American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 631 Detective Chuck was defeated after all!

"Actually, it's not that simple..."

Seeing that Walter was embarrassed, the fat young man Sylvester could only take back a little bit of the awesomeness he had boasted about.

"And it's not that expensive! The real value is that even if we come up with a better one, if we don't add money, it will cost at most a few million, or a small million."

With this little money, we can go to the casino and get it if we really want to.

It’s much easier than struggling with this kind of software. "

"Is it very laborious?" The waitress Peggy looked at the Scorpio foursome thoughtfully and did not continue to ask further questions.

"It's mainly time-consuming!" Walter took the initiative to explain depressedly: "It doesn't make any sense!"

"I understand." Waitress Peggy nodded.

"What we have to do first is meaningful, and then we make money." Walter insisted on continuing to explain.

"Otherwise, just to make money, we have plenty of ways!"

"I believe this!" Waitress Peggy was embarrassed for Walter and the others.

In fact, she had chosen to believe it from the bottom of her heart, but they were not confident themselves, and their expressions were unnatural and they had to explain. She was also helpless.

Detective Chuck is so awesome and rich.

Walt made Scorpio dare to challenge Detective Chuck, and he also got the attention of Detective Chuck. Don't worry about what kind of attention this attention is, just ask whether it is attention or not?

Why doesn't Detective Chuck pay attention to others?

This already shows that the Scorpio led by Walter is definitely quite valuable!

So she really believed in their abilities... maybe they weren't as awesome as they boasted, but they were far more awesome than ordinary people.

At least they are much better than the African-American agents who sit in high positions with high salaries and high positions in the federal surveillance team.

That guy couldn't even explain the Gaussian filtering algorithm completely.

She couldn't help but smile, and received a sideways look from him, as if her knowing smile was mocking him, and she almost missed being hit by a racist fist.

"We are so pathetic." Mechanical wizard Lele said quietly.

The target is Detective Chuck!

But in the end, a waitress repeatedly exposed their strong character, and they leaked again and again.

You still have to explain and try to make the other party believe it again.

It really disheartened them, who were quite proud of themselves.

"Let's go!" Walter stood up suddenly.

"Where are you going?" Peggy, the waitress, saw that he was a little dizzy from the sudden upheaval, so she gave him a little help.

"We have a better chance of finding the criminal than they do!" Walter shook his head and regained his composure.

"But Cab won't let us go," the waitress Peggy reminded.

"What Kaib needs is our success and success!" Walter shouted: "As long as we can solve problems that others cannot solve, we will be meaningful!

In that case, don't say whether he thinks about us or not.

Even Secretary Merrick of the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t like us, so he still has to smile at us when we meet!

This is a very mature experience, isn't it? "

"..." Waitress Peggy said nothing more.

Of course she knows what this so-called mature experience is.

Isn’t it the cooperation model between Detective Chuck and the FBI and other law enforcement agencies?

She believes that this process of getting along is indeed as Walter said, only the mood and preferences of Detective Chuck determine the way of getting along.

The leaders of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have to coax the detective Chuck.

But that's Detective Chuck!

And now they are just little Scorpios who have just debuted and often caused trouble, and they cannot reach the height of being able to do whatever they want like Detective Chuck.

It's one thing to know in her heart, but with her high emotional intelligence, she won't point it out.

Otherwise, this Scorpio will be completely discouraged.

When they went out together, she couldn't help but think of a question.

The Scorpio Seven.

Walt tests Chuck's super genius IQ.

Sylvester, a fat young man, tests Chuck's mathematical talent against the benchmark god.

Psychological master Toby observes the micro-expressions of the standard god Chuck.

Lele, a mechanical prodigy, tests the master's ability to test Chuck's skills.

Veteran agent Cabe confronts the god of war to explore Chuck's American style and true combat effectiveness.

Her son Ralph explores Chuck's unlimited future potential.

Although these all have strengths and weaknesses, they are somewhat shadowy.

But what is she targeting Detective Chuck?

High emotional intelligence...

The ordinary person's side...


She can't think about it anymore, otherwise it's her turn to emo.

Everyone in Scorpio left the base and returned to the law firm building that had been bombed. This time, the fat young man Sylvester took the lead. He analyzed as they walked: "There may be a car picking up him at the time, but if there are accomplices, they will increase their number." Chance of exposure.

There was a bus stop across the street, but his face could easily be seen that way.

This side of the square was full of people fleeing in all directions. There were so many people at that time that it was impossible to pass through. "

Waitress Peggy followed quietly without making any comment.

But there was a glimpse of Walter paying attention to her expression.

Her heart moved and she asked, "Is he right to say that?"

"Ordinary mathematicians can calculate probability and the possibility of something happening, but Sylvester can calculate all possibilities!" Walter immediately explained: "Including all possibilities that may be caused by certain events."

The waitress Peggy secretly thought that it was indeed the case, but she exclaimed on her face: "Isn't this amazing?"

"This is Sylvester!" Walter and psychology master Toby said in unison, shrugging, looking proud.

Waitress Peggy shook her head secretly.

How childish!

Fortunately, she took the initiative to ask just now, otherwise it would definitely make Walter and the others even more depressed and concerned.

Only people who are extremely unconfident would care so much about other people's opinions.

This is the current state of Walter and the others.

As for their behavior, they are too childish, as if they are comparing with their peers: "My dad can earn 20,000 yuan a month!"

Another said directly: "My dad can eat shit!"

They competed very energetically, and each of them took it seriously, which was amazing.

But in the eyes of adults, it is simply beyond description.

Especially the father of a child who claims that his father can eat shit. If he heard this, he would definitely feel very complicated.

Peggy, the waitress, doesn't have such a strong sense of absurdity and weirdness.

But she endured it very hard.

Even if she is not a genius and is not very good at math, she still has basic common sense.

This was enough for her to realize that the so-called "This is Sylvester" boasted by the super genius Walt and Toby, the psychological guru who got a doctorate while gambling while still underage, was actually very problematic.

The fat young man Sylvester, who is known as the humanoid computer, may have excellent mathematical calculation abilities, but the crime-related behavior itself is more inclined to psychological profiling than mathematical calculations.

Psychological master Toby calculates this, and it is better than a simple humanoid computer.

Because a fat young man who had probably never even been in love and had difficulty communicating with ordinary people was actually praised by Walt and others as being able to calculate all possibilities...


She dared to say that even Detective Chuck wouldn't dare to brag like this!

That is the omniscience and omnipotence that only God has!


These poor children were severely beaten by Detective Chuck.

Bragging is totally fine if it relieves stress.

As long as they are happy...

Actually, if you think about it a bit, at this moment, Scorpio has defeated Detective Chuck.

At least in terms of bragging and childishness, Detective Chuck is far inferior to Scorpio.


Being really awesome and bragging are not the same thing!

It's so awesome that you can't even brag about it, which is probably one of Detective Chuck's flaws.

No matter what she thinks in her heart, the play will eventually go on. Peggy, the waitress, listens to the fat young Sylvester as he continues to calculate ‘all possibilities’.

"Discount Kingdom! Well, he walked into the chaos, got to the back, walked out of the loading dock, no one saw him, and he was already three blocks away, so that was his best option!"

The waitress Peggy tried her best to show fan-like expressions such as admiration, shock, and enlightenment. She suddenly felt refreshed, and her previous anxiety about being unemployed was completely gone.

Because she has found her niche among Scorpios: an actress!

Acting with Scorpio is like playing a specific role. Even if it is a vase role, as long as she works hard and plays it well, she can continue to improve her acting skills.

Because this is a real stage!

These naive and sensitive geniuses can give her the most realistic feedback on her acting skills.

There's a lot to be done.

Didn't she come to Los Angeles just to pursue her dream of Hollywood?

If she gets a few more exciting cases, improves her acting skills, or learns Scorpio's bragging skills, then even if Scorpio is disbanded, she can truly enter Hollywood with her acting skills and bragging skills.

The thought of this possibility made her whole body excited.

Walter has always secretly paid attention to the unique reaction of the only one, and was deeply afraid that their previous performance was a bit unworthy of the reputation and made her despise them.

Now seeing what the fat young man Sylvester said, under their explanation, the stupid waitress understood the awesomeness of this, and finally had an expression of 'shock and amazement' from the bottom of her heart again, he Finally he smiled and became energetic again.

"Okay, let's not wait for Cabe! Let's take care of this ourselves!"

"Those stores take close-ups of customers when they come in and out to prevent freeloaders. They should have captured him there." Lele, the only pragmatic mechanical wizard in Scorpio, finally came up with truly valuable information.

no way!

Who told her to work on machinery?

Naturally, it is more pragmatic.

Not as vain as those engaged in IT.

"Why did they give us pictures?" When Peggy, the waitress, asked this question, she raised her chin and pulled her collar.

She was already prepared to amaze these geniuses.

If Chuck were here, he could read her mind at a glance.

After all, in the previous movie "Looking for Mom", in order to skip the queue to enter the club, Lily and Robin directly opened their clothes in front of everyone, giving great benefits to the African-American doorman and everyone in their view.

In it, Angela, who is searching for bones, picks up the bones of her best friend at the airport. In order to check the status of the plane and ask the customer service to stop being so careless and indifferent, she directly opens her clothes and gives out benefits to attract attention.

Later, Giselle in The Fast and the Furious took off the baggage wrapped around her body and directly wore a bikini to let the black boss leave fingerprints on her buttocks.

It can be said that the heroines in American dramas are always ready to sacrifice themselves to provide welfare.

Waitress Peggy also had this realization.

However, Toby, who is known as a psychological master, was not aware of her plan at all, and said proudly: "Because I had already reached this step and secretly took away Cabe's police badge!"

That proud little expression made him look like he was great, but he didn't know that he was missing out on the welfare package.

Entering the Discount Kingdom store, showing their police badge, they easily get the photos they want.

"But it's of no use!"

They even have a video, but just a close-up photo seems useless.

"Wait a minute." Lele directly signaled a moment, then ran to get a bottle of mineral water, took the mineral water and placed it on the close-up photo. The reflection of the water magnified the close-up of a sign hanging on the man's waist in the photo. .

"This is the distinctive sign of McAdoo's Tavern!" Psychology Master Toby recognized it at a glance: "They have a tortoise race every Saturday night, and I lost four thousand dollars there!"

"You know that in the East, although turtles have a reputation for longevity, they are often used as curse words, right?" Lele looked at him speechlessly.

Even if you keep pestering your ex-wife and want to get back together, or even if you are so stubborn that you don't care that your ex-wife has another man, you can still give her money.

This kind of behavior plays a turtle game, which is quite appropriate for the occasion.

But losing $4,000 in one go is still too much.

Even if you find a beauty of Qiao Lin's level, you can play for 16 hours!

So, led by psychological master Toby, everyone went to the tavern where Turtle Race was located, made threats, and obtained the address of the suspected terrorist.

Everyone drove and parked opposite the motel.

"What's bothering you?" Walter asked the waitress Peggy again. He always felt that she was judging them in her heart.

"Of course!" Peggy, the waitress, naturally would not say what she had thought before, but would highlight their current situation.

"We are standing in front of a suspected terrorist, but no one is using force to take action! This is definitely not a wise choice!"

"Once I determined that it was the terrorist inside, I immediately called him." Walter explained.

"Why?" Peggy, the waitress, looked at herself and saw that although there were five people there, she didn't feel safe at all. Her acting skills were a little strained, and she once again told the truth.

"Don't you have enough confidence in yourself?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it and quickly added: "But I have information for you, so are you sure you are right?"

"Of course!" Walter and others nodded.

"Then call Cab!" Seeing that the waitress seemed to have passed the test, Peggy quickly changed the subject: "I believe you! He should believe you too!"

"Don't worry! I have a way to confirm whether the other party is inside." Lele glanced at the three Walters, but still felt that it was not reliable, and offered to confirm again.

Then she spent money to borrow a sound device from the street, took an umbrella from the trash can, built a sound amplifying monitor, and pointed the umbrella in the direction of the hotel.

"I heard footsteps! OK! He's in there! You can call Cabe!"

Walter picked up his cell phone and dialed, but at this moment the suspected terrorist had walked out, catching Scorpio by surprise.

They try hard to act like passers-by.

But with so many people facing over there, and the obvious listening equipment that Lele had built, the one who could build such a bomb was not the African-American agent from the federal surveillance team, who could see through their identities at a glance, and then Just run away.

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