Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 211 The Dragon Clan Has Been Tortured for More Than 700 Years

"Ancestor!" Qinglong's voice was much louder, almost out of control.

It looked at Chen Mu excitedly and said, "The Ancestor is back!"

"The Ancestor is back!" It looked at the other dragons behind it and shouted excitedly.

The other dragons heard it.

"The Ancestor is back."

"The Ancestor is back."


"Really? Really back? That's the Ancestor?!"

"Are we dreaming?"

The dragons began to discuss.

Qinglong looked at Chen Mu, his eyes full of excitement and surprise.

The other dragons also looked at Chen Mu, with surprise, respect, excitement, expectation and disbelief.

"Ancestor, Ancestor." Qinglong looked at Chen Mu excitedly: "Is the old dragon dreaming? I can actually live and wait for your return."

Looking at the excited expressions of these guys.

Is it necessary?

These guys are more excited than when I saw Lvyi and the others before.

Chen Mu said, "Okay, tell me what you have done in these years."

When Qinglong heard it, it said excitedly, "Okay."

The other seven angels next to it saw this scene and looked at each other.

After exchanging glances, they all understood.

Their ancestors said that all the creatures in this world were created by the ancestors, and these dragons were naturally created.

Chen Mu used phenomena to control the ice on the sea surface and created an ice island. He stood on the ice island and listened to Qinglong talking about their lives in these years.

"More than seven hundred years, too long..." Qinglong said softly.

More than seven hundred years, too long.

For many creatures, this is a very long period of time, during which many civilizations can be formed in this world.

For the dragon clan, these seven hundred years are also very long.

Chen Mu is the ancestor of the dragon clan, the origin of the dragon clan, and the god of their dragon clan.

Under the god, the dragon clan has three recognized leaders, Yinglong, Polaris and Qinglong.

However, Yinglong is a girlish person and always likes to take Polaris around to play.

After Chen Mu left the dragon clan, Qinglong was the only leader of the dragon clan left.

Qinglong is calm and peace-loving. When humans oppressed the dragon clan and robbed the dragon clan's territory, because Chen Mu was not there, Qinglong did not dare to go to war with humans easily, so he kept shrinking the dragon clan's territory.

Until later, other dragons with more radical personalities in the dragon clan could not stand this oppression and began to attack humans, and some of them were killed by humans.

When Qinglong didn't know how to deal with it, the ancestor resurrected those dead dragons, and those dragons returned.

At the same time, the ancestor dragon retaliated against humans, and countless terrifying gem giants trampled countless humans to death.

But the world suddenly had strange phenomena, the sea was evaporated, the volcano erupted wildly, and magma replaced the ocean.

The air was full of pungent smells, oxygen was gone, and all marine life died, including the gray whales on which they depended for survival. The temperature between heaven and earth also reached a temperature that they could not bear.

They spent seven hundred years.

Because of inhaling too much sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, they were damaged by poisonous gas.

Because of hunger, their organs failed.

Because of the terrible temperature, their bodies were steamed.

Extremely fast self-healing is extremely fast recovery, that is, only when this ability senses that the target it protects is damaged, will it self-heal.

In other words, these environmental influences will cause the bodies of these dragons to be damaged.

And after the damage, they will be restored by extremely fast self-healing.

These dragons are not dead, but their cells are dying every moment, and the death is restored by extremely fast self-healing. This process lasts for a very long time.

All dragons have been destroyed and self-healed in this way, and they have lived for a full three hundred years under this painful torture.

During these three hundred years, all dragons have only one thought left.


Wait for an existence to come back, liberate them, and liberate them from this pain.

Only their ancestor, only Chen Mu, can do it.

So they have been waiting.

At the beginning.

Some dragons were impatient and began to fly around, trying to find their ancestors in this world.

But they didn't find it. They flew all over the earth, but found nothing.

After hearing this.

Chen Mu understood. When the dragons were looking for him, he was probably still burrowing in the ground.

The dragons who couldn't find it could only stay in their own sea area and wait. Of course, some dragons didn't give up.

Later, they found that other creatures gradually appeared on the land.

When they saw these creatures, they were excited and felt that they didn't have to continue to starve and endure the pain of starvation.

But when they opened their mouths to eat, they were surprised to find that these "foods" were not food.

At present, all the creatures on the earth are silicon-based life created by Chen Mu. This kind of life uses sulfur dioxide instead of oxygen and lava as food.

This kind of life naturally cannot be used as a food source for carbon-based life.

The result of eating it is equivalent to eating a hot and poisonous creature.

Not only does it not bring nutrition, it will also cause poisoning and kill carbon-based life.

In the end, in order to avoid suffering again, the dragons had to give up hunting these things.

Later, these dragons discovered humans.

However, these humans are different from the previous humans. They are very primitive.

But they are intelligent.

At first, some dragons were idle and remembered what these humans did to their own dragons, so they began to kill these humans.

But later, some dragons could not stand it and chose to protect these humans.

The dragons fought each other, and of course, no one died.

In the end, Qinglong came forward to deal with this matter. Seeing the recognized leader of the dragons come out, the radical dragons stopped killing humans.

And those dragons who protected humans would occasionally help humans and let humans learn something.

Later, humans called those dragons who protected them gods.

As time went by, humans became stronger and stronger.

The previous dragons killing humans were also forgotten by forgetful humans, who only remembered the good things the dragons did to them.

They believed in the dragons and regarded dragons as gods of the human race.

Of course, the situation that had been bothering the dragons has not been resolved.

It's still the same. They still suffer that kind of pain every day. Following humans is actually just playing house games and killing time.

The time has come to now.

"Finally back..., Ancestor! You are finally back." Qinglong muttered, looking at Chen Mu with eager expectation.

When Chen Mu heard this, he understood. No wonder Angel Qing was rejected by the humans here after coming here. It turned out to be because of these dragons.

Chen Mu was too lazy to say anything, and directly shared the instant adaptation ability with all the dragons.

After adapting, Qinglong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said: "Sure enough, only you can help us get rid of this pain!"

The expressions of the other dragons also became relaxed, looking at Chen Mu with admiration and respect in their eyes.

Chen Mu nodded slightly, his hands folded across his chest: "Then, I have to give you a task next."

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