Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 131 The Limits of Two Abilities

Chen Mu flew past, and his huge body was covered with armor again.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

One bomber after another exploded.

The pilot of the bomber in the front saw the giant bird flying behind him through the rearview mirror, and watched the bombers explode one by one.

He pulled the device suddenly.

The door of the bomber's driver's seat opened directly.

The pilot was ejected and fell down.

The parachute opened.


The moment the parachute opened, the bomber above exploded.

The giant bird covered with biological armor flew over the pilot.

The pilot raised his face and looked at the giant bird in the distance, and he swallowed his saliva.

He prayed in his heart: "Go... Go quickly, don't come back... Don't come back..."

Suddenly, the giant bird flapped its wings.

It turned around, its eyes fell on the pilot, and flew towards the pilot.

The pilot's pupils trembled slightly, and his face changed drastically.

But he was suspended in the air by a parachute, and he had no chance to struggle at all.

He wanted to untie the parachute, but when he looked down and saw the grassland thousands of meters away from him, his face turned pale.

At such a high position, if he untied the parachute, he would have only one possibility, that is death!

He raised his face to look at the giant bird, and the scene he saw made his pupils shrink suddenly.

The giant bird was close enough to him.

"No... No!" The pilot shouted and struggled violently.

He untied the parachute in horror.

As soon as it was untied, the pilot's body fell from a high altitude.

Chen Mu was flying in the air, looking at the pilot.

The pilot shouted from thousands of meters high.



The whole body fell to the ground. Because it was too high, the pilot's body was directly broken into several pieces, bleeding and silent.

Chen Mu retracted his sight, flapped his wings, and went back.

His purpose of coming here was to destroy the human command center.

Originally, he didn't bother to pay attention to these humans, but these humans provoked him again and again, which made him very unhappy.

So, Chen Mu didn't want to be monitored anymore, and he also wanted to punish them a little.

So he killed the guys who bothered him, destroyed their headquarters and slaughtered all the two-legged apes staying in the headquarters.

But Chen Mu didn't expect that these guys would actually send bombers to bomb him.

"What a group of annoying guys, but it's also expected."

His existence will inevitably attract the attention of humans and will inevitably arouse the prying hearts of humans. These are inevitable and unavoidable.

At the same time.

Next to the lion-bull ant queen, six lion-bull ant eggs cracked.

Six winged lion-bull ant queens and ant kings flapped their huge wings and flew up, and flew away in the blink of an eye.

Soon, more than a thousand other eggs also cracked, and more than a thousand winged male ants flapped their wings and left.

Chen Mu returned to the place where the lion-bull ant queen was. He slowly landed on the grass beside him and looked at the eggs laid by the lion-bull ants.

"Where are the eggs of the king and queen ants and those male ants?" Chen Mu muttered.

He looked around, but didn't see them.

"Forget it." Chen Mu was too lazy to pay attention. He slowly lay down and prepared to rest.

As for the king and queen ants, he would solve them when there was a problem.

It doesn't matter.

Chen Mu lay on the grass and looked at his red feathers.

"It seems that I can start to locate the biological armor and the ability of rapid self-healing now."

Although Chen Mu had biological armor and rapid self-healing before, he basically couldn't feel the limits of these two abilities because the enemies he encountered were too weak.

The biological armor is very strong and can withstand several missile attacks from bombers.

You have to know that every missile carried by the bomber can easily destroy a high-rise building when it falls, and the terrifying temperature generated by the explosion of the missile can even melt steel.

The hardness and high temperature resistance of biological armor are obviously very strong, otherwise the biological armor will be destroyed in an instant.

The extremely fast self-healing will start to repair the moment it senses that Chen Mu's body is injured, and this perception and repair both take time. After all, the name of the ability is extremely fast self-healing, not instant self-healing.

Facing the bombardment of hundreds of missiles with terrifying destructive power, Chen Mu, who lost his biological armor, was instantly destroyed and melted by high temperature and shock waves.

Even extremely fast self-healing can't catch up with that melting speed.

But the strength of extremely fast self-healing shocked Chen Mu.

Just as the system said, even if Chen Mu's head and heart are gone, extremely fast self-healing can also make Chen Mu recover, and it is an extremely fast recovery.

"With extremely fast self-healing, as long as it is not completely transformed into molecules..., or even if it is transformed into molecules, it can probably heal itself." Chen Mu muttered: "It's really a BUG-level ability."

"But why did it turn red." Chen Mu looked at his body.

He found that his feathers had turned red like flames, and he looked like he was covered in flames.

Peacocks do have red feathers. Although Chen Mu turned into that giant bird, the giant bird also has peacock genes.

This looks like the genes have mutated again.

"In other words, will excessively fast self-healing lead to genetic instability and genetic mutation?" Chen Mu muttered.

"But, if that's the case, will the rapid self-healing lead to genetic deterioration and then lead to my death?"

If that's the case, it's a headache.

"Extremely fast self-healing has no possibility of genetic deterioration, you can rest assured." The system's mechanical voice sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

With systematic guarantee, he felt relieved.

Although the system sometimes doesn't say anything, as long as it does, there can be no problems.

Chen Mu closed his eyes.

After a busy day, it’s time to take a break.

"Have I become lazy lately?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it."

at the same time.

On top of the helicopter.

Tang looked at the picture displayed on the laptop screen. The picture was a black pit.

She looked away and looked at Qi: "What are you going to do?"

Qi slowly sat on the chair, closed her eyes, and crossed her arms with her chest.

"The phoenix is ​​a phoenix that can be reborn from the fire. It is impossible to kill it."

Qi slowly opened his mouth and said, "I will persuade the king to give up the idea of ​​taking action against it."

Tang was slightly startled: "But, will the king agree?"

Qi said: "Don't we have a video? Show this video to him. I think he will know the consequences."

She turned her face sideways, looked at the scenery outside the helicopter, and said, "Your teacher is right, humans cannot fight against nature."

Tang looked at Qi.

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