Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 438: Living Legend and Boiling Hogwarts

The silence in the hall lasted only a few seconds, and then the hall of Hogwarts exploded.

Godric Gryffindor! This name is a well-known name to the wizards of Hogwarts. Unexpectedly, it would echo in the form of a subject again in the castle of Hogwarts. I don't know how many people overturned the goblets in their hands in a panic, and many students of Gryffindor College even stood up directly.

For those students from other schools, the difficult name Godric was not familiar. They just found that this person's surname was exactly the same as the Gryffindor College of Hogwarts.

The behavior of the surrounding Hogwarts students confused them, so they began to whisper to the students they knew before, and then got the amazing news: Godric Gryffindor is the name of the founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Hogwarts was founded a thousand years ago.

In other words, the red-haired man in front of him claimed to be the legendary wizard Godric Gryffindor a thousand years ago? !



"It's possible that they have the same name."

After the initial shock, the students expressed their opinions. Some thought that this person was a swindler, while others thought that this guy had the same name as the founder intentionally or unintentionally. Few people believed that he was Gryffindor.

Because even in the magic world, few people believed in this trick of "I am someone". After all, he was an ancient wizard from a thousand years ago. How could he suddenly return to Hogwarts?

Well, this is also related to Dumbledore's intentional blockade of knowledge related to Horcruxes, otherwise someone might have thought of Horcruxes.

Rice sat at the long table of the college with a wooden expression, as if he was stunned by the words of the red-haired man. His fingers pressed on the edge of the table, and his knuckles were already white.

At the staff seat, Professor White and Arius put down the golden cups in their hands, their eyes were deep and far-reaching, and no one knew what they were thinking.

From the appearance, the red-haired man is quite consistent with the appearance of Godric Gryffindor that is circulated in Hogwarts. If people in the know like Rice say that he not only looks like Godric Gryffindor, but also looks exactly the same.

The face dozens of feet away gradually overlaps with the appearance in memory, which makes Rice feel dazed, as if he has returned to a thousand years ago.

But the luxurious decorations in the hall and the unfamiliar faces around him remind Rice all the time that this is the modern era, and everything has changed.

Thinking of this, Rice gradually regained his composure and showed the same expression as other students: curiosity, surprise, and a hint of contempt that is unique to Slytherin students.

Rice's mood adjusted so quickly that Daphne and Astoria, who were sitting next to him, did not notice anything unusual, but only vaguely felt that Rice's mood fluctuated violently, but this was also normal.

Which Hogwarts student would not have a violent emotional fluctuation when seeing such a scene?

There was already a hot-tempered Gryffindor standing up and cursing at the long table of Gryffindor College.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you choose such a name?!" Lee Jordan stood up from his seat and shouted.

In his opinion, there was no possibility of having the same name. Godric was not a common name like Tom or John. This was a provocation to them!

When Jordan said this, more than one student nodded.

The red-haired man standing in front of the teacher's seat was not angry because of Jordan's doubts. He had expected the situation in front of him.

"I know it's hard for you to believe me, but I will prove myself," the red-haired man who claimed to be Godric stretched out a hand to the students and said confidently.

The next second, a gray thing flew into his hand. The little wizards in the audience looked closely and found that it was the school's sorting hat.

The red-haired man didn't say anything nonsense. He reached into the hat and pulled out a silver sword from the hat.


The moment the sword of Gryffindor was drawn out, a thunder roared from the ceiling of the Hogwarts Great Hall, as if firing a salute for the return of the former founder.

Listening to the thunder from the ceiling, the red-haired man smiled. He stretched out his index finger and flicked the sword blade, which immediately made the sword emit a pleasant sound.

[Only true Gryffindor can be recognized by the sword of Gryffindor and obey his call when he needs it]

Many students had such a sentence in their hearts.

The red-haired man in front of him was recognized by the sword of Gryffindor! Now his identity seems to be more credible. Is he really Godric Gryffindor?

As for how a person who lived a thousand years ago can live to the present, the little wizards will make up their own minds. After all, isn't Professor White also an ancient wizard brought to the modern era by time magic?

Like other students at this moment, Rice stared at the red-haired man seriously. Judging from his appearance and the fluctuations of magic power on his body, he really has no flaws.

He noticed that Helga and Rowena, like other professors, were also examining the man who claimed to be Godric.

The three of them briefly met each other in mid-air, and then moved away without a trace.

"Rice, what do you think?" Astoria asked softly beside her.

Her brain had been confused by the sudden appearance of Gryffindor, and only Rice could answer her confusion and untie this tangled mess of thoughts.

"Those who can pull out the sword of bravery are not necessarily brave." Les said meaningfully.

"Then you mean...he's not a real Gryffindor?" Astoria added.

"I never said that." Les shook his head: The man on the stage didn't show any flaws.

"Let him go." Les whispered: "Such a wonderful show, you can watch it for free, you and I will make a lot of money - besides, he won't participate in the game anyway, you don't have to Thinking too much.”

Les wanted to know what this Gryffindor wanted to do.


Les's words confused her. He seemed to think that getting the Sword of Gryffindor could not prove the other party's identity? This seems to make sense.

At this time, Dumbledore also felt a storm in his heart. As the current Headmaster of Hogwarts, he knows a little more than others. He once used the Resurrection Stone to summon the phantom of Gryffindor. The man in front of him was not only exactly the same as the shadow in the Resurrection Stone, he was even recognized by the Sword of Gryffindor. Most importantly, he can also summon the Sorting Hat.

Summoning the Sorting Hat from its current office to the auditorium is something that cannot be solved by an ordinary flying spell. After the other party showed off such a move, Dumbledore fell into confusion and confusion.

The red-haired man in front of me might actually be Gryffindor, but the Resurrection Stone...

Dumbledore could feel many pairs of eyes staring at him behind him, and he knew that he had to make a gesture - everyone was waiting for him to speak! He needed to make a judgment on whether the person in front of him was a liar who was trying to steal his reputation, or a legendary wizard who had returned after a thousand years.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore sighed secretly: This kind of thing is not something he can have the final say on. He can't identify whether the other party is the real Gryffindor.

There was someone in the auditorium who was far more qualified than him to make this appraisal.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his ears, and Dumbledore suddenly felt relieved.

At Professor White's request, he now wants other "people" to testify.

"Ms. Grey, Mr. Barrow, please come over here." Dumbledore's voice echoed in the auditorium.

Two ghosts floated from the tables of Ravenclaw and Slytherin houses and floated forward.

The two ghosts were also stunned when they heard the red-haired man's declaration. But since they have seen this kind of thing three times, their ability to accept it is much stronger than other teachers and students.

If Dumbledore believed 50%, then Helena and Barrow believed 95%, and the remaining 50% depended on the aunt on the stage.

On the way the two ghosts came forward, they noticed Aunt Hufflepuff whispering a few words to a Hogwarts professor next to her, and then nodded invisibly to the two of them.

Helena and Barrow immediately understood, and after circling the red-haired man twice, they determined the other person's identity.

"It's been so long, Uncle Gryffindor."

"Hello, professor."

With the ghost of the Big Four era and the personal endorsement of Ravenclaw's daughter, the identity of the red-haired man was immediately confirmed.

He is Godric Gryffindor, the founder of Hogwarts, the legendary wizard, Slytherin's close friend and nemesis!

Now the legend appeared in front of them, it was almost magical. Not only the students of each school, but also the professors on the faculty were in extreme shock.

After hearing the words of Bloody Barrow and Helena Ravenclaw, Dumbledore also believed the identity of the red-haired man. He bowed slightly to the other party and welcomed him.

"Hahahaha!" Godric let out a hearty laugh and winked at Dumbledore after laughing.

"It's really hard to prove that I am who I am, but luckily I have little Helena and Barrow!" He stuffed the Sword of Gryffindor back into the Sorting Hat, and then returned the Sorting Hat to Dumbledore.

"This is your-"

"No," Gryffindor said sternly, "it used to be my hat, but now the Sorting Hat belongs to Hogwarts."

Seeing that the owners of the Sorting Hat said this, Dumbledore stopped bothering and put the Sorting Hat away.

He said loudly: "Let us use applause to welcome Professor Gryffindor back to Hogwarts!"

There was endless applause in the auditorium.

Rice clapped as he watched "Godric" walk towards the staff table. Dumbledore seemed to want him to sit in his seat, but Gryffindor refused. Dumbledore had to summon a new chair and let him sit next to him.

The applause gradually stopped until Godric sat down. However, although the students stopped applauding, their curiosity did not disappear with the disappearance of the applause.

They became extremely interested in this wizard who had lived for thousands of years. They were curious about everything about him.

In this atmosphere, Dumbledore announced that the welcome banquet had officially begun.

In an instant, an unprecedented sumptuous dish appeared on the golden plate in front of everyone. The house elves in the kitchen tried their best to cook not only many British signature dishes, but also many foreign dishes.

For example, the plate of French-baked escargots in front of Les is obviously a French dish.

In addition, Les can also see Japanese sashimi, fried pork chops, sushi, Nordic-style Swedish meatballs and German sausage platters, Brazilian specialty black bean rice, and a bunch of food that looks like it originated from Africa. , and even American fast food such as hamburgers, hot dogs, and fried chicken and fries.

There are a lot of them that are delicious at first glance, but some are very hard to describe...

"What's that?" Daphne asked quietly in Les's ear.

"Roasted monkey," Les whispered.


Astoria also used magic power to push a plate of roasted tarantulas away from her without leaving a trace.

"Eat the dishes that look edible first." Les buried the farce in his heart and began to enjoy the food seriously.

The main task at the dinner table tonight is to find French food.

Les took some snails and then a roasted snail from a nearby plate - a delicacy he had enjoyed very much in the past.

The dish of grilled bird has a long history. People have been enjoying this magical bird as early as the Roman Empire. People would pierce the eyes of the hawks and raise them in a dark room to fatten them up, then soak them in brandy and pluck their feathers and roast them.

The fattened turtle is so plump that even the bones are crispy. You have to eat all the fat, internal organs and bones while it's hot to experience the rich flavor.

Muggles will cover their heads with a white cloth before enjoying this dish to prevent others from seeing the greedy eating of the diners. It is also believed that this is to prevent God from seeing this "depraved" behavior.

Les didn't believe in God, so he didn't need to cover his head with a white cloth.

The feast lasted for two hours, with various dishes first served, and then specialty desserts from all over the world. Everyone enjoyed themselves extremely much.

When the golden plates on the dining table were cleaned again, Dumbledore stood up again.

"The moment has finally arrived," Dumbledore smiled at the young wizards in the audience. "All the contestants have arrived, and the World Young Wizards Championship will kick off tomorrow. I will explain the competition on behalf of all the principals. But first, please allow me to introduce two guests from the Ministry of Magic. This is Mr. Henry Greengrass, Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, and this is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Ministry of Magic. Director."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium. The students were not very concerned about who was sent by the Ministry of Magic. They just wanted to know what the content of the competition was.

"This competition will be held at the venue provided by Hogwarts. We will issue tasks to the contestants in stages. If you complete the tasks, you will get points, and you will be ranked based on the points." Dumbledore said slowly: " The total number of players’ points will affect the school’s ranking.”


Here’s an update, good night everyone~

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