want to remember so much information in a short period of time, the only person who can remember it is me, except you!"

"Walter, I'm sorry..." The fat young man Sylvester suddenly looked at Walter apologetically.

"It doesn't matter." Walter began to hack into the pharmaceutical company's network and shook his head: "I just didn't realize it for a moment. This is supposed to be my job! It's not yours!"

While he was talking, he had already mastered the super hacker act of invading the network of a pharmaceutical company by ordering takeout from a sandwich shop.

Then he took out a device specially designed to make ID cards.

This is also evidence that they are not so good.

How can ordinary hackers have such a complete set of tools?

After the fake ID card was produced, Walter began to take out the in-ear headphones and put them in his ears.

"How about I accompany you in?" Lele, the mechanical prodigy, took the initiative and said, "With one more person and a helper, we can better deal with unexpected accidents."

"You can't!" Psychology master Toby denied: "You are too conspicuous, so I should go. I will accompany Walter in, which is very consistent with the habit of colleagues going out for lunch in groups.

And with me here, I can better cover Walter when encountering an accident. "

"Okay! Toby follow me in!" Walter accepted the suggestion.

Because it does make sense.

"What do you mean I'm too conspicuous?" Lele looked from head to toe, looking at the psychological master Toby with unkind eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about your short stature." Psychology master Toby immediately explained: "I'm referring to an unexplainable group psychology.

That is, Western men are generally more animalistic toward Asian women.

This is a group subconsciousness that has been subtly formed by Western men during the hundreds of years of invasion and conquest from the Native Americans to various Eastern countries.

That is they can do whatever they want to Asian women.

Just like hunting, once you see it, pay special attention.

Always ready to strike.

So when you go in, the chances of being noticed by security personnel and identifying your identity are many times higher than ours. "

"..." Lele was speechless.

Because this is indeed true.

Why is she so violent?

Just to exercise your self-protection ability.

In the past years, she had been harassed in various ways because of her appearance, no less than a hundred or two times.

After all, he is a psychological master, and he has a very thorough and profound understanding of the nature of this behavior.

"Then we will help you keep an eye on the people you borrowed identities from outside. If we find them returning, Peggy and I will take the initiative to hold them back and create enough time for you."

"What a great idea!" Psychologist Toby praised.

Walter also nodded in agreement.

But the mood was not very good.

Scorpio is indeed working together, but it is no longer the shape he originally designed.

"Walter, there are samples of various diseases in the laboratory, such as plague! They have real plague samples! All kinds of them!" The fat young man Sylvester was still giving his final persuasion.

He is really worried about the safety of himself and his good friends.

"Sylvester, don't worry, we won't go near the biohazard laboratory!" Walter comforted.

"I know, but one of the exits of the archives is the biohazard laboratory!" Sylvester, a fat young man, pointed at the department layout diagram of the pharmaceutical company's building that was pulled up on the computer.

“So in theory, the archives is also part of the biohazard laboratory, it’s too dangerous!

Chuck also said that we should not trust the efficiency of the positive and negative staff and any other personnel, let alone their seriousness and responsibility.

Therefore, even if such archives are said to be safe and controllable, we still have to consider the risk of harmful viruses leaking due to their poor management.

So I still suggest you don’t go in, and we’ll think about it again.

Or find a fully enclosed safety suit first..."

"We don't have that time!" As soon as Walter heard that his good partner started to open and close his mouth to explore Chuck again, he lost the patience to listen to what he said. After saying this, he went straight to the building.

Psychological master Toby also took off his favorite hat and followed quickly, pretending that the two were good friends, chatting and laughing, and went back to swipe his card to enter.

Psychological guru Toby even took the initiative to say hello to the security guards who came over.

The two entered very smoothly.

"We're in." Walter reminded.

"Very good, what you are looking for are the documents from January to August 1982, the Trish Carne Clinical Trial Project." Sylvester, a fat young man, reminded remotely from outside.

"Found it!" Walter and he found the file box easily.

Psychological guru Toby is keeping watch at the door.

Walter took the files and glanced at them, then changed one, and then read and recorded the whole box of files.

During this period, Lele and Peggy also saw the employee whose identity they had borrowed return, and went up to strike up a conversation, easily holding them back.

There was no alarm that the real ID card could not be swiped, and Walter and the others did not alert anyone until they returned from the mission.

"The plan was completed perfectly!" After the psychological master Toby returned, he proudly high-fived the fat young man Sylvester in celebration.

"Great job!" Old Agent Cabe could only shout six six six at this time.

"Now let's go back and print out this information immediately..." Walter's face looked better and he began to arrange commands again.

"Uh, excuse me." Waitress Peggy raised her hand: "Why do you have to go back? Why don't we just finish it here?"

Old Agent Cab nodded.

Always traveling to and from the Scorpion base has been criticized by Detective Chuck as a waste of time.

"There's no printer here!" explained psychology guru Toby.

"This is another weird question for me." Waitress Peggy considered the words: "Why do you need to print it out?

Walter, you have a photographic memory and you have a super genius brain.

Why don't you let Toby analyze it for you and you can come up with the names of the people we really need?

Isn't this the simplest and most time-saving way? "

"..." Walter's face darkened again.

"I made a mistake, didn't I? This should be very difficult to do..." The waitress Peggy was a little embarrassed, thinking she had overestimated what the so-called super genius could do.

"As I said before, Scorpio is a whole, and we all need to work together!" Lele, the mechanical prodigy, once again smoothed things over for Walter.

"Toby, starting with you, what kind of person do you think the biological virus attacker we are looking for is?"

“This guy is really angry that we, the biohacker, are making kids sick and letting parents know it’s man-made!

As someone who has always lost a lot of money gambling, I tell you, nothing makes people hold a grudge more than losing!

This is primal instinct!

People mistakenly believe that revenge will make them whole again.

We need to find the one that has the most to lose by changing the drug trial targets! "

"Twenty patients did not improve after taking the medicine!" Walter looked through the memories in his brain.

"That is to say, they have not lost anything." Psychology master Toby clapped his hands and said: "Sickness comes and sickness goes.

The same goes for those who got a control placebo.

Nothing has changed about their situation.

Maybe you will be disappointed because you didn’t get the real medicine, but it’s definitely not a big loss, and you won’t be so angry! "

"There are still 10 candidates!" Walter reminded: "Five of them died directly due to drug trials. They can also exclude them, leaving only the last five people..."

"Wait a minute!" Peggy, the waitress, seeing that they all agreed naturally, quickly stopped and said with a strange expression.

"Because he died directly in the drug trial, why can it be excluded? Didn't Detective Chuck say that the people who can carry out this kind of biochemical hacking behavior are most likely the family members of these patients.

Not the patient himself!

Besides, don’t you think there’s a problem with this?

Governor Ryan clearly said that this clinical trial was very effective, but because of the pursuit of more profits, it was changed to a specific drug specifically for the treatment of asthma.

However, in the first clinical trial, the trial was not over, and out of a total of 50 test subjects, 5 died directly.

A 10% mortality rate, is this considered a very good effect?


And that’s not even counting the control group that was just given a placebo!

If included, the death rate would be even scarier!

If I were a family member of a patient who died, if I knew the true situation of this experiment, I would definitely question whether there were problems with this clinical trial from the beginning.

Then I was very angry that this clinical trial caused the death of my family!

Is it not? "

"..." The four Scorpio geniuses were speechless when the waitress Peggy asked such a simple and common sense question.


If you exclude the direct placebo control group, the mortality rate is astonishingly high.

Even if the experimental group given the real drug and the control group given the placebo, the ratio is not 1:1, but 2:1, or higher.

The mortality rate starts at 10% which is too high.

Is this mortality rate really worthy of Governor Ryan’s so-called clinical trial results?

If the family members of the deceased who do not know the truth later learn about the death rate, can they really accept it calmly?

"Then don't exclude these five patients and their families!" Lele, the mechanical wizard, reminded: "We will screen out the family members of these 10 people."

After Walt reported all the information of these ten people and their family members, psychology master Toby was the first to speak: "Maybe it's Benjamin Carlisle! He is thirty-two years old and has an annual income of six figures. When he participated in the clinical trial, , is already engaged, and where is he now?”

"I prayed for treatment at a charity, and posted on my blog that I was very angry about the deterioration of my condition, and my engagement was cancelled." Mechanical wizard Lele immediately searched for this person's current information.

"That's him!" Psychological master Toby shouted: "If I lose my fiancée because of a disease that can be cured, I will take revenge!"

"It's not him!" Old Detective Cab shook his head: "It's Robert Richter! A single father, his child responded well to the drug, but he lost his child because the drug was canceled from clinical trials. He lost more than anyone else. .”

"You are purely perceptual reasoning!" Psychological master Toby said unconvinced.

"Is that rational reasoning of yours?" Old Detective Cabe glanced at him sideways: "That's your hormone-driven perceptual reasoning!

And a large part of legal science is about impulsive crimes!

Feelings are the most dangerous trigger!

Especially the love parents have for their children!

Trust me, this is the guy! "

"Toby, Cabe should be right." The fat young man Sylvester looked at the information reminder on the computer.

"This father works at the Academy of Sciences in Venice and is a professor of microbiology!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, psychological master Toby immediately admitted that ginger is still hotter.

Everyone set off directly to the Venice Academy of Sciences.

Of course, before departure, the old agent Cab and the waitress Peggy looked at each other, and it was the waitress Peggy who asked the question: "Do we have to drive there ourselves?"

"Must!!!" Walter said with a dark face: "The Venice Institute of Science is not far from here! We have already seized so much time, maybe we can catch him right in his office!"

"Just a reminder..." Waitress Peggy raised her hands to show that she meant no harm.

Walter glared at her, directed everyone to get in the car, and went straight to the Venice Academy of Sciences.

"Thank you." Old agent Cabe quietly thanked the waitress Peggy as he passed by.

"You're welcome." Peggy, the waitress, laughed at herself: "Since I joined and got such a high salary, I have to do something."

If it were old agent Cabe who asked the classic questions that Detective Chuck summed up against Walt, it would most likely lead to an uncontrollable conflict between Walt and veteran agent Cabe.

After all, the two have criminal records and still have a grudge against each other.

In the case of Peggy, the waitress, this risk is greatly reduced.

The only person who can speak directly to the pretty face of the waitress Peggy without showing any shame is Detective Chuck.

Walt always claimed that he had no such emotions and was all rational, but everyone knew that he simply couldn't do it.

Of course Peggy the waitress could tell.

And her self-deprecation is normal.

Because there are indeed many jobs, and the high salary is not based on the value of what she does, but because she can provide negative emotional output to others.

For example, those PRs who seem to be brain-dead.

They were paid for mental damages.

Waitress Peggy knew this, so she didn't see anything wrong with helping veteran agent Cabe.

This is the money she got!

If she is not allowed to do this, she will have to be careful.

After all, compared to her contribution, the salary, bonuses and various benefits she received were too high.

If she hadn't gone to the governor's mansion and seen all kinds of high-consumption projects, both positive and negative, she would have been even more uneasy about how much money she could get.


She feels at ease!

She is worth the price!

Check out the key questions she asked!

Not even the super talented team expected it.

How much time is saved!

She relies on her ability to make money, so of course she is not afraid that Walter will be unhappy with her!

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