Zhu Chao's language pressure was low. He listened very seriously, like talking about business. Ye Ming frowned deeper, "what did she say?"

He really can't think of any justifiable reason for he Bing to oppose it. It's nothing more than fooling around. This time he won't listen to her.

"Ah Ming, did you know that he Bing married Zhao Lei three years ago?"

Nonsense, of course he knows!

Ye Ming is a little unhappy. Zhu Chao really doesn't have any eyesight. He doesn't open any pot.

"I know, I don't want to talk about this." Ye Ming wants to end this topic.

"No, Ah Ming, you want to talk."

Ye Ming felt that Zhu Chao was strange today. He pursed his lips and said unhappily, "just say what you want to say. What are you doing so hard and mysterious?"

"Ah Ming, he Bing and Zhao Lei are fake marriages." Zhu Chao said.


Fake... Marriage

These three words quickly exploded in Ye Ming's ear. His deep pupil suddenly shrank. The whole person can't believe it. What is it???

"What did you say just now? If you have the ability, repeat what you said just now!" Ye Ming tugged his cell phone tightly.

"Ah Ming, I have sent Zhao Lei's confidential personal information to your mobile phone. Zhao Lei, a senior FIU official, participated in an Interpol case three years ago, and the danger was exposed. At that time, he met he Bing, who had just joined FIU. After the above research, it was decided to let the two people get married. At that time, Zhao he's wedding caused a sensation in the whole city, but gave Zhao Lei the biggest protection screen. In the past three years, the two people seemed to be married Happiness, like glue, in fact, they are just a fake marriage. "

Zhu Chao's voice over there has fallen, but ye Ming can't return to God for a long time. He can't believe what he hears at the moment. Is this a dream?

Ye Ming stretched out his hand and pinched his thigh, hissing and hurting.

This pain is so real that he feels that all this is true. He Bing and Zhao Lei are just fake marriages. They are fake marriages!

My God?

Ye Ming's chest is filled with the great surprise of his recovery. His eyes are constantly scarlet. Great, great, she is a fake marriage!

It turned out that she had never deviated in the past three years. She just... Stayed in place for a long time.

In the three years he left, she just walked the road he had walked step by step.

"Ah Ming... Ah Ming, are you listening..." unable to hear ye Ming's voice, Zhu Chao said.

"Ha, ha ha ha." Ye Ming pinched his cell phone and suddenly laughed. He was happy. He was so happy.

Zhu Chao has never heard Ye Ming's out of control laughter. This is probably the happiest moment of his life.

"Ah Ming," Zhu Chao whispered, "we've known each other for so many years. You're always alone, but now, I know you're not alone, because there's a girl behind you. She's always behind you. Don't hesitate. Go to her. She's waiting for you."


Scorpion takes Ye Ming to the mall. He waits left and right without waiting for he Bing.

The scorpion looked at the time, "why doesn't Bingbing come?"

Today, Ye Ming is wearing a dark blue T-shirt and black trousers. He leans lazily against the wall. The handsome face under his cap has no emotion.

At this time, a soft voice sounded in my ear, "I'm late."

Here comes he Bing.

As soon as Ye Ming stagnated, he quickly raised his dark eyes and looked at he Bing.

He Bing felt a burning look on her little face. She knew Ye Ming was looking at her.

However, she ignored him and didn't take her eyes to him.

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