American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 629 After all the busy work, I still need to find the divine detective Chuck to ask for the

"Let's go!" Walter greeted.

"Where to go?" Waitress Peggy asked quickly.

"Of course I'm going to hell!" Psychological master Toby smiled: "Provide Detective Chuck with first-hand jokes about hell!"

"..." The waitress Peggy was speechless and quickly followed.

The salary of my current job is much higher than when I was a waiter, but the pressure is also much greater than before.

There is always a risk of unemployment.

It's so hard.

A law firm that was bombed.

Various law enforcement agencies have been involved here.

It’s not just L.A. Homicide.

Department of Homeland Security.

There is also a special department involved.

People from the forensics department have arrived to take photos and collect evidence.

"It was a big explosion, but the target was not the entire building, just the law firm!" The bald captain of the major crime team nodded to the old detective Cab: "It seems that Chuck is right."

"Do you also believe his hell joke about lawyers?" Old Detective Cabe said speechlessly: "This is just a family law firm, does it need to go to this step just to fight for custody?"

"Do you think ordinary people can afford to hire a family custody lawyer who works in a place like this?" The bald captain reminded: "Everything that happens to rich people is not normal.

I once encountered a case where three brothers and a sister were fighting over an inheritance.

The most inconspicuous one mailed a powerful bomb to his sister and brother in advance!

Put yourself into a coma.

Make sure you are not suspected.

Then he blew up his sister and brother at regular intervals, and then he woke up by luck and got all the inheritance!

Who do you think is more outrageous than this one? "

"The most outrageous thing is that the bomb can be mailed on time." Old agent Cabe complained: "Not only is the time successful, but it is also successfully mailed to the right recipient. This is very sci-fi and outrageous!"

"That's true." The bald captain pointed at the old agent Cab: "I thought so too at the time!"

The two smiled at each other, both complaining about the efficiency of the U.S. Federal Postal Service.

"The lawyer who was killed in the bombing had a note on the door that said, 'You ruined my life, then I will ruin yours.'" The bald captain reminded: "It looks like revenge! But it could also be Confuse our cover!”

"I hope it's not a cover." Old agent Cabe frowned.

If it is a cover, it means that the other party may have a bigger target, and it is probably a terrorist attack.

"Who is that?"

"He said he was assessing the collateral damage, which was your damaged network equipment in the basement!" The bald captain saw the old agent Cabe looking at a person and introduced: "From the federal surveillance team~"

Old detective Kaib showed a knowing expression and took the initiative to walk over. After introducing each other's identities, he looked at him in surprise: "I didn't even know your department was still out in the field? Isn't your law enforcement power an online communication and monitoring system? ?"

"But if the network crashes, of course we hope to restore it as soon as possible! Otherwise we won't be able to carry out our work." The people in the monitoring team shrugged: "The key is that we don't even dare to take the opportunity to go on vacation. Who knows if this is an intentional cyber attack!"

"Caib!" At this moment, Walter led the Scorpio team and rushed over.

"What are you doing here?" Old agent Cabe was actually not surprised by their arrival.

"We think this is a terrorist attack!" Walter explained: "You need our help!"

After old agent Cabe and other members of the surveillance team answered the phone and left, he explained to Walter: "That was the surveillance team just now. For security reasons, they will analyze all communication data in the country."

"This is against the constitution!" Psychological master Toby coughed and whispered. Seeing the old agent Cabe looking at him, he complained.

"Now I finally know why Detective Chuck likes to tell hell jokes so much. Look here, we just arrived. Not only are there his favorite lawyer hell jokes, but we, the United States, are the beacon of freedom but we are doing our best to monitor ourselves. The national affairs are nothing but a joke from hell!"

"Shut up!" Old Agent Cabe scolded: "They have the right to directly contact Secretary Merrick, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Commander-in-Chief!

Once they hear that this incident is related to a terrorist attack, can you imagine the consequences of getting it wrong? "

"We won't make a mistake!" Walter regained his confidence again: "There are hard disk cables hidden in this building. All the networks in the southwest region are now just the remains of cables."

"There is a note of revenge written on the lawyer's door." Old Detective Cabe reminded.

"That's an illusion!" Psychology master Toby explained: "If the murderer was seeking revenge from the lawyer for emotional reasons, divorce or custody, he would definitely use a more direct method, stabbing or shooting to death! It's much simpler than this ”

"It's also easier to be discovered!" The bald captain came over and retorted: "Is there a possibility that this is a precise murder?

The real target is just someone in this law firm, and the person who paid the murder does not want to expose the real purpose of the murder.

That's why he simply bombed the entire law firm, creating the illusion of revenge, and even made some conspiracy theorists think of a terrorist attack, thereby successfully hiding the real murderous intention. "

"Uh..." Psychological master Toby hesitated, and suddenly lost the confidence he had at the beginning, and said with a guilty conscience: "It's not impossible, but it definitely requires a high enough IQ to think of this, but it is easier. be found.

But if he is really that smart, he should have thought of the possibility of exposure, so it is unlikely! "

"Your reasoning is even more far-fetched." The bald captain shook his head: "The reason why he hired the murderer was because he was not sure that the murder would not be discovered, and he would do professional things professionally.

He doesn't need to be very smart, as long as he gives money and finds a suitable killer. Such an assassination operation is not a complicated plan for a professional killer. "

"..." Psychological master Toby was speechless.

Even Walter was no longer as confident as he was at the beginning: "Are you?"

The bald captain introduced himself. Seeing no response from them, he could only say helplessly: "I have recently cooperated with Detective Chuck on several cases."

"..." Walter's whole person became even worse.

A mere detective who has worked with Detective Chuck on several cases can so sharply point out the loopholes in the theory they confidently put forward...

This day is really unbearable.

"I still think it's a terrorist attack!" Lele saw that the situation was not good and quickly encouraged: "Don't forget, structurally speaking, the bomb should be placed there. It will directly blow up the entire law firm, not just part of it!"

"Again, the killer doesn't need to blow up the entire law firm, he just needs to eliminate the target." The bald captain retorted.

"Whoever did it must be very aware of the seven-millimeter fiber optic cable trunk in the vent, so he planted a bomb on it!" The fat young man Sylvester smiled kindly at the bald captain and painted himself She handed him the structural diagram of the law firm building.

"This complies with the building's construction vent regulations. Under normal circumstances, there is no place to place a bomb. I once worked on the building committee and was fired after just one day. Because I accidentally dripped hand sanitizer on the blueprints."

"The entire Southwest, everything from banks to emergency services, will be affected." Walter regained his confidence and stared at the bald captain, trying to convince him.

The fighting spirit in that look was like looking directly at Detective Chuck.

He certainly felt that way.

Even if the bald captain only followed Detective Chuck on a few cases, there was already a trace of Detective Chuck, as if he was watching them from the shadows and picking on them.

“If you can’t get cash, traffic will come to a standstill within a day, even the Ministry of Water and Electricity needs internet, and within a week, there will be no clean drinking water. This is countless times more serious than people not receiving mail!

Even if this is the smoke of the so-called killer's precise assassination operation, the incident itself has definitely reached the level of a terrorist attack!

We must treat terrorist attacks with the same seriousness! "

"He's right!" At this time, the people from the surveillance team who called came over.

"So you need us!" Walter looked at the old agent Cabe: "With our help, we can quickly restore the operation of all facilities without causing greater impact!

Otherwise you should know how efficient the positive and negative staff are!

And we can help you catch the person who planted the bomb! "

"I know you want to make up for the loss this morning, but you are still newbies in this area, and you are still newbies who are disliked by my immediate boss, Minister Merrick." Old agent Cabe pulled Walt aside and reminded him.

"If we mess up again this time, we will really be screwed!"

"Which time was it not like this?" Psychology master Toby overheard and couldn't help complaining: "We have only cooperated on three cases in total, and every time you said you screwed up, it was completely over!

I'm really curious about the independent contractors you work with. Do they really complete their tasks perfectly every time? "

"I don't believe it." Lele said faintly: "If it was really so powerful, it would have unified the world long ago, so why would we have to worry about terrorist attacks all day long!"

"..." Old agent Cabe was speechless and could only explain: "They are not perfect, but they did work hard enough at the beginning, and they are not as proud as you, and they will not directly anger the highest officer."

"So do you need us?" Lele asked straightforwardly: "We are collaborators, not unilateral subordinates. We have the dignity of our team!"

"As always, I am willing to bet my future, reputation, and everything for you!" Old agent Kaibu took a deep look at Lele and finally agreed.

Because he really doesn't believe in the work efficiency of his colleagues.

If the impact of this network outage was so great, he couldn't let it go.

He understood the unpleasantness Lele had suffered that morning, and he was very apologetic.

So he won't say much this time.

But he would never allow Lele to always talk to him with this attitude.

"Lele, a 2000 series aggregation router will be shipped from Berlin overnight." Back at the Scorpio base, everyone took action immediately. Walter called to remind Lele.

"Can't it be faster? Why does it have to be flown in from Berlin?" Peggy, the waitress, couldn't understand.

“We’re not buying a mouse pad!”

“This is a high-end product only made in Berlin!”

The geniuses thought this behavior was normal, but the waitress Peggy still frowned: "Only Berlin can produce? I thought we were a manufacturing powerhouse? Is there no one in the country that can produce?"

"Oh, Peggy, Peggy, Peggy." Psychologist Toby couldn't help but smile like Sheldon mocking Penny.

"You are so naive! Where did you get this knowledge? From primary school textbooks?

What era is it!

The United States has long been hollowed out.

Not to mention this high-end product that is only produced in Berlin.

Even for mass consumer goods, we can hardly produce them domestically.

The industrial chain spans the world.

This is why we need to deploy weapons around the world and build hundreds of military bases.

Because once we lose control of foreign countries, we are doomed! "

"But after we won that year, we obviously moved a lot of Berlin scientists to China..." The waitress Peggy couldn't understand this operation.

"Have you read Marvel comics?" The fat young man Sylvester said with a smile: "The relationship between Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. explains everything perfectly. You can read it when you have time."

"..." Peggy, the waitress, immediately lost interest and stopped thinking about these things. However, when she heard Walter confidently said, 'You can install it tomorrow and then restore the network and everything will be back to normal,' she still couldn't help but think about it from the perspective of ordinary people. Perspectives raise questions.

"Isn't this kind of network paralysis serious? It will have a negative impact on various industries?"

"Yes, this is why we are working hard now... What exactly do you want to say?" Walter had an ominous premonition.

"In this case, why can't we find a spare device in the entire California?" Peggy, the waitress, knew that Walter didn't want to hear it, but she still couldn't help asking her doubts.

"Isn't it best to borrow it first and restore the network as soon as possible? Even if California doesn't have one, isn't there a backup in the entire United States?

You also said that this is a very high-end equipment.

It’s impossible not to consider the spare parts for damaged equipment!

And even if everyone is working hard, they haven't even considered or prepared for such a simple safety risk.

But doesn’t Detective Chuck have such professional equipment available?

I don’t quite believe it! "

"..." Walter was speechless.

Detective Chuck, Detective Chuck again!

There is no way around the mysterious detective Chuck!

He didn't know if there was any spare equipment in California or even across the country.

But Chuck's network is certainly not affected.

He was sure of this!

But it's not that he didn't think of this, it's that he didn't want to rely on God to detect Chuck all the time.

Then what's the point of all his efforts?

Just when the air was quiet, the TV, whose signal had been restored, was broadcasting the latest news.

"The traffic lights failed, causing a traffic jam. At the same time, a railway traffic failure in Moore Park killed two pedestrians!"

"Walt!" Waitress Peggy looked at Walter with wide eyes: "The most important thing now is to restore the network as soon as possible, not anything else.

Just ask Chuck, it’s not a big deal! "

"Walter, someone is dead." Lele also reminded: "You can ask at this time."

"Okay, okay." Walter pinched his chin, feeling that his whole body was not well. Faced with the reminders from his partners, he could only put down his pride and choose to communicate with Chuck.

After all, the high-end routers wrapped in oil paper from Berlin will not arrive until tomorrow at the earliest.

It's just too long.

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