Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 412 Les: I didn’t even use my full strength

Rice, who was no longer restrained, condensed the sea of ​​blood into a small net in front of him in just a moment.

As soon as Rice raised his hand, the net flew towards Voldemort's big black ball.

Voldemort felt that his magic power, which had been running smoothly, suddenly fluctuated violently, and the divine body that had been fused with his body also reacted violently.


Voldemort's expression suddenly changed. Such a huge mistake in the operation of magic power had a devastating impact on his spell. He subconsciously wanted to withdraw the power of death to his side to minimize his losses, but it was too late. The sphere formed by his domain had collided with the net formed by Rice's domain.

Voldemort's black ball lasted less than a second before it broke.

"Tom, the power that does not belong to you will eventually leave you." Rice said calmly. He did nothing just now, but revealed the true face of his magic.

He had long noticed a familiar wave in Voldemort's body, and after careful identification, he found that Voldemort had merged the remains of several "old acquaintances".

So Les couldn't help but say hello to his "old friends". Obviously, his enthusiastic attitude made his old friends very excited, and suddenly disrupted the flow of Voldemort's magic.

Voldemort used the power of the outside world to climb to a height that did not belong to him. Although he stood high and saw farther, all of this was a castle on a pile of sand. When Les kicked the sand pile hard, Voldemort's castle was shaky.

However, even if the gods were not moved by Les, Les had nothing to worry about. Just use your own domain power to go head-on. In terms of the application of the domain, Voldemort is still far behind.


Voldemort barely avoided the attack of the domain net, and he paid an arm as a price for this.

The arm covered by the domain net was directly cut into pieces of meat the size of the mesh. Voldemort believed that if he was a few seconds late, his body would also end up in the same situation.

Although one of his arms was cut off, Voldemort did not take this minor injury seriously. Even without the power of the domain, he could still use magic to make up for the missing arm, not to mention that he had obtained the blessing of the domain.

It only takes a moment, a moment - eh?

Voldemort looked at the cross section of his arm in astonishment. He had just called upon the remaining power of the domain, but failed to restore his arm.

After taking another careful look at the cross section, Voldemort found that the cross section was covered with a layer of dark red blood. He suddenly realized: the opponent's domain was interfering with the regeneration of his broken limb!

Voldemort understood that if he did not remove the remaining power of the domain from the wound, he would not be able to grow this arm.

Rice stood aside, quietly watching Voldemort study his wound.

"Tom, this is the power of the domain. By the way, speaking of this, I have to correct your wording error. It is [domain] not [divine domain] - eh, wait, your power comes from the ancient gods, so it seems that calling it divine domain is not wrong..." Rice's teaching habit was accidentally triggered, and he naggingly gave Voldemort a good lesson.

Voldemort listened to the voice like a mosquito humming, and his whole face flushed.

He hated it so much, hated the God's body for failing at the critical moment, and hated his own lack of strength, and couldn't cut the person in front of him into pieces!

Seeing that the "student" was unwilling to listen, Rice closed his mouth and walked directly towards Voldemort.

Seeing Rice coming over, Voldemort was shocked, and he immediately condensed the remaining power of death together, but before he could launch an attack, Rice's sea of ​​blood surged over and dispersed Voldemort's domain in an instant. After the black ball was shattered, Voldemort lost the qualification to fight Rice.

Along with Voldemort's domain, the zombies he summoned were also destroyed. Without Voldemort's power supply, the zombies were quickly wiped out by the puppets.

Rice stood in front of Voldemort and stared at him calmly. Voldemort wanted to fight back, he was not a person who would sit and wait for death, but the hand holding the wand had been chopped off.

"Did the Sorting Hat say anything to you when you were sorted?" Rice asked such a question without thinking.

"What?" Voldemort was stunned. The Sorting Ceremony seemed to be a very long time ago, but he still remembered the scene of that day.

"As soon as I touched the hat, it decided to put me in Slytherin College. It said that Slytherin could help me achieve glory." He really answered Rice's question seriously.


It seems that it is really necessary to upgrade the Sorting Hat. Don't put weird guys into your own college anymore!

After learning about the universities of Muggles, Rice thought that the Sorting Hat had drawbacks: the 100% admission rate itself was unreasonable!

Hogwarts seemed to accept all students with magical talents in Britain, which was too outrageous. This led to some weirdos being admitted, and it was difficult to sort them.

Should the students to be admitted be screened? This idea came to Rice's mind, but he felt that this idea would be strongly opposed by Helga.

Perhaps there are other ways, such as learning from the strategies of Muggles, dividing Hogwarts into several grades, similar to the junior high school, high school and university of Muggles, and eliminating unsuitable students step by step in the process...

This might pass Helga's test.

Rice gathered his thoughts and reconsidered how to deal with Voldemort.

Killing this guy was not possible for the time being, and it was a pity, but he could not just let him leave in such a swagger. He could easily deal with him, but others could not.

In just a few moments, Rice thought a lot. In the end, the sea of ​​blood rose high and condensed into a spear, which pierced Voldemort's chest at once.

"Ah!" Voldemort screamed.

"Your strength is too weak, and you can't even let me use my full strength. This is so disappointing." Rice's face was full of boredom, as if the battle just now was just a boring trick for him.

A gleam of light flashed in Voldemort's eyes: he seized the opportunity!

At the moment when the mysterious strong man in front of him made a move, his boundless domain converged!


With a snap, Voldemort forced himself to cheer up, and directly Apparated with the spear condensed from the sea of ​​blood and fled.

Les did not react, just watched Voldemort flee.

Until this moment, the Aurors who had retreated to the distance slowly came closer. They only felt that their worldview seemed to have been shattered.


It's a bit late, but the update is still here! Good night everyone

There is another chapter in the evening, I will come back to code after get off work

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