American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 611 Bernadette’s troubles! Detective Chuck was right!

Academy of Sciences of Venice.

Professor's office.

Under the bright police badge of the old detective Cabe, Scorpio and his team entered smoothly and spread out, looking for useful clues everywhere.

The only regret is that the professor was not caught in the office.

"Sorry, Mr. Richter won't be here all day. Maybe I should call the campus police?" As expected, a pretty female secretary asked uneasily when she saw everyone rummaging through the boxes.

"Please." Old Detective Cab looked at her: "But my badge is bigger."

"..." The female secretary's eyes immediately became strange. She glanced at the old agent Cabe, then looked at the bald photo of the professor on her desk, and finally said nothing.


You have the final say.

"All I could find were test papers."

The waitress Peggy flipped through it a few times, looked up at everyone, saw that they were flipping through it quickly, looked down at it a few more times, then rubbed her temples and threw it aside.

She may be able to point out the errors and omissions of these super geniuses, but she still knows nothing about pure academic research.

"Look what I found!" Walter came out with a notebook and showed it to everyone.

"He's using a computer to simulate aerosolization! I bet he has a small sprayer filled with the virus, and he just stands a few feet away from the victim and sprays it, killing only the genes of the individual target." The infected victim, target, and others are not even aware."

"This is a pretty high-end murder weapon." Old Detective Cabe blurted out: "Is it difficult to make?"

When everyone looked over, he quickly concealed it: "I'm worried that weapons like this will become widespread. That would be terrible."

"Your worries are justified." Mechanical wizard Lele answered: "This small weaponized sprayer is terrifyingly simple to make.

He has a fast DNA sequencer and graphene-based nanopore hardware on his hands!

Today, genetic engineering is just a hobby.

But if you are really smart, you can become a modern disease communicator! "

"This is too scary!" Peggy, the waitress, said in horror.

"Don't worry so much." Mechanical Wizard Lele said with a smile: "Instead of worrying about portable weaponized sprayers, it is better to worry about the biological laboratories in hundreds or thousands of military bases of the US military around the world.

Detective Chuck immediately asked Governor Lane if he had offended the military-industrial complex, which was very to the point.

Those things studied in biological laboratories, and their poor sense of work responsibility, passively or actively released terrible viruses.

That is the real Pandora's box that can destroy the world.

It can easily destroy a race or even exterminate the entire human race.

Compared with that, individual weaponized biological viruses developed through personal hobbies are simply harmless little cute things. "

"Lele, stop joking." Waitress Peggy was unwilling to accept this statement.

"I'm not kidding." Lele shrugged: "In fact, I am getting more and more curious about one thing, that is, why are geniuses like us being treated by our parents since we were young?

If those who came were not ignorant of the real power, how could they have the courage to come to us?

Because although the power of the group is powerful.

But it does not rule out that there are very few super geniuses who can do things that thousands of researchers at hundreds of military bases and biological laboratories cannot do.

Once such a super genius turns dark and becomes vengeful, what will the world look like?

Those who are here should have fallen into infinite horror at the thought of this.

But it is a pity that American happy education has saved them from knowing the real power that we people can control.

We may be small, and we may study even tinier creatures, but we are definitely not easy to mess with!

I have decided that starting from today, I will also study microbiology in my spare time! "

Orange County.

Hilltop Villa Estate.

When the short Lele said these words, Bernadette, who was brought over by her eldest cousin MAX and her best friend Caroline, sneezed several times in a row.

"Who is thinking about our little cutie?" The eldest cousin MAX teased: "Let me guess, it must be the boss. After all, he always looks at you differently."

"MAX, don't say that!" Bernadette immediately turned red and blamed her eldest cousin, telling her not to say it.

"You can't help but be funny." Caroline smiled and said, "It's okay for you to go to middle school now, but what will happen to you when you go to college in the future?

Your eldest cousin and I are going to college soon. "

"That's not easy." MAX teased: "Let her go to school with Layla and the others. Anyway, they are quite popular with the boss."

"MAX!" Bernadette blamed her eldest cousin again.

But this time it was not because of the mention of Chuck, but because of the mention of Layla that made Bernadette feel inferior.

They are almost the same age, but the difference in IQ is huge.

When Layla and the others go to college in the future, they can study any major they want, but as small as her, I'm afraid they can only choose some majors that she can study.


Otherwise, choose microbiology.

Just like studying yourself.

It seems quite interesting, and the pressure of competition is not too great. Majors such as mathematics and physics do not require an absolute IQ advantage.

Bernadette worried about her future.

In fact, if possible, she would like to study the macro direction.

For example, like her eldest cousin MAX... Or like her idol Chuck...

The mechanical prodigy Lele didn't know that what he was saying touched on the thoughts of another girl not far away. The more he spoke, the more excited he became.

"Don't." Psychological master Toby saw her like this and said fearfully: "We never said you were easy to mess with."

"You just said that Western men generally have the bestiality towards Asian-looking women." Lele pointed at her face.

"My experience from childhood to adulthood can prove that your point of view is correct at least one or two hundred times! In this case, pure violence cannot refuse to prevent the invasion of external hazards.


In the future, when I come up with some great research results and make a lot of money from it, I will invest in making movies.

It specializes in making movies about geniuses who are blackmailed by their father after their father's death and take revenge on those bullies.

Talk to them about reason, talk about science and the concept of absolute power, but their brains are too stupid to understand and they are not willing to listen.

But you can make movies.

Especially horror movies!

A horror movie can leave a lasting impression on people.

If it’s not enough, then one more, two, ten more!

When the advancement of science and technology allows geniuses to more and more control real power, the concept will become more and more popular, and the world will definitely become more friendly to us, won't it? "

After saying this, she saw the waitress Peggy looking at her in horror and shrugged: "This is also for Ralph's good.

Don't you want Ralph to live with more dignity? "

"Okay!" Old Detective Kaibu took a deep look at Lele and interrupted: "The most important thing for us now is to save the children, not to discuss whether you should darken the plot of the movie about beating up the father. "

"Rickter is a modern disease communicator, with an emphasis on modern times." Walter interrupted this strange atmosphere: "His daughter died a few years ago.

But he delayed taking action until now.

It shows that he is waiting for the maturity of this technology.

Today we can also use modern technology to save children.

I've found samples of the virus he was working on.

Send it to CDC immediately!

If everything goes as we expected, the antidote will be researched and produced in two hours. "

"The governor has already contacted the CDC in advance." Old agent Cabe nodded when Walter looked over: "This time they didn't use the CDC headquarters to make the antidote. They borrowed a high-standard biological laboratory here in Los Angeles. room equipment.

After the antidote was researched and produced two hours later, it was immediately produced in the biological laboratory in Los Angeles and sent to the homes of the four children, including the governor.

Rescue them immediately.

Thanks to Detective Chuck for saving us at least another four hours. "

"..." Walter's face darkened.

Because without Detective Chuck's reminder, he would have smiled stupidly, thinking that it would only take two hours to save the four children. If the time was delayed later, their efforts would be in vain.

But why did Detective Chuck warn him in advance?

Why can't it be him?

"Since we are about to save four children, I think we should celebrate." Mechanical wizard Lele opened the refrigerator, took out a drink from it and threw it to everyone.

"Do you really think I would drink a drink taken from the refrigerator in the biology laboratory?" Sylvester, a fat young man, dodged and refused to accept the drink at all.

"Wait, don't get too happy yet!" A dark-faced Walter suddenly reminded: "There is another sequence and a fifth target! It's the governor!"

"..." Everyone was shocked and speechless.

Shocked that Governor Lane was being targeted.

What was speechless was that Walter clearly told them not to be happy, but after discovering this shocking bad news, the corners of Walter's mouth couldn't stop rising.

But everyone also understood him.

Detective Chuck put too much pressure on him.

Not to mention that when we worked together before, we crushed him the whole time.

Even though he's offline, Detective Chuck's influence is still with him.

Now we encounter a special situation discovered by Walt himself, which requires Walt to solve it himself and save Governor Lane, which is bad news for Governor Lane.

But for Walter, who needs to prove himself, this is great news.

Walter ignored the shock and speechlessness of his friends, and continued to say excitedly: "This sequence is different from the previous ones, it targets the potassium channel in the heart, and will cause direct death!

Richter indeed weaponized this.

Once he gets close to Governor Lane, this careful sprayer will be more terrifying than gun bullets. "

"The governor is not at home!" warned veteran agent Cabe who made the call as soon as he learned the news.

"His wife said he got rid of his bodyguards! He left through the back door and they didn't know where he went!"

"The only way to get a father to leave his dying child is to make him think he can save his child." Psychological master Toby reminded.

"Of course, according to Detective Chuck's analysis method, there is another possibility that is to go to the election to canvass votes! But if that is the case, he will not get rid of his bodyguards."

"Not necessarily." Lele mocked: "Politicians in House of Cards always have all kinds of sneaky private actions. These are the real secrets of these politicians.

Even if the bodyguard is allowed to participate in their married life and hold their handle, they must not be allowed to participate in these privacy affairs and truly hold their handle! "

Everyone: "..."

"Rickert called the governor and offered to hand over the antidote as long as he agreed to meet and hear what he had to say," said veteran agent Cabe.

"What he gave the governor was not an antidote, but a virus!" Walter corrected: "This is no longer causing pain to the governor, the virus will stop the governor's heart in a few seconds!"

"What should we do now?" Old Agent Cab looked at Walter: "The security personnel and our people can't find any trace of the governor..."

At this point, he hesitated.

What he wanted to say was whether to contact Detective Chuck.

Detective Chuck was offline before because he didn’t want to do the dirty work of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Now that they have done the dirty work, Governor Lane is in danger, and Detective Chuck can appear again to save everything!

But he knew this would be a huge blow to Walter.

If Walter had his way, he wanted to give Walter a chance.

After all, he still feels sorry for Walter because he was raised since he was a child.

"Let's locate them both immediately!" Walter is also a super genius. He couldn't figure out what old agent Cabe meant, so he immediately shouted.

This time, he no longer gave up his greatest advantage and verbally directed other hackers who were not super hackers to do the work he was supposed to do.

He personally took action to locate Governor Lane and Professor Richter, who wanted to kill someone.

"Found it! They're all at the Beach Tower! Let's go now!"

As he spoke, he picked up his computer and rushed out.

Everyone quickly followed.

As he walked, old detective Cabe took out his mobile phone and called the police resources at the Beach Tower, and sent the faces of Governor Lane and Professor Richter to them to prepare.

"..." Walter's expression froze again when he heard old agent Cabe's arrangement.

here we go again!

Instead of rushing there in person, they might as well direct the nearest local police force to rush to the scene as soon as possible.

Although intellectually speaking, this greatly saves time and can save the greatest extent.

But for Scorpio and him personally, this move is actually unfavorable and harmful.

They Scorpios just want to show off at the scene to improve their status and get money.

It's always like this now. Will it gradually degenerate into pure technical support where they just stay in the office?

And this is what Detective Chuck has repeatedly positioned them as Scorpio.

That would be even more infuriating.

What are you afraid of?

By the time they drove all the way to Beach House, everything had settled.

Governor Lane was there, surrounded by bodyguards.

But the suspect, Professor Richter, had already lost his mind and died on the spot.

"what happened?"

Walter hated not giving himself a chance to show off, so he asked with a dark face.

"It's all thanks to your efforts! We can save our children and kill this dangerous computer and biochemical hacker!" Governor Lane did not answer this question, but instead praised Scorpio.

"Detective Chuck is indeed right." Lele looked around and landed on the roof of a tall building opposite. There was a bullet hole in the glass of the building.

Obviously, Governor Lane is not the kind of ordinary father who is so panicked that he only focuses on saving his daughter and forgets about his own safety.

He came prepared.

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