American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 627: Walter, who was trying hard to overtake in a corner, got bruised and swollen!

"hurry up!"

The old agent Cabe came back to urge.

"Let's go! The past is no longer important! Today will be a new beginning!" Walter greeted everyone with a strong smile.

"My hat is off!" Psychological master Toby dropped the chain again as expected, once again attracting the roar of the old agent Cab and the gaze of Walter.

Obviously everyone said they were ready.

He's doing it again!



U.S. Marine Corps training base.

Several Humvee armored vehicles drove in.

in the car.

Walter and the fat young man Sylvester have changed their costumes and look like American soldiers.

Sitting across from them were three real American soldiers, each looking at them like fools.

"Walter, please confirm again, why are we here?" The fat young man Sylvester was the one who collapsed the most.

"If I wanted to be a soldier, it would have been after I committed suicide and restarted my life!"

"Relax, Sylvester, this is just an exercise, I'm not really asking you to become a soldier." Walter could only comfort him again.

"We are just civilians, not soldiers!"

"When we are attacked, we are civilians, and when we attack, we are soldiers." Toby, the psychological master in the control center, pointed out the key through the communication headset.

"It's like we are a third-party contractor of the Department of Homeland Security. When things go well, we are close collaborators, but when something goes wrong, we are just unfamiliar temporary workers.

The main focus is a Schrödinger's quantum state!

unpredictable! "

"I guarantee you that in the infinite parallel universe, no one is a soldier Sylvester!" The fat young man Sylvester was shaken from side to side, holding on to his safety helmet while shouting loudly.

"Shut up!" the real commander scolded: "We are about to approach the target, everyone listen to my command! Team D suppresses the resistance! Team O finds the communication room! Team S leads the idiot soldiers! You have 30 seconds to download the file, understand Yet?"

"Understood! But why do you call us idiot soldiers?" The fat young man Sylvester did not dare not answer even though he was afraid.

"That's a joke in the army!" The psychological master in the control center explained with a smile: "Soldiers without skills, coordination and knowledge! Abbreviations of these words! The federal leaders are the best at making abbreviations, but they are useless!"

"We have no knowledge? Do they have some misunderstanding about knowledge?" the fat young man Sylvester complained.

"If they really knew knowledge, do you think they would become soldiers?" Psychological master Toby complained.

"Silly soldier, what did you say?!" The communication headset was connected to China Unicom, so real combat soldiers could hear it, and they immediately felt uncomfortable.

"No, it's nothing."

"Toby, don't talk nonsense! Pay attention to the purpose of this acting!"

The fat young man Sylvester fearfully agreed, and Walter quickly reminded the psychological master Toby that he was telling the truth.

"American bullying is everywhere. I thought it would be better if I left school, but I didn't expect that we have been out for so many years, and we would actively join the army where American bullying is concentrated." Le, a mechanical wizard who is also in the control center Leyouyou said.

"They know I'm the Minister of Homeland Security, right?" In the control center, a bald man stood next to the old agent Cabe. He listened dissatisfied to Scorpio's few words and stripped them clean: "Your superior?"

"They are just civilians." The old agent Cabe is good at Tai Chi.

"..." The bald head of the Department of Homeland Security was speechless for a moment.

After all, this is not a real war situation, but just an exercise in the training base.

However, in conjunction with the comment about Schrödinger's quantum state that the attacked were civilians and the attacked were soldiers, which was complained by psychology master Toby just now, it made him really uncomfortable to hold back his old talk.

Outside the control center, the tank had arrived in front of the target, and the commander shouted, 'Up, up, up! 'The slogan directed everyone to rush forward.

The fat young man Sylvester felt that he was going to die. Not only was he fully armed, but he also carried his own professional equipment. Under the constant urging of the commander, he used his zombie steps, which were not much better than those of Little Sheldon, to go as far as possible. Rushing forward, complaining, "I have plantar fasciitis!"

The other real soldiers ignored them.

Walter could only take the initiative to come over and give him a hand. Who made him agree to hold this exercise?

Not only to further prove Scorpio and build a reputation.

It is also to further distinguish himself from Detective Chuck and reopen the track.

Cooperation with the military and other institutions is something that Detective Chuck will never enter.

This may become the key for him to overtake in corners and defeat Detective Chuck in the future.

So he attaches great importance to it.

But before coming back from the gathering, after the waitress Peggy reminded Chuck of the answer to the riddle that seemed to be the most reasonable, he once again had a psychological shadow in his heart.

There was always a feeling that this exercise, for which he had high hopes, would go wrong.

And since it hadn't officially started yet, and the team was constantly complaining and complaining, he felt that the ominous premonition was getting stronger and stronger.

"The door breaking tool I designed has a lot of torque! Use more force!" Lele from the control center also reminded the soldiers who were breaking through the door through real-time footage.

The soldiers broke in, controlled the enemy inside with zero casualties and zero fighting, and then greeted: "Silly soldier! Hurry, hurry, hurry! Download the file in 30 seconds!"

The idiot soldier Walter pulled the fat young man Sylvester in: "Sylvester, you are responsible for the right side!"

"Walter, the file is encrypted."

"Damn! It's Arabic!"

"Walt, I'm having a panic attack!"

"We'll rewrite it."

As the commander continued to shout loudly, Walter could only comfort the fat young man Sylvester and complete the task as much as possible.

Then Walter completed the task first and turned around to help the fat young man who was unable to complete the task because of panic.

When they ran out, they saw their own people in the command center, all of whom were held at gunpoint by the enemy.

"Walter, I'm sorry."

The fat young man Sylvester said he was sorry, but he felt greatly relaxed in his heart.

Finally I don’t have to do this anymore.

"You have been captured!" the soldier, who was playing the role of a terrorist wearing a scarf, announced, and then he was critically hit by Lele.

"Why are you still taking action, Agent Gro?" The attacked terrorist shouted dissatisfied at the old agent Cabe.

"Who made the first move?" Lele sneered: "In your own country, you dare to extend your hands directly to your own female citizens and comrades-in-arms. You can only imagine what you did when you were abroad!

No wonder others fight back even if they risk their lives! "

"What nonsense are you talking about! We are just acting. Of course, we will do whatever the person we are acting is like." The soldier who reached out to touch the bear argued.

"No wonder I asked you to play the role of a terrorist, you are acting in your true colors!" Lele mocked.

"Lele!" Under the glare of his boss, old agent Kaibu could only remind Lele that enough was enough.

"I don't know what we are doing, but I know this is definitely not what we want!" Lele said loudly.

"Toby said that Western men have a strong desire to take advantage of Asian women. I have always known that, but it seems that I have underestimated the prevalence and seriousness of this beastliness!

who are they?

What are they doing?

During the hostage rescue exercise, he dared to show his hands to his teammates. What was he trying to do? "

Having said this, she looked at Walter: "I didn't want to say it originally, but I don't want to come to you with a big belly and ask who the father of the child is?

AIDS testing is also arranged! Anyway, it’s routine testing now!

Oh, God! We are geniuses!

A super genius recognized even by Detective Chuck!

Do we really need to work with these American bullies to get a name and a job?

If working with them could really save the world, with the wisdom of Detective Chuck, why did he reject it outright from the beginning? "

Everyone's face was ashen.

"Dismissed! Disbanded!" The bald minister scolded with a dark face, glared at the old agent Cabe, turned around and left.

The other soldiers were either ashamed, annoyed, or still unfinished, so they dispersed.

"Lele, I'm sorry." Old detective Kaibu stepped forward to apologize.

It's not like he didn't notice the soldier's dirty tricks.

Because it can no longer be called sneaking, but reaching directly from the back to the front to grab, and everyone can see clearly.

At any other time, he would have stood up for Lele, and then sublimated it: "We are tired of cutting wood! I will never allow my family to be bullied like this!"

It might even be said that Lele is like his own daughter. No father can tolerate this kind of treatment for his daughter.

However, the reality is that this is a military camp!

As a veteran agent who had served in the military and worked closely with the military as an agent abroad, he was accustomed to this kind of behavior.

He has witnessed even worse incidents with his own eyes.

So he didn't react for a while.

When he came to his senses, he felt that he could not afford to lose the big for the small. The minister was personally watching this exercise. It was related to Scorpio's future, so he could bear it if he could.

And this is a military camp.

If something really happened, he couldn't handle it at all, and he couldn't even guarantee that everyone in Scorpio could leave safely.

So he didn't have the tough guy image he usually displayed. He was silent the whole time. He didn't speak to comfort Scorpio until he was alone.

"Lele, are you okay?" Waitress Peggy walked to Lele and looked at her with concern.

"You will never understand how I feel." Lele looked at her and calmly stated a fact.

"..." Waitress Peggy was speechless.

In fact, she was not required to come to this military exercise, but unlike the original time and space where she was passively invited, in this time and space she joined Scorpio forcefully on her own.

Therefore, she also required to participate in this kind of collective action.

I was in the control center with Lele and the others just now, and then they were taken advantage of by the 'terrorists', but the experience was different from Lele's.

She is more beautiful and has a better figure, but she has not suffered any abuse.


After the analysis by psychological master Toby, Lele also got angry about this. She wanted to pretend that everyone was the same as a woman, but she couldn't do it anymore.

The fact is that Lele, as a petite Asian woman, made the soldiers unable to help but touch Lele with such exaggerated movements in front of the Secretary of Homeland Security and so many people.

The information conveyed by this is already too obvious and rich!

Without Detective Chuck as a comparison, Lele wouldn't say anything. For the survival of the team and the only home she has, she will still fight, but she will not get angry and yell at everyone.

But now, what Detective Chuck does is clearly laid out there, and he doesn’t even bother to cooperate with the military, CIA and other agencies that are doing things abroad.

Scorpion's leader, Walt, also fell out with the old agent Cabe who was like his adoptive father because the software he designed was misused by the military and directly killed many innocent people from other countries.

How long has it been?

Walter actually led them again, taking the initiative to go to the place where American bullying is the most serious and should make him the most disgusted. It was called just an exercise, just to make a name for himself, so he could overtake the detective Chuck in a corner. ,Competitive differentiation!

But they are Scorpios, they are all geniuses, and they are not the idiot soldiers that the big-headed soldiers call them. How could they not know that such an exercise would be successful.

From now on, they, Scorpio, will definitely take part in such actions.

It was no longer in the training base at that time.

Instead, they will go to real battlefields abroad.

Here, she could have her breasts assaulted in public.

One can imagine what she will encounter when she arrives in a military camp on a foreign battlefield!

Fight to the death?

She had no doubt that those people would threaten to send the Scorpios directly to the front line of the conflict and use their enemies to kill them.

As a hacker, it's not like she hasn't seen relevant information.

It’s not like the female soldiers in the military camp don’t have guns in their hands, so why don’t they dare to resist?

It’s not this silent threat that’s the most terrifying!

Those who dared to resist were silently arranged to be cannon fodder at the front!

Walter leads them Scorpio to compete with Detective Chuck. She will do her best to help Walter and try to defeat Detective Chuck.

She also found it exciting and meaningful.

But if this seems to be another way, it is actually the stupidest and most unfeasible way. She must speak out to stop it!

Because if you go down this path, it will be impossible to defeat Detective Chuck.

Instead, he will only become the creator of the hellish jokes told by Detective Chuck.

"Lele, I'm sorry." Walter looked ugly and embarrassed.

He is said to have the fourth highest IQ in history. How could he not think of what Lele is thinking about?

It's just that he is used to being conceited and arrogant, but he doesn't have the perfect strategy like Detective Chuck, so there will always be a serious disconnect between theory and reality.

If it were Detective Chuck, he would definitely not let female members go to the military camp or conduct any exercises.

But he had no idea that in addition to the software he designed could become an accomplice in bombing civilians in other countries, he almost became an accomplice in helping soldiers insult Lele, who supported him the most.

Of course he doesn't want this!

But he just couldn't think of this!

In the final analysis, he is a super genius who claims to be extremely rational and indifferent to emotions. The so-called old agent Cabe took advantage of him and harmed innocent people and completely fell out. These are just words in name.

The truth is that he was fed up with being restricted and took the opportunity to become independent.

It's a pity that he hasn't been doing well in these years.

That's why the old agent Kaib asked for a job again and half-heartedly agreed. He even ignored the past "extreme pain of hurting civilians in other countries" and cooperated with the soldiers again.

Nowadays, the waitresses Peggy and Lele have refused to cooperate with him, and the fat young people are complaining more and more. The psychological master Toby will only slip up at critical moments.

Does his Scorpio team still have a future...

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