American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 630 Detective Chuck’s Hell Joke! The real correct way to open up Scorpio!

"I'll contact Chuck!" Sylvester, a fat young man, saw that Walter was thinking about it and raised his hand to indicate that he would contact him.

Walt didn't refuse.

Got in touch quickly.

On the other end of the phone, after Chuck listened to their demands, he said expressionlessly: "No need to bother, you just need to search near the faulty high-end router in Berlin, or dig underground, there will definitely be a spare one. Router spare parts.

You may even be lucky enough to find an engineer! "

"..." The fat young man Sylvester directly spoke in a voice-over voice. Everyone in Scorpio was stunned when they heard this.

What is this?

"Chuck, this isn't funny!" Walt said with a dark face.

No need to think about it, this must be some kind of hell joke!

"Chuck, time is running out, can you explain?" Waitress Peggy answered helplessly.

"You admire Berlin's high-end manufacturing so much, but you don't even know about these myths and legends?" Chuck said bluntly.

"These are the golden signatures of high-end manufacturing in Berlin! They can prove that the quality is the best and the craftsmanship is the most rigorous!"

"I can still understand that there are spare parts or something, but engineer?" Lele, the mechanical prodigy, complained speechlessly.

"Is the thing left there a ghost or a rotten skeleton?"

"You are wrong!" Chuck said bluntly: "It may be a legend to find spare parts wrapped in oilcloth, but it is indeed true to find an engineer!

The engineers and workers in Berlin are rigorous, simple and capable.

It is not only blown up to the altar in the East.

Even in the United States, there are many idiot fans.

Among them, those organizations that buy and sell calf products are the most common.

Do you think they have the brains to distinguish these carefully?

So after hearing these rumors, I directly hired the best team of engineers from Berlin to help build a product production line factory underground.

The requirement is that while completing the construction tasks, it must also be done quietly.

For this reason, a completely enclosed dormitory with a large space was even built not far from the ground.

Some hard-working people could live there for a few years.

But these Berlin Legend workers, who were hired at high prices, couldn't bear their temper. After a while, they became irritable and needed to vent.

I can't let off steam by playing ball, drinking or anything like that.

Then cause trouble.

In the end, even the engineer leader, who was always considered the most stable, planned to sneak away and go on vacation before the project was completed and then come back.

When he was found, a bullet ended his life and he was buried in his underground engineering building.

So if one day this underground product factory is taken away, used for other purposes, and breaks down again, you will see the Berlin text left on it.

I dug around and found an engineer. What's so surprising? "

"Chuck, could you please stop making this hell joke?" Peggy, the waitress, complained.

"They also mocked us for being as stupid and incapable of discernment as the dealers." Psychological master Toby muttered in a low voice.

"Remember not to participate in activities like Occupy Wall Street." Chuck said expressionlessly: "Otherwise you will one day experience firsthand how these engineers feel when they are poached."

"Chuck, we need help. Do you have such a router?" Sylvester, a fat young man, interrupted quickly.

"No." Chuck shook his head: "I don't need this kind of high-end goods, and you shouldn't look far away for the near future!"

"Surveying the distance in favor of the near?" The fat young man was shocked: "Who has one around here?"

"You just said it, the Federal Monitoring Team!" Chuck reminded: "They are responsible for monitoring network information around the world, and they must have the most high-end equipment!

They don’t have the question of whether they have such high-end routers in stock, but they only have the question of whether they want to give it to you! "

"That's right! The Federal Monitoring Team!" The fat young man Sylvester suddenly realized as he slapped his head.

"Detective Chuck, what do you mean you want to ask us a question?" But the old agent Cabe heard what he was saying and was shocked.

"That's the literal meaning." Chuck said bluntly: "You still don't understand?"

"..." Old agent Kaib had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he was not sure, and quickly said: "I am really curious why they sent people out, because in theory they only monitor online and will not go out on field duty.

I also asked, and he said that the network was down, so he had to come over to check and restore the network as soon as possible..."

"That's a problem. Nowadays, only one network router is needed to restore all network signals. As an agent of the federal surveillance team with such high authority, he must also know." Waitress Peggy said doubtfully.

"But why didn't he help? Could it be that Chuck really told him that there was something wrong with him? Or maybe there was something wrong with the entire federal surveillance team?

But what problem could they have? "

"It's nothing more than secretly monitoring some people who shouldn't be monitored." Chuck said calmly: "And this information cannot be disclosed to the outside world.

In fact, they all think too much.

We, the United States, are not an island country or a mother country. We have clearly done bad things and yet we package ourselves as victims.

Our main focus is the integration of one person and one person.

We are the bad guys!

Any bad things we do are actually normal in the eyes of people on earth.

Not only did he say it, but he also announced it in advance.

So when people who hear the news say "surprise", it's just like a friend preparing a surprise party for you, and you just pretend to be polite after entering the house.

Everyone knows what the Federal Surveillance Group does.

They have absolutely no need to hide anything. "

"Thank you for your help. Now we need to find a high-end router to restore the network and save the system that is about to collapse!" Seeing that Chuck always talked about hell jokes, Walt happily interrupted the call.

Since Chuck doesn't have a high-end router other than the Hell Joke, it means that it's up to him, Walter O'Brien, to save the world!

"I think Chuck is right. We can ask the people in the federal monitoring team. Even if we can't get the router, we can still find out their attitude so we can be on guard!" Lele, the mechanical wizard, suggested.

"I'll make a call." Old detective Cabe also felt a shadow cast over his heart.

Could it be that the clown (terrorist) is actually me?

When the phone rang, they noticed something was wrong. The ringing was from outside. Everyone looked at each other and heard a knock on the door outside.

After opening the door, an agent from the federal surveillance team walked in with a calm face: "I just arrived. Do you have any good news for calling me?"

"Your federal monitoring team doesn't need a network signal. You can rely on the most traditional monitoring methods." Psychological master Toby joked.

"What do you mean?" The agent from the federal surveillance team frowned and looked at the old agent Cabe.

"That's it..." Old detective Cabe signaled the psychological master Toby to stop talking nonsense, then looked at the other party carefully and stated their demands.

"Router in Berlin?" After hearing this, the agent of the federal surveillance team frowned and said, "We do have backup, but there is no backup at the headquarters in Washington."

"Then let someone fly directly over here immediately." Waitress Peggy reminded: "This is better than flying here from Berlin, right?"

When Walter heard this, his face darkened.

Because he came up with this method and thought it was the best acceptable method until he saw two people died on the news.

"I'll contact the headquarters right now!" The African-American agent from the federal surveillance team took a deep look at the waitress Peggy, then walked aside and made a phone call.

"The surveillance video is ready." Mechanical wizard Lele reminded.

Just now she had been trying to recover the surveillance video of the exploded building.

"Lele, play the video synchronously!" Walter ordered, then walked over and took over the operation: "First, we have to run a Gaussian filter algorithm! This can remove the static part of the video.

This can reduce the search time by 80%. "

"Where did you get this high..." At this time, the African-American agent from the federal surveillance team also finished the phone call and came over.

"It's Gauss!" Walter corrected.

"Where did you get your current position?" Psychology master Toby looked at the African-American agent who didn't even know this in amazement.

The others all looked at him.

A federal surveillance team responsible for monitoring the world, the agents who came out even said these basic technical terms incorrectly, it is difficult not to make people suspicious.

The old agent Cabe looked calm and did not become more suspicious of the African-American agent because of this.

In fact, the African-American agents of the federal surveillance team quickly eliminated everyone's suspicions with simple words.

"I was adopted, no, I work in administration."

In an extraordinary world where nobility of blood is the most important thing, it would definitely be 'if he succeeds, he is my biological brother, if not, he is adopted'.

But in the real world, that means I am not engaged in technology, but in administration.

Those who are in charge of administration are leaders who are engaged in technology, and laymen are leaders who are experts, so there is nothing wrong with them!

So the Scorpio geniuses glanced at their positive and negative supervisor, the old agent Cabe, looked at each other, nodded, and approved the African-American agent's reasonable explanation.

"So where did you get this Gaussian filter algorithm?" The African-American agent from the federal surveillance team continued to ask after seeing that no one had any objections.

"The simplest Photoshop has this algorithm." Walter said perfunctorily, and then called the psychological master Toby: "Toby, it's your turn!"

"Okay, we're going to be a little racist, are you okay?" Psychological master Toby stepped forward, glanced at the African agent, then at Lele, and before they could roll their eyes, he looked at the big screen.

"According to the usual bomber types, Asians are excluded because they are 'model students'~"

"If you look at me again, I will show you what it means to be a true model student!" Asian Lele threatened with a hammer.

"I'm complimenting you..." Psychology Master Toby laughed dryly and continued quickly: "We also need to exclude Latin Americans. You know, the fact that they can live with us in the Americas already shows how harmless they are. cute.

Okay, let’s not talk about race.

Eliminate those over sixty and under twelve.

Those who make bombs are usually men in their prime, so women are also excluded!

and people not wearing hats or sunglasses.

They must try their best to hide their true colors from others.

Okay, there are basically not many people left now.

Let's look at fluid dynamics and study the actions and reactions of groups... To put it simply, ordinary people will definitely be frightened when they hear a bomb explode.

But the bomber has long been mentally prepared, and can often be as calm as a real man who doesn't watch the explosion.


found it!

It’s this guy!

Wearing a hat and sunglasses, and looking unfazed after the explosion, unless he is deaf, he must be the bomber!

A white male, thirty years old, who also fits the standard profile of a domestic terrorist.

After all, only we understand ourselves best, hate ourselves the most, and blow ourselves up the most boringly! "

"Check who he is in the system!" the African-American agent from the federal surveillance team ordered expressionlessly.

"I checked and found no such person." Walter shook his head.

"Then I'll take it back to the federal surveillance team laboratory!" the African-American agent explained: "We can do face recognition!"

"No, you can't do it!" Walter interrupted.

"What did you say?" The African-American agent looked at him puzzled.

"Your software is good, but it relies on the three-point ratio of the bone structure. When more than half of the face is covered, this software will be difficult to use!" explained Walter Menqing.

“This may be one of the important reasons why we are never willing to wear masks, and we are not encouraged to wear masks.

Because this will breed countless crimes.

And it can't be cracked! "

"How do you know so much about positive and negative high-security software?" The African-American agent from the federal monitoring team looked at Walter questioningly.

"I might know someone who hacked in." Walt's standard answer was similar to that of a friend of mine.

"Even so, I still want to believe in our own technology." The African-American agent of the federal surveillance team took a deep look at Walter: "Caib, let's go, I've had enough of your genius friends."

"Are you fed up, or are you worried..." Walter was about to get angry, but was stopped by old agent Cabe: "Watch your words, if you are wrong, we will all be finished. This time it really means It’s over!”

Old agent Cabe left with the African-American agent, leaving an unwilling Walter behind.

"His $80 million software was defeated by a hat and sunglasses. We obviously have better technology and pointed out his problems, but he just doesn't believe us. He is either stupid or bad. !" Walter said angrily: "Toby!"

"Sorry, it's hard to distinguish between the two." Psychological master Toby spread his hands: "Because he can join the federal surveillance team, which is already stupid enough."

"Eighty million software?" Waitress Peggy's eyes lit up: "It sounds like a lot of money, and the technology is quite simple. Walter, since you look down on this software, why don't you build a better software.

We have Kaibo's relationship, so we can sell it to Positive and Negative, not to mention 80 million, but even 8 million, which is enough for us to work hard for many years.

This may be the real correct way for Scorpio to open up. "

Peggy, the waitress, became more and more excited as she talked.

A piece of small software that Walt doesn't like is worth $80 million?

Even though she had been repeatedly exposed to the lavish waste of positive and negative budgets, she was still shocked.

Walter: "..."

You all know the correct way to open a Scorpio, but I, the super genius with the fourth highest IQ in human history, don’t know?

Then what became of me...

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