Although he rubbed her stomach, he cursed, "just for your acting skills, the acting industry owes you a little golden man."

He had seen that she was pretending.

He Bing's small head was buried in his strong chest, and his stomach said - -- so you still help me rub my stomach?

"I don't want to go back tonight." he Bing whispered.

Ye Ming looked down at her, "where do you want to go?"

"Your room."

Ye Ming's eyes were dark and stared at her faintly.

"Don't think wrong. I just go to your room to sleep. We don't do anything." he Bingyi said.

Ye Ming was silent for a moment, then took her little hand, "let's go."

He agreed.

He Bing quickly followed.


In the luxurious room of the underground palace, he Bing took a bath and lay on the soft big bed. She turned her head. Ye Ming was tall and had long legs. They slept separately.

"Ye Ming, good night." he Bing said good night, then closed his eyes and went to bed.

Soon Ye Ming heard her shallow breathing. She really fell asleep.

She insisted on coming to his room. It was really simple. She just came to sleep.

Ye Ming gets up and comes to the bed. He reaches out to cover he Bing with a quilt.

But he Bing was very dishonest when she slept. She turned over and her legs turned up.

Ye Ming looked at her exposed beautiful legs. They were really thin and white. He immediately looked away and covered her with a quilt.

It was definitely a wrong decision to leave her in her room for the night. Ye Ming went into the bathroom and began to take a cold bath.

Ye Ming fell asleep. He tossed and turned late into the night and finally fell asleep. But when he was confused, he felt someone climbing on him, so he opened his eyes.

It's early in the morning, about five or six o'clock. The morning light slowly climbed up the horizontal plane, rendering a layer of soft golden light on the whole quiet earth. In this drunken underground palace, a faint soft light came in through the champagne gold window curtain and sprinkled the beauty of the room.

Ye Ming saw the person on his body. At the moment, he Bing sat on his waist and abdomen. She was wearing a sling nightdress. The thin sling had slipped down from her sweet shoulder. Her long black hair was scattered, and her head was sweating.

When the violent pleasure of the body came, Ye Ming's pupil suddenly contracted, his throat kept tightening, and his dark eyes immediately stained with a layer of scarlet. He rolled his throat several times before he found his voice, "he Bing, what are you doing?"

He Bing looked at him with bright eyes and smiled, "you wake up, then come..."


He Bing left the underground palace and returned to her luxury car with a small head. She said, "drive."

"Yes, miss." the driver stepped on the accelerator.

He Bing's small face is so red that it can bleed. This is definitely the boldest thing she has ever done.

She looked through the window and saw a drugstore by the side of the road.


The luxury car stopped slowly.

He Bing got out of the car and entered the drugstore. The shopping guide inside asked, "girl, what do you want to buy?"

He Bing's eyes fell on a box of contraceptives, but soon she looked away, "let's have a bottle of vitamins."


He Bing went out with vitamins. She wanted to buy Contraceptives, but she changed her mind and only bought vitamins.

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