Ye Ming sweeps the corridor, then walks to the corridor and presses the key to connect the phone.

He didn't say a word. The extremely low voice of Zhu Chao came over, "Ah Ming, pack up the tickets tomorrow morning. You have to leave immediately!"

Ye Ming frowned, "what's the matter?"

"Ah Ming, we're exposed. Xiao Wu is dead!" a trace of tears came from Zhu Chao's repressed voice.

Xiao Wu is the youngest among the blood pupil soldiers. He is only 19 years old this year. He worships Ye Ming most. He keeps on talking when he sees Ye Ming.

Ye Ming's handsome eyebrows and eyes were momentarily overcast. There was a bit of terrible and bloody gas in the resolute and cold outline. The man's killing intention immediately overflowed.

"Ah Ming, Xiao Wu went back to his hometown and met a girl on the way. Xiao Wu had never been in love and was dazed. I didn't know that the girl stabbed him with a knife. The scorpion has been on the top. His means are extremely bloodthirsty and cruel. He came at you. The girl is his man. The scorpion came for revenge. He came at Xuetong!"

"Ah Ming, you can't stay here, and Xiao Cheng's identity can't be used. It will make a false impression of your death. You must get away immediately and go somewhere else to hide your name. You can get the ticket tomorrow morning..."

"I can't go tomorrow morning."

Zhu Chao at the other end was stunned and spoke a few seconds later, "Ah Ming, is it because of he Bing? Stop it, you're really dangerous now!"

Ye Ming pursed his thin lips. "I can't leave tomorrow morning. It's tomorrow night."

"Ah Ming!"

"She is my life!"

Ye Ming hung up directly.

The tall and strong body leaned lazily against the wall, and his other big palm was still copied in his trouser pocket, where he hid the diamond ring he bought.

He held the diamond ring tightly in his palm and his eyes were red.

Xiao Wu's death exposed the blood pupil soldier. Those international leaders are waiting for the blood pupil to be exposed for crazy anti killing. He is not alone. He really wants to go.

Ye Ming tightly clutched the diamond ring and his palm hurt.


Ye Ming returns to the villa. He takes a shower in the bathroom.

"City master, are you there?" then big chest sister came in with a cup of coffee.

There was no one in the room, but there was a "clattering" sound of water in the bathroom. Big breasted sister put down her coffee and secretly pushed open the door of the bathroom.

The frosted glass door inside was half open, and the man's body could not be seen, but the frosted glass vaguely showed the man's tall and strong body. He bent over to wash his hair, and small drops of water splashed on his bronze sexy texture, shaking a burst of spray.

Big chest sister's eyes moved and reached out to take off her clothes.

At this time, a low and sharp voice came from inside, "who?"

Big breasted sister was stunned.

Ye Ming inside turned his head sideways. His black eyes had seen a beautiful woman's body through the frosted glass. He raised his hand, picked up a bottle of bath milk and hit the woman's face directly.


Big breasted sister screamed because the shower gel bottle hit her face.

She staggered back a few steps and hit the wall directly. Her face was warm and she didn't know where she was bleeding.

"City master, what happened?" several servants ran in.

At this time, the frosted glass door opened, and Ye Ming came out in a white bathrobe. He was wet and cold. His dark eyes stared at the big chest sister with fierce eyes.

"City master, spare my life, I'm wrong..." big chest sister lay on the ground and begged for mercy.

Because she took off her clothes, her chest was exposed. Ye Ming took a look. Her eyes were cold and disgusted. The restless maid wanted to climb into his bed.

When the maid peeled the grapes and brought them to his mouth, he knew her thoughts, but his heart was on he Bing and he had no time to deal with her.

Ye Ming lifted his thin lips and spit out a few cruel words, "so short of men, send her to the bar."

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