American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 626: In the shadow of Detective Chuck, Scorpio sets sail again!

"Take an AIDS test!" Chuck reminded Monica after she scolded Schmidt, a distant relative.

"Yes!" Monica also reacted and warned: "Hurry up and find a place to get an AIDS test. It's best to go to other cities to do it."

"Why?" Schmidt's heart skipped a beat. After hearing Monica explain that the two cases Chuck had experienced had many similarities, he felt bad.

"It seems that taking an AIDS test has become the latest fashion now?" Qiu Hua, who has taken the test once, quipped.

"Who made this world such a mess?" Monica felt helpless, then picked up the phone and called her old friends Joey, Phoebe, and Ross.


The order is correct!

Needless to say, Joey filmed a public service announcement back then, which made everyone look at him and even his family members doubted that he was serious.

Phoebe has never joined in, and she and Rachel have become Eskimo sisters.

With Phoebe's previous regular relationship with a naval officer, the risk was second only to Joey's.

After all, he was a person who wandered around the streets of island countries and space countries abroad.

As for Ross, he has a bad reputation and a bad temper. He doesn't have many female friends for the time being, but as the big brother of Howard Jr. and Schmidt, I'm afraid I'm willing to give him a dozen if he can spend money to solve it!

Not short of money anyway!

As an old friend, she had to take notice.

"Again?" Joey received the call and couldn't laugh or cry.

Last time, because of Peggy's mother Linda's relationship, he was so afraid that he went for a detailed test.

Unexpectedly, this storm that started in Los Angeles would hit him again.

However, he still obeyed and agreed to do it.

Because after flying over from the East Coast, although he didn't have much development in Los Angeles, it didn't affect his success at all.

With his looks and 'how you doing~', there are a lot of easy girls checking in on him.

When Phoebe received the call, she thought of her twin sister Ursula's experience, and said sadly that she knew.

When Ross received the call, he became furious and yelled at his sister Monica, saying that she was slandering his innocence!

All kinds of grievances were vented.

Monica also knew that her elder brother was feeling miserable, so she politely did not hang up, but directly threw the phone aside and let him vent.

Los Angeles.

Scorpio base.

"Oh God!" Peggy, the waitress, hurried down from upstairs with shock on her face: "Do you know what happened?"

"What?" Only the mechanical wizard Lele cooperated with her.

The other three had no time to pay attention to her.

"What are they doing?" Peggy, the waitress, looked dissatisfied at the others who did not cooperate with her.

"Whoever recovers the most Rubik's cubes within the specified time of the competition." Mechanical wizard Lele explained to her.

But they saw the fat young men Sylvester and Walter standing face to face, with various Rubik's cubes in front of them.

Both men were quickly recovering the Rubik's Cube.

Psychological master Toby is in charge of the commentary and atmosphere team: "Sylvester is only a few seconds behind, but the pressure can be read from his face, will he get stuck?

Will he get stuck? The game has reached a critical moment, and the tension has reached a high point! Ladies and gentlemen, it is not suitable for pregnant women and the faint of heart. "

"Walter smiled very happily." Peggy, the waitress, said in surprise.

"Yes." Lele raised a finger to her mouth to signal the waitress Peggy not to disturb her. When the waitress came over, she whispered a reminder: "He hasn't been this happy for a long time."

Waitress Peggy smiled knowingly.

In fact, it didn't take that long. Before the real intersection with Chuck, although Walt had always targeted Chuck as a god, there was no direct intersection.

Therefore, the state at that time was more full of ambition, full of high fighting spirit every day, and vowed to develop Scorpio into a name that is comparable to the god Chuck, or even surpasses it.

But in just over a week when she really interacted with Chuck, Walter was slapped in the face so many times by Chuck that she lost count.

He was even stunned by a phone call in public.

How tragic.

She was worried that it would be difficult for him to recover.

He never thought that a game could make him laugh so heartily.

"It's not that shameful to lose to Detective Chuck." Lele, the mechanical prodigy, noticed her thoughts and reminded her in a low voice.

Walter is also a super genius. He also heard what the waitress Peggy was saying. Although he didn't hear what they were saying clearly, her arrival still made him want to perform even more.

So after he picked up a messed up Rubik's Cube, he didn't recover immediately. Instead, he paused. When the psychological master Toby looked over, he smiled evilly, then closed his eyes and put the Rubik's Cube behind him.

Psychological master Toby's atmosphere team did a great job and immediately shouted out Walt's actions in a more passionate voice.

"Oh oh oh! He used the classic blind fight trick! He's brave! He's very arrogant! The purpose is to scare Sylvester!"

"No, no, no!" The fat young man Sylvester was unwilling to admit that he was frightened.

But he did feel more pressure.

Because he and Walt are both super geniuses, with the same high-definition image-like memory as the super geniuses in the world of American TV series, so whether they close their eyes or whether they spell blindly or not does not actually affect the result.

But the ability to finally spell it out and the speed at which it is spelled out still have an impact.

After all, there is a lot of information that vision can receive.

This is why many people will feel much more relaxed even if they don't sleep, as long as they close their eyes and take a rest when they are tired.

After closing your eyes, the brain's visual processor is turned off, which can save a lot of brain power.

Therefore, the impact of vision on super geniuses like them will be much smaller. After scanning, the brain can simulate the visual effect by relying on memory and calculation power.


But it will take a few more seconds to think.

And for Sylvester, a fat young man who is not in a good state of mind and is easily nervous, the psychological interference effect of this move is stronger.

Finally, under the shouts of psychological master Toby, time ended and Walt won the final victory.

"Walter wins again, as always!" The fat young man Sylvester admitted defeat.

"Only win a little bit, as always." Walter touched his arms and smiled modestly.

It was fine before.

For him, winning over others is a normal thing.

But now, every victory is precious.

Tebi's victory against the fat young man Sylvester made him happier than before.

Because this indicates that he is still among the super geniuses, and is not yet at the bottom of the super genius list.

"Peggy, what do you want to say?" Walter looked at the waitress Peggy.

"I just heard Jess tell a big piece of gossip upstairs." When the waitress Peggy saw them all looking over, she immediately revealed the breaking news that had shocked her for a whole year.

"Schmidt signed a heart-slave contract with his female boss and had to take an AIDS test, and Chuck also suggested that he go out of state to get it done."

"I knew it! You deserve it!" Psychological master Toby raised his hands and laughed.

"Toby!" Peggy, the waitress, reminded her, displeased with his gloating.

"What's wrong?" Psychology Master Toby shrugged, "Although you have only been here a short time ago and haven't seen this bastard a few times, I don't believe you can't figure out who he is?

This bastard, ever since he hooked up with his female boss, he shows off his superiority to us every time he comes back.

It's fine now, so bad luck, right?

Let me tell you, Detective Chuck has nothing to do. Why would a bastard like him remind him? "

"That's not the point." Peggy, the waitress, thought of Schmidt's extremely vulgar face that could stereotype a racial image, and had to admit that the psychological master Toby didn't seem to be going too far, so she shook her head.

"The point is..."

At this point, facing the strange and confused Scorpio quartet, she suddenly couldn't speak any more.

"The key point?" Psychological master Toby stared into her eyes, suddenly reacted, and then burst into laughter.

"You're not going to say the point is whether Chuck should ask him to get an AIDS test, or whether he should go out of state to get it done. We in Los Angeles can't get a test now, so we should do it, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the fat young man Sylvester turned his head uncomfortably.

Walter lowered his eyes.

Mechanical wizard Lele said quietly: "This is not funny! Even if we don't want to do it, you should do it."

Psychological master Toby's laughter suddenly stopped, and his face became ugly.

"Let's all do it together." The waitress Peggy smoothed things over: "Just treat it as a routine physical examination. I think the Department of Homeland Security will reimburse it. The leaders must have done it recently and reimbursed it, but they refuted our A one-time special reimbursement fee.”

"Are you sure you need it?" Walter frowned and looked at her.

"Do I have any questions?" Peggy, the waitress, asked, "I hear what Chuck means, the incubation period for AIDS is ten years.

With the level of confusion now exposed by these news, everyone needs to do one just in case.


Not once!

Instead, do it three times in a row.

Wouldn’t it be the best option to report this fee to the Department of Homeland Security at the same time?

In a way, this is considered a homeland security incident, right? "

"I don't need it!" The fat young man Sylvester shook his head firmly: "And the hospital is one of the places I fear the most. The blood drawing needles and other things used are also risky, so I won't go!"

"What are you talking about?" At this moment, Cab, a veteran agent from the Department of Homeland Security, opened the door and walked in.

"We are talking about asking the Department of Homeland Security to reimburse the cost of HIV testing. Is that okay?" Waitress Peggy stared into the eyes of old agent Cab.

"No problem!" Old Detective Cabe agreed.

"You really know it." Psychological master Toby pointed at the old agent Cab: "It seems that this is really the work of the Department of Homeland Security~"

"Ahem!" Old detective Cabe coughed in embarrassment, not wanting to continue this embarrassing topic.

As the head of the Los Angeles branch of the Department of Homeland Security, he must know a lot of information.

And of course, the AIDS testing craze caused by the current case involving Detective Chuck reached his ears immediately.


To be more precise, they were densely packed in front of him.

Scorpio's collective request to reimburse the cost of HIV testing has actually been done by other people in the bureau as soon as possible.

Compared with the efficiency of not even arriving at the critical moment when things are over, the reasons behind this ultra-high efficiency are heart-warming...

In short, he understood and agreed with the trend, but he definitely didn't want to talk about this kind of thing anymore.

"Okay! Everyone is packed up and ready to go! Today is about the future of the Scorpion team, and this is the moment! Minister Merrick thinks I'm crazy!"

"He thinks you are crazy? In fact, compared to AIDS, you should go for a drug test, which is more likely to corrode the nerves and make people crazy." Psychological master Toby gave professional medical advice.

But under the dagger-like eyes of the old detective Cabe, he finally shut up.

"He thinks I'm crazy to put together a genius squad, and we need to prove him wrong!"

"Guys, he's right! This acting is of great significance to our company. Once successful, we, Scorpio, will completely gain a reputation in the industry. We can take on private jobs in the future and get rid of the model of relying entirely on positive and negative orders." Wo. Te reminded everyone after the old agent Cabe went out first.

“Only by having your own profit channels and achieving financial freedom can you truly take control of your life!

Here’s my recent summary of Chuck’s strengths and weaknesses and discovered our biggest weaknesses.

He has money and resources, and everything he does is out of his own interest.

And we have been forced by life from the beginning and have to accept the task.

It is conceivable that in this state, how can we truly realize our full potential?

So this time everyone must cheer up and perform well.

Whether we can be independent in the future depends on this time! "

"It seems that this is the real purpose of Chuck saying 'Quinn'." Peggy, the waitress, nodded.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over.

Walter's eyes were strange: "What did you say?"

"What's wrong?" Waitress Peggy didn't react for a moment.

"What do you think is the real reason why Chuck said Quinn?" Sylvester, the fat young man, asked.

"Isn't it said that only those with money can do whatever they want?" Peggy, the waitress, looked at everyone uncertainly.

"I also heard what you said, the Green Arrow and the CEO of Quinn Pharmaceuticals, aren't they all super rich people.

Especially the CEO of Quinn Pharmaceuticals. You found out that he himself is a patient of muscular dystrophy, so he spent so much money and devoted almost all the company's resources to the research and development of a rare disease.

The financial potential for rare diseases is inherently small.

Doesn't he just want to use money to buy his life?

In fact, to a certain extent, he really did it, didn't he?

He injected himself with the latest developed drugs, and outsiders could not tell that he was a muscular atrophy patient who was about to die quickly.

Isn't this what Chuck wants to tell you, that you can do whatever you want if you have money?

Am I wrong? "

"You are absolutely right!" Psychology Master Toby clapped his hands and shouted: "Detective Chuck is clearly mocking Walt for not wanting to work hard to make big money. He is doing digital immortality and mechanical ascension by himself and has no future at all.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want!

This sentence is simply 'I am Batman, my power is to do whatever I want with money'!

To extend it a little further, he may not be able to do it. Even if Walter embarks on this path in the future, in front of him as Batman, he will at most be Green Arrow Quinn~

Everything clicked.

It was just a show off to us, and we didn’t notice it. "

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