Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 130 Qingluan becomes a phoenix, and turns into a phoenix after death.

"What is that?" Tang subconsciously looked at the woman beside him.

Qi bit her lower lip: "Bomber."

Tang was stunned for a moment: "Bomber..., this is..."

Qi said solemnly: "The King said that if there is no way to use him, other forces will not be allowed to possess it. What happened here, he was watching over there, these bombers were sent by him, I guess this is how he ended up dealing with it.”

After hearing this, Tang understood.

The king wanted to kill the sacred beast.

As long as the sacred beast dies, then other forces can't use it.

Tang's face turned pale: "Would this make the beast even more angry? No, we can't do this."

She looked at Qi nervously and said, "Stop the king and cancel the bombing order."

When Qi heard this, she was slightly startled and looked at Tang subconsciously: "Your teacher was killed by it, and you still want to help it?"

Tang said anxiously: "My teacher said that existence is the truth. Since the mythical beast will appear there, there must be a reason for its appearance. Teacher... he came to me last night and he told me that he will die today. But he also told me that no matter what, we should not let divine beasts fight with humans."

"The conflict between humans and animals has always been strong, and that mythical beast can transform into many animals. It is like a collection of nature. Fighting against it is like fighting against nature." Tang looked at Qi: "In this way, no matter what It’s not good for nature or us humans.”

Qi looked at Tang, who was in tears. She looked away, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Sir." Tang said quickly.

Qi said: "This is the king's decision. Even I can't stop it."

She looked at the laptop screen, and most of the images on the screen had disappeared.

There were only three independent monitors installed on the big trees outside the headquarters, observing the place in front of them that was about to become a battlefield between humans and 'nature'.

Missiles fell from the sky one after another.

The missiles fell in flakes.

"What should I do?" Chen Mu thought of this question in his mind.

The bombing range was too wide, and Flicker couldn't escape.

I can only resist.

Chen Mu's body lit up with silver armor.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

After the missile fell, the loud noises were deafening.

Fire splattered and dust flew.

Chen Mu felt the hot breath coming towards him, and the armor on his body lit up red.

He was shocked to find that the biological armor he was proud of was melting.

Some of the fragments went right through the armor and penetrated his body.

Intense pain came from within the body.

At the same time as the severe pain was felt, the extremely fast self-healing ability automatically activated and began to heal itself.

But the bombing power of these missiles was too great, and the bombing was too intensive.

The self-healing ability simply cannot keep up with the speed of destruction.

Soon, Chen Mu's body began to dismember under the fierce bombing.

Chen Mu's location was almost covered by the high temperature, flames and black smoke that could melt steel.

There was a strong burning smell in the air.

There are so many missiles that it's almost as if they don't care about their lives.

The bombardment lasted for a long time.

Accompanied by a mushroom cloud rising slowly.

The bombings that shook the land finally stopped.

"Is it over?"

Through the laptop, Qi whispered subconsciously.

Slowly the dust mist dissipated.

The bombed area over there revealed pits one after another. The pits were densely packed and connected together to form an even bigger pit.

The pit was scorched black, and you could see the land melted by the high temperature.

Large areas of burnt black, red and glowing sand that turned into liquid melted together.

The entire air was distorted by the high temperature.

In this pit, it seems that only the ferocious remains after the missiles were destroyed, and Qingluan, who was still standing in this pit before, has disappeared.

See this scene.

Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that this 'nature' is not difficult to deal with."

As he said that, Qi looked at Tang beside him.

Tang was looking straight at the screen, her eyes trembling slightly: "What...what's going on?"

"What's going on..., what's going on?" Qi subconsciously looked at the laptop and looked at the monitor on the big tree outside the headquarters.

She was surprised to find an unusual situation.

The Qingluan did disappear, but in the middle of the huge pit, a golden ball of light appeared.

The golden ball of light quickly grew in size under Qi and Tang's gaze.

"What is that?" Tang muttered to himself, not knowing who he was asking.

And Qi seemed to realize something, and her face became very ugly.

"No..., no..." Qi said no twice subconsciously.

"No..., that's not right..." Qi stood up subconsciously, her face looking a little complicated and shocked beyond words.

She put the laptop aside, stood up, and walked to the door of the helicopter. She looked outside. Through the open door, she looked at the sky in the distance that was stained red by the flames.

"Impossible..." Qi seemed to be greatly shocked.

Tang picked up the laptop and looked at Qi's back. She said, "What's wrong?"

Qi's eyes trembled as he said: "It is recorded in ancient Eastern books that Qingluan is one of the five phoenixes and belongs to the phoenix. When Qingluan dies and is reborn from the ashes, he will become...a phoenix."

Tang was stunned, as if struck by lightning.

She quickly picked up the laptop and looked at the screen inside.

On the screen, the golden sphere had grown to the size of Qingluan.

Under Tang's gaze.

These spheres shattered.

A giant bird with the same shape as Qingluan broke through the 'eggshell' and appeared in front of Tang.

The giant bird slowly opened its closed eyes, revealing a pair of red pupils.

Tang subconsciously covered her mouth, she looked surprised.

The giant bird spread its huge wings.

Once spread, the fiery red wings were as bright as flames.

Tang was stunned.

As the original bird of the giant bird, Chen Mu also came back to his senses.

After feeling that his body had returned to normal.

Chen Mu sighed subconsciously.

"Extreme self-healing is really useful. Even if it is blasted into slag, it can heal itself back to its original appearance. It's just like resurrection. This ability is too buggy." Chen Mu subconsciously looked at his body and found that his feathers had turned red.

"Strange, why did it turn red... Did it mutate genetically?" Chen Mu was too lazy to think about it. He looked up at the direction where the bombers were flying away.

"Run away after the bombing? Wishful thinking."

There was wind! Suddenly, Chen Mu felt a gust of wind coming towards him.

It flapped its wings violently.

The wind blew.

The wings took advantage of the updraft generated by the oncoming wind and flew into the wind!

He rode the updraft and flew straight into the sky, flying towards the direction of the flying bombers.

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