Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 437 Godric Gryffindor of the Secret Order, brought seven young monks from the order to parti

Chapter 437 Godric Gryffindor of the Secret Order, brought seven young monks from the order to participate in the competition

Miss Granger's unintentional words made Rice's first impression of Ilvermorny School of Magic extremely bad.

What's wrong, does Slytherin College make you feel ashamed?

If the teachers and students of Ilvermorny heard Rice's voice, they would definitely say: Yes, it's very embarrassing.

The reason why there is no Slytherin College in the four colleges of Ilvermorny is certainly related to the fact that North America is not as popular as the British wizarding world in pure bloodism and has not given birth to a bunch of pure blood families that have been passed down for hundreds of years, but the source of all this is really inextricably linked to Slytherin College.

Isolt Sayer, the founder of Ilvermorny School of Magic, is a graduate of Hogwarts. She has an aunt named Gormlaith Gaunt. The surname "Gaunt" alone is enough to show that Gormlaith is a staunch pure blood supremacist. However, James Stewart, the husband of Ilvermorny School of Magic and Witchcraft, who co-founded Ilvermorny School with Isolt Sayer, was a Muggle. When she left her aunt's house, she took away the heirloom of the Gaunt family, which was said to be the wand of Salazar Slytherin himself.

It is conceivable how fierce the conflict between the two would be.

That was the moment when Ilvermorny School of Magic and Witchcraft was closest to destruction, but in the end Isolt Sayer still defeated and killed her aunt.

Ilvermorny School of Magic and Witchcraft, which was born based on such a background, would have a good impression of Slytherin College! This school rejects pure-blood supremacy from the root, and is recognized as one of the most democratic and most impartial great magic schools. Naturally, there will not be a college with a setting close to Slytherin College.

Rice was not clear about these stories. He only knew that Rowena and Helga had heard the situation in Ilvermorny.

Looking at the backs of the two people shaking constantly because of trying to hold back their laughter, Rice felt that the whole person was not well.

Seraphina Picquery, the headmaster of Ilvermorny, was a witch who looked a little older than Dumbledore. After a brief chat with Dumbledore, she led her group of students in blue and raspberry robes to stand in the square formation of other schools.

So far, the eight most prestigious schools in the world have gathered together to participate in a grand event in the wizarding world.

Seeing that the last magic school had arrived, Karkaroff stepped forward and showed a warm smile.

"Dumbledore, my dear old friend, it looks like everyone is here!" He said in a mellow and sweet voice: "Can we go in now? Viktor is a little hungry."

As he said that, he waved his hand and signaled Viktor Krum to stand at the front of the Durmstrang square formation.

Karkaroff did it on purpose, of course, he just wanted to take the opportunity to let Krum show up and give other schools a little Durmstrang shock.

Look! The legendary Seeker Viktor Krum is a student of Durmstrang! Do you have such an excellent student?

When the teacher standing not far away heard the title of "old buddy", his eyebrows trembled fiercely: No, who are you? How can you call Dumbledore "old buddy"? Are you familiar with him?

After carefully observing Karkaroff's expression and posture, Les felt that he was calling him like this on purpose, just to touch Dumbledore. It is a routine operation to raise one's status in disguise through an intimate title - anyway, Dumbledore can't say "Who are you, buddy" in such an occasion, so he can only act with him.

"Of course." Dumbledore responded gently, and at the same time showed a polite but distant look: "We do have a sumptuous banquet prepared."

"That's great." Karkaroff said no more, and directly motioned his students to go into the castle.

But Dumbledore stopped them with a smile.

"Enter in order of distance from the gate, otherwise the queue will be a mess." Dumbledore waved to Seraphina Picquery, who was standing at the edge, as he spoke, and made a gesture of invitation.

Seraphina Picquery smiled in return, and without refusing, she led the students of Ilvermorny into Hogwarts Castle.

Having lived for a long time, she knew Karkaroff's background too well, and naturally disliked such a guy. At the same time, she secretly lamented that Durmstrang, which suppressed Northern Europe and cultivated ruthless people like Grindelwald in the past, eventually declined.

After his request to jump the queue was politely rejected, Karkaroff's smile on his face was not so tight. He strode back to the Durmstrang queue and stopped "reminiscing" with Dumbledore.

Each school entered Hogwarts Castle in turn.

Rice looked at the sighs of those students from other schools when they entered the castle, and his face was full of smiles.

Hogwarts Castle, with a history of thousands of years, is a well-deserved pearl in the magic world. Those wizards from other schools who are lucky enough to witness its charm are all blessed people.

Of course, the students of Hogwarts will prove that the students of Hogwarts are worthy of such a beautiful school.

The square formations of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are adjacent, so the three schools entered the castle one after another.

As the students lined up to pass through the entrance hall and walk towards the auditorium, Karkaroff quickened his pace, caught up with the Hogwarts teachers team without a trace, and chatted with Snape at the end of the team.

After chatting for a long time, he reached out and pinched Snape's left arm intimately, and then went back to ask about Krum's well-being.

When Karkaroff pinched his arm, Snape's expression was obviously a little gloomy.

Although there were seven more teachers and students from the school, since a single magic school could only have thirteen contestants at most, including the professors leading the teams from each school, there were only less than a hundred more people.

For the Hogwarts Great Hall, it was quite easy to accommodate a hundred more people.

When Rice and his friends entered the Hogwarts Great Hall, they found that the students from other schools had already found a place to sit down. The students from Ilvermorny and Castrobush chose the Gryffindor table at the edge, the students from Vagado chose the Hufflepuff school table, the students from Beauxbatons and Ravenclaw sat together, and Durmstrang, who followed the Hogwarts team, chose Slytherin.

The people from Kodostoriz and the Institute of Magic sat down wherever there were empty seats, and did not gather at the table of one school.

Durmstrang's choice made the students of Slytherin school smile: because Krum also sat with them! If you dig deeper, there is also the reason that the concepts of Slytherin College and Durmstrang School of Magic are relatively similar.

Rice looked at the Durmstrang students wearing heavy fur cloaks and couldn't help but think of his old friend. Since it was a school founded by his old friend, he had a good first impression of the Durmstrang students.

"We also live in a castle, but our castle is not as tall as Hogwarts, but our campus covers a very large area..." Some Durmstrang students have already started chatting with students from Slytherin College.

Listening to the words of the Durmstrang students, Rice couldn't help but smile: Durmstrang would certainly choose to build a castle. In the extremely cold place of the Nordic wasteland, the thick walls of the castle can well block the cold wind from the Arctic Circle.

As for why the castle was not built taller, it was his suggestion to Nelida Vokanova. After the little witch saw the castle of Hogwarts, she wanted to build a castle as big as the Hogwarts castle as her own magic school, but was persuaded by Rice.

Because the construction of Hogwarts is actually quite large, and Nelida Vulcanova does not have a helper like Godric, she may not be able to complete the castle even if she spends half her life. And a castle that is too large will consume a lot of energy to provide lighting and heating, which will put Durmstrang's finances in an extremely dangerous state, so a smaller castle is more practical.

Nelida Vulcanova adopted Rice's suggestion and built the castle of Durmstrang in less than a year after returning - she later wanted to invite Rice to teach her students, but Rice was busy teaching in Hogwarts at that time, so he declined her invitation and only provided some teaching materials and magic books to Durmstrang.

"Hello, may I know your name? I am Polyaco Hawthorne, a seventh-year student at Durmstrang." A boy from Durmstrang stretched his neck to chat with Astoria.

"Astoria Greengrass." Astoria was not very interested in talking, and just reported her name out of politeness.

When my ancestors followed Lord Salazar Slytherin and founded Hogwarts, Durmstrang did not exist yet. It is a great honor for me to tell you my name.

"Oh, the ancient and sacred Greenshade family! My ancestors, like your ancestors, studied magic with Lord Slytherin, but after graduation, they moved to Northern Europe and settled in Scandinavia." After learning that Astoria was a descendant of the Greengrass family, Polyarco widened his eyes and immediately began to make friends with Astoria.

Apparently, Astoria's bloodline is very popular in the eyes of students at Durmstrang School.

Durmstrang School, like a large Slytherin College, has high requirements for bloodline, and is quite tolerant of dark magic - this is the tone set since the school was founded. After all, the first goal of this school when it was founded was to monitor Northern Europe and ensure that the faith of the gods would not revive in this land. So they need reliable students and strong power.

Astoria responded with a polite smile: Since he went to Northern Europe after graduation, it means that his level is limited and he is not comparable to his ancestor, Dragon Heart Adrian.

She was wrong, because the ancestor of the Hawthorn family was indeed sent to Northern Europe by Rice to support Nelida Vokhanova.

When Polyaco reported his last name, Rice suddenly remembered his student.

‘Hawthorn tree... what a long-lost memory. ’ Rice did have a student named Hawthorn, but he was not fully recognized by him like Adrian. After he graduated, Rice thought that this guy was not bad, so he wrote a letter to his old friend and recommended him to her to make a living.

I didn’t expect to meet an old friend again, which was also a pleasant surprise.

Just when Polyaco wanted to continue chatting with Astoria, Dumbledore came to the staff seat with the principals of other schools.

The principals of other schools sat down one by one, while Dumbledore stood all the time, and the auditorium gradually became quiet.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and distinguished guests," Dumbledore smiled at the students in the audience, "Welcome to Hogwarts. I hope and believe that you will spend a comfortable and enjoyable year here."

"The competition will officially begin at the end of the banquet, but before everyone enjoys the dinner, I would like to welcome a group of special guests. They are individual players outside the eight major magic schools who are still interested in participating in the World Youth Wizard Championship!"

As he spoke, Dumbledore drew out his wand and waved it gently. A long table as long as the other four major colleges appeared out of thin air in the auditorium. It was also decorated with gold tableware and candlesticks, and hundreds of chairs were neatly placed beside the table.

Compared with the fierce competition in the major magic schools, the standards for participating in the competition as an individual or as a magic organization are much more relaxed. You only need to report to the British Ministry of Magic in advance, and then pass a simple magic level test to prove that you are a wizard to participate in the competition.

Therefore, some students from other schools who failed to be selected will even find loopholes to get themselves expelled from the school, and then register to participate in the competition as individuals or magic organizations - there are really people who have taken this path.

But even if there are such people, the number of independent contestants does not exceed 100, which is not much different from the number of contestants from magic schools.

After setting up the long table, Dumbledore said loudly: "Independent contestants, please enter!"

There was a sound of footsteps in the side hall used for sorting. Mr. Henry, the representative of the Ministry of Magic, and Ludo Bagman appeared first, followed by a large group of people.

"Please come to the stage and introduce yourself to everyone..." Dumbledore would definitely not let the independent contestants sit down directly, that would be too rude.

The contestants entered the auditorium one by one, stood in front of the staff seats alone or in groups, and reported the forces they belonged to.

"Heraklion-Patras Joint School of Magic..." "Mahabodhi Temple..." "Longhu Mountain..."

The independent contestants entered the hall one by one, and the line in the side hall gradually shortened.

At the end, a red-haired strong man led seven young wizards into the auditorium. They were the last batch of independent contestants.

After seeing the man's face clearly, the smile on Les's face disappeared.

The red-haired wizard stood in front of the staff seats, glanced at the students in front of him, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said loudly in a resonant voice:

"The Secret Order - Godric Gryffindor - brings seven young monks from the order to participate in the competition!"

The hall suddenly fell silent.


Updated, good night everyone.

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