Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 413 Slytherin's Blood Curse

"Hu...Ha-Hu...Ha-" Voldemort fell painfully into a bush, gasping for air.

The instinct of survival forced him to inhale fresh air as much as possible, but this could not relieve his physical pain.

The penetrating wound in his chest almost destroyed his heart and lungs. The reason he was still alive at this time was all thanks to the Horcrux and the God's Remains. The former prevented his soul from being annihilated, and the latter maintained the existence of his body and resisted the erosion of the power of the Les Domain.

Blood flowed out of the big hole in Voldemort's chest. As the blood flowed, Voldemort felt that his body began to gradually cool down and his consciousness became blurred.

He knew that his condition was extremely bad and he should take action immediately. But in order to escape from the World Cup finals, Voldemort had squeezed out the last bit of strength in his body, and now he couldn't even move his fingers.

Gradually, Voldemort lost consciousness.

After an unknown period of time, Voldemort woke up again, feeling that every blood vessel in his body seemed to be burning. But the good news is that his ability to move has been restored.

Voldemort immediately lowered his head to look at his chest and found that the hole left by the mysterious strong man was still there, but fortunately the bleeding had stopped.

‘Wait a minute! ’ Voldemort realized that something was wrong: Where was the bloody spear before? Why did it disappear? How did he survive the excessive blood loss? Was it the effect of the Horcrux?

A series of questions was a bit too much of a brain cell consumption for a seriously injured and dying person. Voldemort simply stopped thinking about these questions. He stood up shakily, tried to move forward a few steps, found a big tree, and lay down against the trunk.

Use a spell first... Voldemort realized that his wand had been lost in the stadium when he raised his hand halfway.

Baixian, I need Baixian!

After discovering that his wand was lost, Voldemort thought of Baixian the second time, but unfortunately he did not carry this excellent healing medicine with him-he did not even consider that he would be injured.

Can the field help me? Voldemort, who was desperate, finally remembered the domain. But when he began to try to call on the power of the domain, he suffered a severe backlash.

The blood in Voldemort's veins instantly boiled. The blood was so hot that Voldemort's eyes went black, and the blood in a violent state directly suppressed the power of the domain.

Now Voldemort understood where the bloody spear had gone - it had drilled into his body and replaced his blood.

Voldemort immediately realized the seriousness of the problem: the mysterious strong man had left his power in his body, and continued to interfere with him. He tried to cast a simple little spell with a wandless spell, but the little spell that was easy to cast in the past was now ineffective.

Voldemort panicked all of a sudden.

His most proud capital for making a living in the magic world was shaken.

With magic, he was the terrifying Dark Lord Voldemort. Without magic, he was nothing.

Oh, he could be Tom Riddle, the out-of-school boy who grew up in an orphanage. But Voldemort would rather die than bear the identity of "Tom Riddle".

'Calm down, calm down, it's not a big problem, there must be a solution...' Voldemort warned himself to calm down, and a layer of dense sweat appeared on his forehead.

But after several attempts, Voldemort was desperate: he had completely lost his magical ability.

But it was not very accurate to say so, because the fact that he was still alive was the power of magic. Otherwise, a person with a hole in his chest would not be able to be alive and well and worry about losing his current status.

The blood spear condensed the power of Les's domain. Now the spear entered Voldemort's body through the wound on his chest and replaced his original blood. The blood with the power of the domain completely suppressed Voldemort's magic power and blocked the flow of his magic power, so that Voldemort could no longer cast magic.

As for the power of the God's body, it was also suppressed by the power of Les's domain.

Only the power of time can save Voldemort. Voldemort's only way out is to use the power of the God's body to consume the power of the domain left by Les.

Other domain masters can also help speed up this process, but it will bring great pain to Voldemort - this is equivalent to directly using his body as a battlefield for the domain confrontation.

This is the blood curse from Salazar Slytherin, which is a good idea that Les thought of after he was extremely disgusted with Voldemort.

After sitting quietly for a long time, Voldemort gradually regained his ability to move.

He stood up from under the tree, and there were still bursts of tingling in his blood vessels from time to time, but Voldemort had adapted to his new physical state. In the face of losing magic, what is this pain?

‘Wand, I need a wand! ’ Voldemort’s needs changed from white fresh to a wand.

When people have a goal, they will become particularly motivated, and Voldemort is no exception. He has no other ideas now, just want to get a wand and see how much magic ability he has left.

There is no way to cast without a wand, but casting with a wand may work.

After figuring it out, Voldemort immediately took action, and his thin figure gradually disappeared into the night.

Boom, boom!

Several explosions were heard in the library.

The place that was originally filled with bookshelves and desks is now just a ruin.

Astoria was buried under a pile of wood chips and looked like she had fainted. The remaining three were not in good condition either: Hermione huddled in a corner, her left arm hanging weakly at her side. Her arm was dislocated in a previous explosion.

Cedric's body was covered with a layer of loess, and next to him stood a native who looked exactly like him. Daphne's upper robe was gone, and both fists were covered with magma.

Aries was not in good condition either. These little guys were quite good at fighting and brought her a lot of trouble.

But she was a powerful wizard with a domain after all. In this long duel, she had the last laugh.

"Unlock the domain and let me out. I recognize your strength." Although she had the upper hand, Aries was still a little anxious: she seemed to have wasted too much time, which was very unfavorable to her subsequent plans, so she hoped to end the battle as soon as possible.

"If that little girl can't get treatment, I'm afraid the problem will be very serious." Aries pointed at Astoria under the wood chips. The magic items on this little girl and another silver-haired little girl were very powerful, but fortunately she was more skilled and succeeded in severely injuring her after exhausting the number of items.

Her strength was excellent, but unfortunately, she was the only one without a domain, and therefore the weakest.

Hermione sighed: There is still a gap between their strength and that of real domain wizards.

There is nothing we can do.

"Daphne, use that." Hermione winked at Daphne, and Daphne understood and immediately crushed the amethyst brooch.

A powerful force instantly surged out.


The second update is here, I will continue to write, good night everyone~

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