
In half an hour.

He Bing returned to her room. She took a hot bath first, and then put on a silk nightdress.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings, and the team leader calls, "Hey, Bingbing, there is an order on it. Let's stop the beauty trick immediately, so you won't contact the scorpion from tomorrow."


He Bing quickly screwed up Xiumei. She knew that Ye Ming must have given the order and cancelled the beauty trick.

Now he is her immediate boss, and scorpion plans to listen to him.

He Bing pulled his mobile phone, "leader, does it say what the reason for canceling the beauty trap is? We should convince people with virtue. I approached the scorpion very smoothly. If I give up halfway, I must convince me first, otherwise I will be difficult to accept."

group leader, "Bingbing, the above decision is very sudden. I have asked the reason. It said that although you have changed your identity, if the scorpion goes to check, it is likely to find clues. After all, the two identities of the first ice beauty in Hongkou and the young lady of Zhao group are too dazzling. You are likely to be exposed. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the above decided to stop beauty People plan. "

What is the first ice beauty in Hongkou? What she thinks he cares most now is the identity of the young lady of Zhao group!

Not long ago, in that luxurious room, her overlord forced him. She didn't know what he was thinking. She knew him. Now she is someone else's wife. He is very sad about morality.

"Team leader, I think it's necessary for you to confess something to the above." he Bing said.

"What's up?"

"The true identity of elder martial brother Zhao and the inside story of my marriage with elder martial brother Zhao."


In a luxury room.

Ye Ming stands in front of the French window with tall legs. Just now he stood here and watched he Bing leave in a luxury car. She unexpectedly!

Ye Ming has a cigarette in his finger. In fact, he has smoked a pack of cigarettes. The cigarette butts are all over the ashtray, and the whole room is filled with smoke.

Just now

Ye Ming smokes more quickly. Her handsome eyebrows have been locked into a word "Chuan". Although she often teases him, he thinks she's just taking revenge on him. He really didn't expect her to... Treat him like this.

What the hell did she think?

Ye Ming is in a mess now. He won't let go of what happened just now. She's a bully. It's impossible for her to lift her pants and run away. At least she should be responsible for him.

If it had been before, he wouldn't have let her go just now.

But she got married.

She is now Mrs. Zhao. That Zhao Lei loves her very much, loves her and cherishes her. She also said that her marriage is very happy.

So he let her go.

Ye Ming put away his confused thoughts. In short, the beauty trick must not work. He didn't want to see the scorpion squinting at her.

He has called to stop the trick.

He and her will talk slowly after solving the scorpion.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings and a call comes from Zhu Chao.

As the direct leader of this action, Ye Ming can't directly contact the leader of FIU. Zhu Chao is responsible for conveying orders.

Why did Zhu Chao call at this time?

Ye Ming pressed the key to connect, "hello."

"Ah Ming, FIU he Bing doesn't agree to terminate the beauty trap."

Ye Ming frowned, "opposition is invalid."

"Ah Ming," interrupted Zhu Chaosheng, "he Bing gave a reason for opposition just now. You need to listen to this reason."

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