Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 208: Mass production of wage earners

Chen Mu looked at these little guys with expectant faces.

He showed a kind smile and said: "I came to you this time because I wanted you to help me. However, after hearing this, do you know what I want?"

"I know, it's peace." A girl next to him replied. She looked at Chen Mu with joy on her face and reverence in her eyes.

Chen Mu just thought she looked familiar, but Chen Mu didn't recognize her.

There are a hundred thousand of these little guys, and each one has its own name. Some were given by Chen Mu, and some were chosen by himself later.

But Chen Mu didn't remember it. After all, there were too many.

At that time, Chen Mu, who was a banyan tree, could not move his body and could only rely on them to collect fresh water for himself, so he created so many of them and then left them here to fend for themselves.

For Chen Mu, they were just tools from the beginning, so naturally he would not go out of his way to remember the names of the tools.

Of course, this is the case for Chen Mu, but for these little guys, Chen Mu is their creator, the being who gives them life, consciousness, and wisdom, and the supreme being.

Chen Mu said with a smile: "Yes, it is peace."

"But the problem is..." He looked at the sky and said: "There are wars everywhere in this world now. Humans fight humans, humans fight orcs, and elves fight goblins. They are always going to die. But they are all my creations, and I don't want them to. so."

"So..." Chen Mu looked at the little ones around him and said, "I want you to stop those wars, restore peace to this world, and then protect the peace of this world. If I were to be the one who created these beings, I would still be able to protect them." They can live well and reproduce. "As long as they don't fight, they will look for food and give birth to babies, so that they can increase their numbers. The more they are, the faster Chen Mu will gain evolutionary energy. Of course, it would be better not to say the true purpose now.

When Lu Yi heard this, he said, "We will definitely fulfill our ancestor's instructions."

She looked at Chen Mu seriously.

"Yes, we will definitely protect the peace of this world and prevent those wars." Other little guys also echoed.

Hearing this, Chen Mu said, "That's good."

He stood up, flapped his wings, and flew up. He said: "I will change a place for you. All the little ones, all leave my incarnation. I will take the incarnation back first."

When the little guys heard this, they flew up one by one and left the huge banyan tree.

The banyan tree turned into golden light, and the light quickly shrank into a ball of light and submerged into Chen Mu's body.

This banyan tree is one of Chen Mu's incarnations, and taking it back is just a matter of thought.

After the banyan tree was taken back, Chen Mu looked forward and saw countless little ones, covering the entire sky, a hundred thousand of them. This number was still shocking.

Seeing this number of little guys, Chen Mu suddenly felt so happy.

He was having a headache because there were no workers on this huge farm, but now these 100,000 free workers really made Chen Mu happy.

However, it is still difficult to change their bodies from their current appearance to that of angels.

Because this requires atomic creation, first use atomic creation to dismantle their bodies, and then use atomic creation to create them again.

Of course, this is much simpler than starting something from scratch.

Because these little guys already have angel wings, they just need to change the color of their dark green hair, ears and eyes.

In fact, Chen Mu could have left them alone and let them go directly to work mode.

But this is not possible, Chen Mu has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He made an angel before and defined the position of the angel race. Now if he just lets them look like this, he will set off directly.

This is so…maddening.

So, no.

However, do you want to change their image in this place?

Chen Mu looked at the sea water below.

The sea water is steaming. Although the temperature in the earth is not as high as before, causing water to reappear in this world, the temperature of sea water, lake water and river water is still very high.

The sea water now is almost like a hot spring.

In the sky above this sea, change the image of these one hundred thousand little guys...?

Chen Mu couldn't bear it, so he thought to himself, let's find another place.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place." Chen Mu said, sharing various abilities with them.

There was a hint of luster in the green eyes, and the faces of the other little guys were full of novelty.

Obviously, they have all received abilities.

Chen Mu said: "Follow me."

As he spoke, Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew into the air in an instant.

Lu Yi took one look, flapped her wings, and hurried after him.

When those little guys saw it, they flapped their wings and rushed to catch up.

Chen Mu quickly passed through the earth's atmosphere and came into space.

He looked back and saw that Lu Yi and the others had also followed, but after leaving the space, they were still flapping their wings, but they couldn't move their bodies at all.

Look at their confused looks.

Seeing this, Chen Mu said: "This is in space, there is no air, and the wings are useless. You use your control ability to control your body to fly."

Hearing this, the little ones understood.

Chen Mu continued to move forward, and the little ones followed Chen Mu and flew forward.

"Sister, look." Weiwei, who was next to her, approached Luyi and said to her.

Upon hearing this, Lu Yi noticed that Weiwei was looking back.

Lvyi looked back subconsciously, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Behind her, a blue-green planet appeared in her field of vision.

"The place where we live... is spherical?" Lvyi's eyes shone with a glimmer, and she retracted her gaze: "No wonder we sisters flew back to the original place before, it turned out to be like this."

Now they have left the place, and their bodies are in space.

In space, they can't survive with their bodies, and at the same time, sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. The reason why they can survive is because of their ability to adapt instantly, which is also the reason why they can live on the earth without oxygen.

The system regards them as the incarnation of Chen Mu, that is, the banyan tree, so if Chen Mu obtains the ability to adapt instantly, the tree also obtains it, and they also obtain it.

As for their conversation in the vacuum, it is because of the ability to share the same language.

Soon, Chen Mu landed on the surface of the moon.

He slowly folded his wings and looked behind him. The little guys behind him landed on the moon one by one.

They were looking around curiously.

Chen Mu said: "From now on, this is where you live, the heaven. Below, the blue planet you see is the mortal world."

The little guys looked at each other, and some looked at the blue planet.

Chen Mu said: "Then let's start."

Atoms create one.

The ability acts on the hundreds of people in front at the same time.

Under the gaze of other little guys, these little guys' bodies are wrapped in gold.

The ears become pointed, and the hair changes from dark green to gold.

One after another, workers named "Angels" are born at this moment.

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