At this time, Xiao Cheng slowly lifted his thin lips, "Tang Yu, you finally speak your heart."

what do you mean?

Tang Yu's mind clicked. He suddenly had a bad feeling, as if... He had been tricked.

At this time, a man came into sight. Tang Yu looked up and found that it was... Yang Jindou.

Yang Jindou is coming!

Yang Jindou came long ago. She clearly heard the conversation between the two just now.

Tang Yu was silly. He didn't expect Yang Jindou to appear.

"Uncle... Aunt, listen to me. What I said just now is not true, is it... Did Xiao Cheng let you come? You see, these are all his tricks. He deliberately stimulated me and induced me to say these words!" Tang Yu immediately explained. He threw the pot to Xiao Cheng.

Now he can't lose Yang Jindou's support, otherwise he will have nothing.

Yang Jindou looked at Tang Yu with great disappointment. "Tang Yu, up to now, your disguise has been pierced. Don't you admit it? Do you really think I'm so stupid?"

"Aunt, I..."

Yang Jindou really likes Tang Yu, but she didn't expect people's hearts to become so fast. She looked at the child who grew up as a child and was psychologically distorted. Think carefully, he was encouraging her all the way to go further and further with her daughter, especially his words that he would destroy he Bing if he didn't get he Bing just now.

That's her daughter. No one can hurt her daughter!

"Enough!" Yang Jindou interrupted Tang Yu with red eyes. "I've seen through your true face. I was blind before, and I don't want to see you again!"

With that, Yang Jindou brushed away.

"Aunt, it's not like this. Listen to me to explain!" Tang Yu was still pleading, but Yang Jindou's resolute figure soon disappeared in his sight.

Tang Yu knew that he had completely lost Yang Jindou's support. He looked at Ye Ming angrily, "Xiao Cheng, you did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Ye Ming shrugged. "Isn't it obvious that I'm intentional?"

"..." Tang Yu was mad.

At this time, Ye Ming waved his hand, and two bodyguards in black came over and caught Tang Yu directly.

"Xiao Cheng, what are you doing? Let go of me quickly, eh!" Tang Yu's mouth was blocked.

"It's so noisy. You'd better shut up. I'll send someone to send you abroad and let you come back in a few years!"


He's taking him away?

Tang Yu wants to refuse, but ye Ming has left. Obviously, this is to inform him, not to discuss with him.


Just as Ye Ming went out, the cell phone in his trouser pocket rang.

He took out his cell phone. It was Zhu Chao.

The sharp light flashed in Ye Ming's black eyes. He and Zhu Chao couldn't contact each other for fear of exposure.

Zhu Chao is very rigorous and will never take risks unless there are... Changes!

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