Arcane Lord

Chapter 3362 Xia Duo's determination

Although both are called "wide area", the effective range of [Wide Area Prohibition] is only in the spherical area with a radius of about 100 new miles around the floating city.

If it is a regular level [Prohibition Spell], the actual range of action may only be a spherical area with a radius of about 50 meters. The effective area can be shaped separately and does not necessarily have to be spherical.

The reason why [Wide Area Prohibition] is called "wide area" is not compared with the range of the plane, but compared with the regular version of this spell. The radius of 100 new miles is compared with the radius of 50 meters, and the coverage area is increased to 8 billion times.

If this cannot be called "wide area", what else can be called "wide area"?

However, in order to avoid the defense loopholes of the floating city, the coverage range of [Wide Area Prohibition] cannot be shaped, which means that the maximum effective distance is 100 new miles.

And now, the straight-line distance between Yongle City and the surface of the earth is almost 100 new miles.

If Yongle City was located above Mount Tanzania at this time, then Shado might agree to Kandra's request, but Yongle City is now located above the original site of Evereska.

And because of the previous raid, countries have doubts about Evereska's neutrality, and more than one country, including Netheril, asked Shado to put Evereska back to its original position.

Or Evereska, despite the pressure from all sides, and even when Shado had clearly informed them that they might be attacked by the Illuminati, they insisted on asking Shado to keep Evereska with Yongle City.

There is only one purpose for doing this, which is to use the process of transforming the floating city to take back the city's maze lock authority as much as possible, or at least separate the part of the authority that was forcibly demanded by various countries.

If Evereska is now out of the influence of Yongle City, countries may not allow them to transform the floating city at all, but will immediately continue to occupy Evereska's maze lock authority on the grounds of helping with maintenance.

In the elf world, whether in the past, present or even in the future, the authority of the puzzle is equivalent to the sovereignty of a country. The reason why the elves want to build a unified puzzle is actually to reunite the scattered sovereignty.

It is a symbol of the centralization of a country and a system.

At present, the countries in the alliance only occupy a part of the authority. Once they occupy more, Everiska may still be called a sovereign country, but in fact it has become a puppet controlled by various countries.

Of course, the root of all this is that Everiska is not strong enough. If it is strong enough, it can even use the Northern Alliance, whose headquarters is built on its territory, as a puppet.

Xia Duo thinks he is on the side of justice. Now Everiska is in a weak position and its sovereignty has been violated, so he chooses to help Everiska.

In the future, if Everiska becomes strong and even thinks of using the alliance as a puppet tool, he will not hesitate to occupy the side of the alliance.

On the issue of the temporary docking location of Evereska, Shado and Badiga had more than one private communication. From the perspective of the Seven Towers and even Netheril, it is of course more advantageous to occupy more Evereska puzzle locks.

What coalition government, what win-win cooperation, in the face of the lack of visible interests, everything is empty, but Shado has enough say in this matter (Yongle City's home advantage + Evereska's authorization), and the two can only part ways unhappily in the end.

Of course, his disagreement with Badiga on this matter does not affect his cooperation with the Seven Towers in other aspects, just discussing the matter.

Unless one day the two sides have so many differences that they can't be suppressed by cooperation, then the two sides will completely part ways, or even be hostile to each other.

But for now, Shado doesn't have to worry about "disobeying" the Seven Towers on individual issues, and even if there are more differences in the future, as long as he has justice in hand, he doesn't have to worry about the Seven Towers at all.

The ruling position is not so easy to do. If you ignore the overall situation, you will lose the righteousness. If you consider the overall situation, you will be fulfilling Shado. If the whole of Netheril asks who has a better overall view and who cares more about the collective interests, it must be Shado.

The Seven Towers can certainly learn from Shado, but the selfishness of the human heart is not so easy to overcome. If the Seven Towers can really serve the public wholeheartedly, then Shado will naturally be willing to run for it.

If not, the two sides will sooner or later go to the opposite side.

The temporary stop site selection issue of Evereska is just a specific manifestation of the conflict of ideas and differences in routes between the two sides. If there is no conflict or difference, then there will naturally be no such problem.

Of course, the current Northern Alliance is not a one-man show of Shado. Neither he nor Evereska can really ignore the opinions of other countries, so in the end Yongle City still took Evereska to stop above the original site of Evereska.

Even if it is now more convenient to capture members of the Moon Shadow family quickly, the countries in the alliance will probably not agree to let him drive Yongle City to the north!

If he leaves with Yongle City, then the next step is whether he will run around everywhere, and whether he will control the alliance headquarters. This matter is very sensitive.

As long as the representatives of various countries do not mention it, Xia Duo himself will definitely not take the initiative to bring it up.

In terms of long-range support for war spells, after Candela has personally practiced and verified it, he has a new idea, but he does not know whether the countries are willing to agree.

That is, ask each country to open up the long-range strike authority within its territory, so that the alliance field staff operating in each country can call for war spell support at any time.

Or each country can organize war mages to provide support on its own.

But in comparison, Shado's plan is more cost-effective. In fact, Candela is not the first Alliance mage to use Yongle City for remote support. The Alliance field staff under Dum are.

The Alliance had an important operation in Langas Plain before. Dum was worried that the operation would not go smoothly, so he asked Shado to help take care of it, because Yongle City happened to be wandering over Langas Plain in order to provide nearby support to the Gray Peak Mountains.

There was no reason for Shado to refuse such a convenient thing. It was proved to be very effective afterwards, otherwise there would not be this time to let Candela take the guiding magic tool to Tanzan Peak.

The action of the Moon Shadow Family to attract the Illuminati to expose and capture them is very critical. If there is no greater certainty, Shado will definitely not use a tactical plan that has never been verified before in such an important operation.

If the Alliance countries are willing to support Shado and use his tactical plan in more operations, then the next confrontation between the Alliance and the Illuminati will definitely be much easier.

Front line, Tanzan Peak.

Kandra was not too disappointed when his forbidden spell support was rejected. Although this result was more unfavorable to him, he felt a sense of relief deep in his heart.

If everything was supported by the rear, where would his own value be reflected? Would it be possible to achieve the same effect by just replacing an elite mage with a guiding magic tool?

Kandra knew that the Elder Council of Everiska had placed too many expectations on him. Even if the situation was more unfavorable to him, he actually hoped to have more opportunities to perform.

Rather than acting as a tool mage in the rear to stimulate the guiding magic tool.

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