Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 206 After waiting for more than 700 years, the ancestor finally returned

Lvyi sat on the tree trunk as usual, looking in the direction where the ancestor left.

One day more than 700 years ago, the soul of the ancestor left from that direction.

From that day on, the ancestor only left them a place to live and protect their bodies, but the soul of the ancestor left.

Lvyi didn't know why the ancestor left and why he abandoned them, but Lvyi believed that the ancestor would definitely come back.

Because she and her sisters were all children of the ancestor.

Although the soul of the ancestor left, the body was still there.

So, at the beginning, Lvyi and her sisters flew around with other sisters as usual, looking for fresh water for the big tree.

That kind of life lasted for a very, very long time.

Later, some humans found them and wanted to capture them.

In order to protect the body of the ancestor, Lvyi started a war with humans.

Lvyi and her sisters found that human weapons could not hurt them at all, and they could easily revive all things and kill those humans.

Therefore, Lvyi and her sisters won that war.

After that, humans never came to see them again.

Green and the others resumed their previous lives and continued to deliver fresh water to the tree.

This kind of life lasted for a long time.

Until one day, the ground trembled, the volcano erupted, and the fresh water and sea water began to evaporate crazily into the sky.

This situation made Green and the others very uneasy. They were very worried that the flesh left by the ancestor would be damaged.

In order to find fresh water, they searched for fresh water in a wider and wider range.

In order to ensure that the ancestor could get fresh water and avoid damage to the ancestor's flesh.

They had to choose to disobey the ancestor's order, that is, the order to come back during the day and stay with the ancestor at night.

They had to fly farther to find fresh water, so they were on the road day and night, and collected fresh water as soon as they saw it to water the tree.

But later, they despairingly discovered that the fresh water was gone and the sea water was gone.

The whole world became empty.

They were very desperate. They could only fly outside day after day and year after year, trying to find a drop of fresh water for the ancestor to use. Then they lived in strong anxiety every day, fearing that the ancestor's body would be damaged.


In the process of looking for fresh water, Lvyi and her friends found many creatures, one of which was called elves, which looked very similar to themselves.

But when she found these creatures, Lvyi suddenly realized.

These might be creatures created by the souls of the ancestor who left.

Just like creating them, they created these elves.

At first, Lvyi wanted to continue looking for fresh water and ignore these elves. Later, she saw these elves being chased by some ferocious beasts and didn't know what to do.

Lvyi and her friends softened their hearts. In Lvyi's eyes, these little guys were very likely their brothers and sisters. Seeing their brothers and sisters being killed, she couldn't just sit back and watch.

So, she landed and used the revival of all things to help them build big trees and teach them how to resist wild beasts.

This teaching lasted for a long time. The elves gave Lvyi and her friends a name called Elf God to show respect.

Of course, Lvyi and the others didn't care about this.

Later, it rained, and seawater and fresh water reappeared on the earth.

After seeing the seawater and fresh water, Lvyi took her sisters back to the ancestor's body and began to continue their previous tasks, collecting fresh water for the tree.

This kind of life lasted for a very, very long time.

They also resumed their previous routines, staying on the crown of the tree during the day and looking for fresh water at night.

When Lvyi was free, she would sit on the branches and look in the direction where the ancestor left.

She was full of expectations every day to see the ancestor come back.

She could hear that familiar voice and hear the ancestor calling her name.

Unfortunately, day after day, year after year, she still couldn't wait.

Lvyi was not disappointed or lost. She knew that one day the ancestor would come back. No matter how long it took, she would choose to wait.

On this day, Lvyi found that she could see a human figure in the sky.

When she saw the human figure, Lvyi was slightly startled.

When the human figure slowly approached, Lvyi showed doubts.

So familiar.

This existence in front of me is so familiar.

Lv Yi has a strong sense of familiarity, but for a moment, Lv Yi doesn't know why it is like this.

The figure slowly stopped in front of Lv Yi.

This figure is naturally Chen Mu. Chen Mu looked at the beautiful girl in black robe in front of him.

He said: "Did you change your clothes?" When Chen Mu created them before, he simply made clothes for them with leaves, but now Lv Yi is wearing different clothes.

This means one thing, they have left here, been to land, and seen other highly intelligent creatures wearing clothes, so they would think of putting clothes on themselves.

This is a good thing for Chen Mu.

When Chen Mu came here, he was worried about one thing.

Chen Mu wanted to turn them into angels and let them help him manage the entire huge breeding ground, but the problem is that they can't be like children who don't know anything more than 700 years ago.

So, in these 700 years, they have experienced some things to make their minds mature and understand the definition of the word peace, so that they can help themselves and manage this breeding ground.

Seeing that Lvyi's clothes had changed made Chen Mu very surprised.

Hearing this voice, Lvyi's green eyes glowed with a gleam, and she was completely stunned.

For a moment, she didn't even know how to react.

Chen Mu only said four words, but when Chen Mu's voice sounded, that unique voice reawakened the dusty memory.

It was him.

It was the ancestor!

He's back!

He's finally back!

Lvyi was shouting in her heart, and her whole body was hit by a huge surprise. She was a little dazed and had a strong sense of unreality.

"Ancestor... is it you?" Lvyi asked subconsciously, her voice trembling.

She was a little scared, afraid that this was a dream.

For Lvyi, Chen Mu was her closest existence. He was her creator and everything to her. She felt that she had to live for him since she was born.

But Lvyi never expected that he would abandon her, but she always believed that he would come back.

She had waited for him for more than seven hundred years, and now he was really back. This made Lv Yi feel pleasantly surprised, but also a little anxious, fearing that this was just a dream, fearing that this was just her fantasy.

Chen Mu looked at the tears in Lv Yi's green eyes, and he was slightly startled.

Is it that exaggerated?

Chen Mu said casually: "Of course it's me, tell me about your experiences over the years, I need to know how you survived these years."

Lv Yi heard this and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay."

Seeing this, Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew in the air, watching Lv Yi wipe away her tears, and then narrated bit by bit everything they had done over the past seven hundred years.

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