Auntie toasts the VRMMORPG
94 2.0 Dear Diary – Recap of Book One Flora Style
\u003e\u003e\u003e Sunday Two, 30.06.2051
Dear Diary,
I want to tell you about my first week at the Cetviwos. Actually, I want to explain stuff to you, because explaining things is a form of learning and furthers comprehension. And I need comprehension badly!
In the morning, I have read the diary of a crazy alchemist. I might have been a bit jealous of his ramblings. Just kidding. Aidan, don't write words in caps no matter what.
Let's start with the beginning. I radically renovated my kitchen. I didn't intend to, it happened when I mixed up my favorite hat with the cooking pot. My dear son Robby insisted I can't live alone anymore. Of course, he is wrong about that. We figured out an alternative to a retirement home, the virtual reality.
The VR is called Cetviwos. Cetviwos stands for Cet = CentralTank−that's the company, which owns them−Vi = Virtual and Wos = Worlds.
The access point to the VR are pods, which look like coffins. While you lie in them, your consciousness gets transported into another world via brainwave technology. That's a fancy way of saying they are reading our minds. Maybe they write too.
This gets scarier and scarier. I know nothing, but that I know nothing. It just seems kind of logical to me. How can they know where a player wants to go? They have to transform the WILL (you may write "will" in caps Aidan) to an action. In my book, that's mind-reading.
Now to the writing part. I'm pretty sure they don't have heat coils in the coffins, okay maybe they do, let's take an even more improbable example: smells. They sure as burned toast in hell haven't included 1000s of smells in the boxes. Therefore they must have an interface, which simulates the smells right into the brains of their clients. That's me. And my son. And my best friend.
I believe there is a difference between simulating external stimuli and simulating internal emotions. So the question is open if they can mind-control us. But with total control over external stimuli, you can easily facilitate conditioning.
The most terrible thing is that VR is really fun. I'm already addicted. Besides, we wash our bodies regularly, at least I did before entering the pod, so why not let my brain get washed too? Honestly, I'm kind of interested in their methods and results, but I would feel better if I only risked my bit of tattered grey matter to find out more and not my sons!
But I'm not finished talking about them reading my brain! They have an unhealthy obsession with it.
Ten years ago, I beta-tested software for CentralTank. You could get goodies by giving them access to your personal data. Aidan, forget what I told about writing words in caps. I need more CAPS to express myself adequately. I summarize: THEY WANT BRAINZ. I was totally addicted to the CAD-System, not only because of the incredible user experience but also because of the charming company of my AI assistant Evai.
Okay, I didn't want to go that deep into the subject, but this VR stuff was incredible then and is even more so now. You can do MAGIC! With padding thoughts with the right amount of willpower, I can move objects telekinetically or reshape them. I tell you, it's a rush. You feel like you have the power of gods in your hands … or in your mind … at your fingertips. Whatever, let's go with easily accessible.
I can still do this type of magic in the Cetviwos, at least where magic isn't suppressed. Actually, I haven't tested it in a prohibited area. Aidan, write it on the to-do list.
Sorry, I lost my train of thought. Where were we?
Thank you, Aidan.
BRAINZ. I followed the same strategy in the Cetviwos as in my old software: Just sign every bit of privacy away for some nifty features.
I didn't think about what they would do with all the data. I just assumed the usual stuff, personalized ads, or sharpening the algorithms. Imagine my surprise when I ran into myself.
Yes, myself. Okay, I haven't met her, but I got messages from the AI version of myself. They built an artificial intelligence with all the BRAINZ.
I should have told the week chronically. That wasn't the first time they interpreted what they could do with my data too freely. Let's return to the beginning.
I didn't know CentralTank was behind my old software. The evidence mounted during character creation.
(By the way, I hold the record for the longest time spent in character creation and received sweet rewards for my efforts: I train attributes and mana skills around five times faster than other people.)
I found out because not only seemed the VR software familiar, and my old commands worked, but also I discovered my design works were scattered all over the world: Fountains, Spaceships, Runes, something with carpentry they admitted to, but I have yet to remember, my workshop design and last but not least, my countenance.
Yes, the gorgeous *cough* face of yours truly is no longer unique. Evailyn, a goddess of the game, used it. I don't mind. She is the same AI who helped me years ago in the beta-software. At least I think so. I'm pretty sure going by her behavior and feel, but there are timeline issues, which I don't understand.
Additionally, she is the Goddess of household appliances. I would have joined her cause even if I hadn't known her before. Because we are friends, she gave me a conveyed class, Champion. I haven't really understood what's so special about it. Something with influencing what kind of power is in charge of regulating the storyline…
Urgh, understanding my job should probably on my to-do list. Alright, I should have already checked it, but better late than never−Especially because I have to defend the class from other candidates next Sunday Two.
What if the competition is like those Miss Universe pageants with a question section, and somebody asks me about it!
I can visualize my self standing in front of a microphone, wearing my trusty old training mech-suit (and a sash with little toasters on it), and a jury member asks: "What would you do as a Champion of the Yellow High Faction?"
"Building toasters."
"How would you further the agenda of the Yellow High Faction?"
"Building more toasters."
That wouldn't fly well. Okay, if Evailyn sits in the jury, maybe it would get me some points.
I don't even know the goals of the yellow faction! Please tell me about them, Aidan.
Hahaha. Oh, dear, really? CentralTank should have spent a bit of time pulling an agenda out of their butts. How hard could it be?
Where was I?
Right, CentralTank stole my designs. I received a lot of VirDias as compensation. Don't get me started on the currencies of the Cetviwos! And the taxes!
What else to say about them?
Their policy towards AIs is a bit strange. Not only did they create AIs out of real persons, but they also treat their regular AIs with impunity. I bought Aidan in the Cetviwos shop, but one of the AI handlers of Central Tank sent Aitoshuri to me. The accompanying letter confused me. They continuously play games with her−lower her rating, then raising it again. Sometimes they threaten to delete her. Now, that I speak about it, maybe it's because I shouldn't look at CentralTank as one entity but as multiple persons with diverging goals. I only met the AI-Handler Iddy, who seemed nice enough and the Headmaster, a gloomy dude, and the Doge, a business clown.
My AIs have strong opinions about the Headmaster. Aidan fears him, and Aito dislikes him.
We will see what developments will take place. At least when I obtain the AI version of myself, I will know more.
Let's wait and see. As long as they don't mess with my current AIs, Aidan, Haidan, and Aitoshuri, I'm perfectly alright with forgetting they even exist.
Next topic: my son Robby. He is the one who introduced me to the virtual world. He leads the clan Riverstones−a company specialized in helping rich people level up. Mia calls it "Babysitting". She is one of his employees and my henchgirl. Yes, I have a henchgirl!
The clan Riverstones isn't faring that well. I only deduced it from hints. On the other hand, I just left a clan party, and the mood was very good. Even though it was exhausting to be nice to Robby's terrible fiancée, Ressa. I will channel some goodies in Robby's direction when I get away with it without appearing to meddlesome. On Monday Two, I'll build a training facility for the clan.
Well, training, another major topic in my week. I spent a lot of time to optimize my training. You need to train to grow your stats, but I'm no gym-rat. So I built a training coffin and training tunnel to work out while crafting and sleeping. The results are pretty neat. I exceeded the usual stats of a level one player, and I'm now a Mini-Master. Hahaha, cute. That's the name for level one players with abnormally high stats. If I figure out how the rest of the game works, I'll be fine.
I put my stats to test on the Hero's Entrance and cleaned up a garbage themed instance and caught the culprit, albeit with some difficulties.
At the beginning of the week, I had problems with letting go of my real-life fears. It's hard to acclimate at my age to the concept of not being mortal. Training free-running and martial arts are helping in this regard. I'm now able to fight and take risks. I'm not sure how long I will continue with the training, but I noticed as soon as I take a break, my fears come back. Maybe in a month or two, I will be fully immersed in this new reality.
Unfortunately, I had too little time to build many toasters. First, I finished an old design, a showy thing of gold and diamonds, then I designed one to digest the Metaworld, a boring standard one, and at last flying one. Only the last toaster I love. Additionally, I built a robot toaster, which toasts traps and throws them. Well, I promise to do better next week!
I think that was my week. Now, I'm ready to explore the Cradle, the world for level 1- level 5 players.
Another thing I haven't figured out are classes. I obtained a bunch of them, mostly because I wanted to connect my favorites so far: the Champion, the Technician, and the mage classes.
Only Animator is on my to to-do list for the Cradle. Right, Aidan, I forgot I wanted a melee class to support close combat. I should probably pick up more of the divine classes as a divine Champion.
Thank you for reminding me about the quest from the librarian. It felt like a lifetime ago. We are definitely going to do it. I'm excited to find out what class System thinks fits me.
Quest: Take the Sweeping-Blow aptitude test on the Cradle.
Description: Visit the Talpica Testing Center to find out which classes suit you and where your talents lie.
Bonus XP for all activities in the test
Voucher for recommended classes
Penalty: None.
Difficulty: D.
Okay, now you know why I have so many classes. There never seems to be an end to the exciting things Cetviwos has to offer.
But first things first! I will tidy up Evailyn's church tomorrow. Those arrogant bishops can't be suitable for a smooth-running operation.
\u003c\u003c\u003c Sunday Two, 30.06.2051
Dear Diary,
I want to tell you about my first week at the Cetviwos. Actually, I want to explain stuff to you, because explaining things is a form of learning and furthers comprehension. And I need comprehension badly!
In the morning, I have read the diary of a crazy alchemist. I might have been a bit jealous of his ramblings. Just kidding. Aidan, don't write words in caps no matter what.
Let's start with the beginning. I radically renovated my kitchen. I didn't intend to, it happened when I mixed up my favorite hat with the cooking pot. My dear son Robby insisted I can't live alone anymore. Of course, he is wrong about that. We figured out an alternative to a retirement home, the virtual reality.
The VR is called Cetviwos. Cetviwos stands for Cet = CentralTank−that's the company, which owns them−Vi = Virtual and Wos = Worlds.
The access point to the VR are pods, which look like coffins. While you lie in them, your consciousness gets transported into another world via brainwave technology. That's a fancy way of saying they are reading our minds. Maybe they write too.
This gets scarier and scarier. I know nothing, but that I know nothing. It just seems kind of logical to me. How can they know where a player wants to go? They have to transform the WILL (you may write "will" in caps Aidan) to an action. In my book, that's mind-reading.
Now to the writing part. I'm pretty sure they don't have heat coils in the coffins, okay maybe they do, let's take an even more improbable example: smells. They sure as burned toast in hell haven't included 1000s of smells in the boxes. Therefore they must have an interface, which simulates the smells right into the brains of their clients. That's me. And my son. And my best friend.
I believe there is a difference between simulating external stimuli and simulating internal emotions. So the question is open if they can mind-control us. But with total control over external stimuli, you can easily facilitate conditioning.
The most terrible thing is that VR is really fun. I'm already addicted. Besides, we wash our bodies regularly, at least I did before entering the pod, so why not let my brain get washed too? Honestly, I'm kind of interested in their methods and results, but I would feel better if I only risked my bit of tattered grey matter to find out more and not my sons!
But I'm not finished talking about them reading my brain! They have an unhealthy obsession with it.
Ten years ago, I beta-tested software for CentralTank. You could get goodies by giving them access to your personal data. Aidan, forget what I told about writing words in caps. I need more CAPS to express myself adequately. I summarize: THEY WANT BRAINZ. I was totally addicted to the CAD-System, not only because of the incredible user experience but also because of the charming company of my AI assistant Evai.
Okay, I didn't want to go that deep into the subject, but this VR stuff was incredible then and is even more so now. You can do MAGIC! With padding thoughts with the right amount of willpower, I can move objects telekinetically or reshape them. I tell you, it's a rush. You feel like you have the power of gods in your hands … or in your mind … at your fingertips. Whatever, let's go with easily accessible.
I can still do this type of magic in the Cetviwos, at least where magic isn't suppressed. Actually, I haven't tested it in a prohibited area. Aidan, write it on the to-do list.
Sorry, I lost my train of thought. Where were we?
Thank you, Aidan.
BRAINZ. I followed the same strategy in the Cetviwos as in my old software: Just sign every bit of privacy away for some nifty features.
I didn't think about what they would do with all the data. I just assumed the usual stuff, personalized ads, or sharpening the algorithms. Imagine my surprise when I ran into myself.
Yes, myself. Okay, I haven't met her, but I got messages from the AI version of myself. They built an artificial intelligence with all the BRAINZ.
I should have told the week chronically. That wasn't the first time they interpreted what they could do with my data too freely. Let's return to the beginning.
I didn't know CentralTank was behind my old software. The evidence mounted during character creation.
(By the way, I hold the record for the longest time spent in character creation and received sweet rewards for my efforts: I train attributes and mana skills around five times faster than other people.)
I found out because not only seemed the VR software familiar, and my old commands worked, but also I discovered my design works were scattered all over the world: Fountains, Spaceships, Runes, something with carpentry they admitted to, but I have yet to remember, my workshop design and last but not least, my countenance.
Yes, the gorgeous *cough* face of yours truly is no longer unique. Evailyn, a goddess of the game, used it. I don't mind. She is the same AI who helped me years ago in the beta-software. At least I think so. I'm pretty sure going by her behavior and feel, but there are timeline issues, which I don't understand.
Additionally, she is the Goddess of household appliances. I would have joined her cause even if I hadn't known her before. Because we are friends, she gave me a conveyed class, Champion. I haven't really understood what's so special about it. Something with influencing what kind of power is in charge of regulating the storyline…
Urgh, understanding my job should probably on my to-do list. Alright, I should have already checked it, but better late than never−Especially because I have to defend the class from other candidates next Sunday Two.
What if the competition is like those Miss Universe pageants with a question section, and somebody asks me about it!
I can visualize my self standing in front of a microphone, wearing my trusty old training mech-suit (and a sash with little toasters on it), and a jury member asks: "What would you do as a Champion of the Yellow High Faction?"
"Building toasters."
"How would you further the agenda of the Yellow High Faction?"
"Building more toasters."
That wouldn't fly well. Okay, if Evailyn sits in the jury, maybe it would get me some points.
I don't even know the goals of the yellow faction! Please tell me about them, Aidan.
Hahaha. Oh, dear, really? CentralTank should have spent a bit of time pulling an agenda out of their butts. How hard could it be?
Where was I?
Right, CentralTank stole my designs. I received a lot of VirDias as compensation. Don't get me started on the currencies of the Cetviwos! And the taxes!
What else to say about them?
Their policy towards AIs is a bit strange. Not only did they create AIs out of real persons, but they also treat their regular AIs with impunity. I bought Aidan in the Cetviwos shop, but one of the AI handlers of Central Tank sent Aitoshuri to me. The accompanying letter confused me. They continuously play games with her−lower her rating, then raising it again. Sometimes they threaten to delete her. Now, that I speak about it, maybe it's because I shouldn't look at CentralTank as one entity but as multiple persons with diverging goals. I only met the AI-Handler Iddy, who seemed nice enough and the Headmaster, a gloomy dude, and the Doge, a business clown.
My AIs have strong opinions about the Headmaster. Aidan fears him, and Aito dislikes him.
We will see what developments will take place. At least when I obtain the AI version of myself, I will know more.
Let's wait and see. As long as they don't mess with my current AIs, Aidan, Haidan, and Aitoshuri, I'm perfectly alright with forgetting they even exist.
Next topic: my son Robby. He is the one who introduced me to the virtual world. He leads the clan Riverstones−a company specialized in helping rich people level up. Mia calls it "Babysitting". She is one of his employees and my henchgirl. Yes, I have a henchgirl!
The clan Riverstones isn't faring that well. I only deduced it from hints. On the other hand, I just left a clan party, and the mood was very good. Even though it was exhausting to be nice to Robby's terrible fiancée, Ressa. I will channel some goodies in Robby's direction when I get away with it without appearing to meddlesome. On Monday Two, I'll build a training facility for the clan.
Well, training, another major topic in my week. I spent a lot of time to optimize my training. You need to train to grow your stats, but I'm no gym-rat. So I built a training coffin and training tunnel to work out while crafting and sleeping. The results are pretty neat. I exceeded the usual stats of a level one player, and I'm now a Mini-Master. Hahaha, cute. That's the name for level one players with abnormally high stats. If I figure out how the rest of the game works, I'll be fine.
I put my stats to test on the Hero's Entrance and cleaned up a garbage themed instance and caught the culprit, albeit with some difficulties.
At the beginning of the week, I had problems with letting go of my real-life fears. It's hard to acclimate at my age to the concept of not being mortal. Training free-running and martial arts are helping in this regard. I'm now able to fight and take risks. I'm not sure how long I will continue with the training, but I noticed as soon as I take a break, my fears come back. Maybe in a month or two, I will be fully immersed in this new reality.
Unfortunately, I had too little time to build many toasters. First, I finished an old design, a showy thing of gold and diamonds, then I designed one to digest the Metaworld, a boring standard one, and at last flying one. Only the last toaster I love. Additionally, I built a robot toaster, which toasts traps and throws them. Well, I promise to do better next week!
I think that was my week. Now, I'm ready to explore the Cradle, the world for level 1- level 5 players.
Another thing I haven't figured out are classes. I obtained a bunch of them, mostly because I wanted to connect my favorites so far: the Champion, the Technician, and the mage classes.
Only Animator is on my to to-do list for the Cradle. Right, Aidan, I forgot I wanted a melee class to support close combat. I should probably pick up more of the divine classes as a divine Champion.
Thank you for reminding me about the quest from the librarian. It felt like a lifetime ago. We are definitely going to do it. I'm excited to find out what class System thinks fits me.
Quest: Take the Sweeping-Blow aptitude test on the Cradle.
Description: Visit the Talpica Testing Center to find out which classes suit you and where your talents lie.
Bonus XP for all activities in the test
Voucher for recommended classes
Penalty: None.
Difficulty: D.
Okay, now you know why I have so many classes. There never seems to be an end to the exciting things Cetviwos has to offer.
But first things first! I will tidy up Evailyn's church tomorrow. Those arrogant bishops can't be suitable for a smooth-running operation.
\u003c\u003c\u003c Sunday Two, 30.06.2051
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