Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 212 How to obtain energy faster

When Qinglong heard that the ancestor was about to explain the task, his expression suddenly became serious.

The other dragons couldn't help but come over and look at Chen Mu seriously.

Just like a child who hears the teacher giving homework and listens carefully.

Chen Mu looked at their expressions and said, "The humans who oppressed you before were extinct in the last mass extinction. The humans you see now are all new creatures created by me. It’s different from before.”

"So that's it."

"No wonder it tastes different."

After the dragon clan Chen Mu said these words, they began to discuss.

Chen Mu crossed his hands on his chest, and the wings behind him slowly stretched out. He looked at Qinglong and said: "They are creatures created by me just like you. Since you are their gods in their eyes now, then you should treat them as gods." Their gods, protect them and teach them kindness and peace. There is a mountain range in the middle of the continent. From the east of that mountain range, you will manage it, and the west side will be managed by the angels, which are these little guys behind me.”

When Qinglong heard this, he nodded slightly: "Old dragon understands!"

Chen Mu looked at Qinglong and the others and said, "Yinglong and Polaris?"

Those two little guys, more than seven hundred years ago, I gave them special care and gave them the ability to adapt instantly. If others died, these two guys would probably not die. Why are they not here now?

Qinglong said: "They like to walk around, and they are probably somewhere in Pangea now."

"Okay." Chen Mu didn't care.

Suddenly, Chen Mu felt something was wrong again. He looked at Qinglong: "Pangu Continent?"

Qinglong was slightly startled: "Yes, Pangea. This is what Yinglong told me. She said that continent is Pangea."

In this way, Chen Mu understood that Yinglong and Polaris would often walk around where humans were. Yinglong had mentioned to herself before that she had heard humans call her Yinglong, and she also named Yinglong as her own.

That's understandable. It is estimated that during the time that Yinglong stayed in the human world, he would have to study those myths and stories before he could tell Qinglong that that continent was Pangea.

Chen Mu said: "Well, it's okay, I'll go then."

Upon hearing this, Qinglong asked: "Ancestor..., won't you stay?" It looked at Chen Mu with reluctance in its eyes.

Chen Mu looked at Qinglong and said, "You have lived for so long, are you still like a child? You must know how to think for yourself, be independent, and learn to face suffering on your own."

Hearing this, Qinglong's pupils condensed slightly. It looked at Chen Mu and nodded: "Old dragon understands the painstaking efforts of the ancestor."

Hard work?

Chen Mu didn't know what this guy understood.

Chen Mu didn't think about it too much. He touched the back of his head and looked at Qinglong: "I will give you an ability. With that ability, you can move very quickly. If anything happens, you will be there by the end of the month." ...Find me in heaven.”

"Heaven?" Qinglong looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu crossed his arms and said, "At night, when you see the moon, fly in the direction of the moon. Above the moon is the heaven."

Qinglong's pupils condensed: "Yes! Old Long understands!"

Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew up, and the seven green angels also flew up.

Chen Mu's figure left with these seven angels.

Qinglong and other dragons watched Chen Mu off and looked at the direction in which Chen Mu disappeared, unable to recover for a long time.

"Qinglong, what should we do next?" A giant dragon came over from the side.

Qinglong came back to his senses and said: "According to the instructions of the ancestors, we will move our location closer to the eastern land, and then help teach those humans. The most important thing is that we must tell them that everything in this world is Created by our first ancestors.”

"Our ancestor is the ancestor of our dragon clan, our ancestral dragon, and we have to tell them that our ancestor is the creator of everything in this world." Qinglong said: "He is the creator and the most amazing existence. "

"Yes." The dragons all responded.

Chen Mu took the angels back to the moon.

After Chen Mu landed on the moon, he looked back at the angels behind him and said, "Do you have any questions next?"

Those angels, I look at you, you look at me.

After Lu Yi saw this, he walked out, looked at Chen Mu, and said, "Ancestor, our problem is actually how to make the world peaceful and how to prevent war. The ancestor has just given us the answers to these questions."

She looked at Chen Mu: "So, we all know what to do next."

"Well, then, go get busy." Chen Mu felt relieved. Frankly speaking, he really didn't like helping others solve problems.

The seven angels left one by one.

After Chen Mu saw them leaving, he also walked to his residence on his own.

I slept for three full years, but even after three years, there was still no movement in my evolutionary energy progress.

In other words, the evolutionary energy progress that I need is too much.

"In other words, my current progress in obtaining evolutionary energy is still too slow." Chen Mu muttered.

How can I make my evolutionary energy progress faster?

Now that Pangea is protected by angels in the west and dragons in the east, I believe that these highly intelligent beings can reproduce with peace of mind. As their numbers increase, they will gain energy faster and evolve their own energy faster.

Can it just be faster?

How about... sharing the extremely rapid self-healing ability with creatures all over the world so that they cannot die?

That won't work either. If they share the ability to heal themselves extremely quickly, then both good and bad people will not die, and the angels and dragons will not be able to punish the evil people.

The most important thing is that with the ability to heal quickly, you will not die even if you don't eat or do anything.

It is estimated that there will be some lazy people who won't even eat. If they don't eat, they won't be able to obtain energy, and their rate of gaining evolutionary energy will be reduced.

Is there any way to make these creatures more capable of surviving so that they can reproduce faster without becoming as fast as self-healing?

Is there any way...?

"Things that allow living things to have the ability to heal themselves..." Suddenly, a word appeared in Chen Mu's mind.


The system's capabilities are too unparalleled, but in addition to the system, Chen Mu also knows the abilities brought about by technology.

Nanorobots had already been a concept in Chen Mu's previous era.

Nanorobots are prototypes designed based on biological principles at the molecular level. They are programmable molecular robots that are an organic combination of nanomechanical devices and biological systems. Conceptually, nanorobots can be used in fields such as medical care, environmental sensing, space exploration, and military industry in the future.

Of course, in Chen Mu's time, nanorobots had not yet been put into use and were still in the research and development stage.

But Chen Mu knew that if nanorobots could be developed, they could meet Chen Mu's current needs.

That's the therapeutic effect.

At the same time, there was something exciting about Chen Mu.

Nanorobots can deliver drugs to patients in medical treatment.

If drugs can be delivered, it can naturally deliver energy directly to various organisms!

Just let some nanorobots stuff food into the body of the creature!

In this case, will Chen Mu's progress in obtaining evolutionary energy still be slow?

The question is, can it be done?

Chen Mu subconsciously asked the system: "System, do you have a method for manufacturing nanorobots in your knowledge base?"

As Chen Mu waited with some anxiety.

A calm voice slowly sounded: "Yes."

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