Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 207: The tool man grows into a suitable worker

Halfway through, Chen Mu was too lazy to continue flying. He simply sat on a branch on the side and listened to the green talk.

When I heard Lu Yi say that I had seen elves.

Chen Mu immediately thought of the behavior of those goblins who thought he was an elf god when they saw him.

No wonder, I was wondering before, didn't those fairies see that my wings were wings? It turns out that the elves and gods they talked about were Lu Yi and the others.

And behind Luyi and the others are wings.

Chen Mu said: "Except for the elves, have you been to other places? Have you seen other creatures?"

When Lu Yi heard this, she nodded and said, "I spent a long time with the elves. I had many other sisters. They dispersed from countless directions in search of water. In the process, I also saw many creatures..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yi paused, and she subconsciously looked at Chen Mu: "Ancestor, we discovered a very strange phenomenon here."

Hearing this, Chen Mu was slightly startled: "A strange phenomenon?"

Luyi hummed and said: "Later, when the sea water and fresh water came back, we all flew back here. Those sisters would chat together when they were idle and bored. Later, we found that the sisters who flew away from the north followed The older sister flew away from the south and met, the sister who flew away from the east met the sister from the west, and some sisters flew around and found themselves flying back to their original place... This is the case for many of us, but we are all the same. Flying in different directions, so strange.”


Chen Mu knows this because the earth is spherical.

In other words, many of these little guys flew around the earth in search of fresh water.

But that's it for sure.

During this long period of time, they have flown all over the earth, and the communication between these little guys when they are idle and bored must have allowed them to understand the world.

In other words, they are no longer the innocent and ignorant little guys they were more than seven hundred years ago.

However, Chen Mu still had to ask in the end.

Chen Mu said: "Lvyi, what do you think peace is?"

Hearing this, Lu Yi looked at Chen Mu subconsciously.

Lu Yi didn't know why Chen Mu asked this, but she still gave the answer to the ancestor's question: "Peace means not hurting each other and living in friendship."

Hearing this, Chen Mu said, "Then do you hope for peace?"

Lu Yi hummed: "Where I used to live among the elves, the orcs nearby would always hurt the elves. I didn't want to hurt those orcs, but I also didn't want to see the elves get hurt... At that time, I just Like being able to have peace.”

Qualified, this girl is a peaceful little guy by nature.

As a farmer, Chen Mu was very pleased to see the little guy he left behind grow into a being that meets his conditions as a worker.

Chen Mu withdrew his gaze, looked forward, and said, "Your sixth sense at that time was not wrong. Those elves were indeed created by me."

Her green eyes lit up slightly, and a smile appeared on her face.

She had spent a long time regretting the choices she had made.

At that time, in that environment, fresh water could not be found anywhere, but no matter whether it could be found or not, in their opinion, she should search for it wholeheartedly.

Although Luyi was helping the elves while looking for him at the time, she still felt a little regretful and felt that she did not put her heart and soul into the ancestor.

At the same time, he was also a little afraid, afraid that his feelings were wrong, and afraid that the elves he helped were not his brothers and sisters.

In this way, the error becomes even greater.

Therefore, all the time, Luyi always thinks of his original decision and wonders whether it was right or wrong.

Now after hearing what Chen Mu said, Lu Yi suddenly became happy.

"However, except for the elves, the orcs, humans, and dragons you saw before, all the creatures you saw were created by me." Chen Mu said slowly.

Lu Yi was startled, and she subconsciously looked at Chen Mu.

She never expected that such a thing would happen?

Chen Mu said: "For more than seven hundred years, the entire world has undergone changes, and all life has ushered in death and extinction. When I saw that there were no living creatures in this world, I created all the creatures in front of me."

Lu Yi looked at Chen Mu, her eyes full of admiration and obsession.

This is her ancestor, the creator of everything.

Of course, Chen Mu would not tell her that the changes of more than seven hundred years were caused by him.

Chen Mu is not only the creator of the world, but also the demon of destruction.

Of course, there is no need to hide this, but if you don't hide it, it will be too troublesome to explain, and you have to talk about things like the system, and it is not necessary.

What Chen Mu has to do now is to make the greenery love peace, protect all the creatures in this breeding area, and just be a good worker.

Therefore, your image must be that of a perfect good farmer.

Chen Mu said: "It's just that now I find that these beings are clearly created by me, but they are killing each other. I want to stop them from killing each other, spread peace and kindness, and want them to help each other, but this world is too I’m old and I need help.”

"We can." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Chen Mu came back to his senses and found that before he knew it, a group of little guys had gathered nearby. They were looking at Chen Mu with excitement on their faces.

Some are standing on the branches, some are sitting on the branches, and some are flying in the air.

But without exception, these little guys are looking at Chen Mu with an eager admiration, excitement and joy.

"Ancestor, we can do it."

"We are all created by the Ancestor. We will do whatever the Ancestor tells us to do."

"As long as the Ancestor can use us, we will do it."

"Well, we want the Ancestor to need us, and we hope that the Ancestor can use us."

They looked at Chen Mu expectantly.

Looking forward to Chen Mu's orders.

Looking forward to the orders that Chen Mu will give them more than 700 years later.

The meaning of some existences is to be needed by certain existences.

Many social animals hope that they can be needed by others. When a person is not needed by others, then life will lose its meaning, and the mood will be depressed. Even when the mood is depressed to a certain extent, they will deny themselves and feel that even if there is no me in the world, it doesn't matter.

Of course, being needed by strangers or hated people does not make people happy.

But if they are needed by their loved ones, or by the people they admire and respect, then it is enough to make them willing to do anything.

For these little guys, being needed by their creator is their greatest joy.

Seeing the ancestor come back, they are not only surprised and excited, but also have strong excitement and expectations, looking forward to being needed by Chen Mu.

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