He Bing shed tears and recalled her red lips. She raised her eyes and looked at the scorpion, "you will never understand."

Ye Ming is not alone, he is thousands of people.

He represents light, justice and faith, which people chase and admire.

People like scorpions will never understand.

"Oh," the scorpion smiled, "to tell you the truth, I have admired the blood eagle for a long time. Looking at the world, I regard him as my only enemy in my life."

Then the scorpion reached out and pulled out his right eye, "look, he blinded my right eye three years ago. I've been waiting to settle this account with him."

He Bing knew that the scorpion had an intelligent right eye, and his right eye had long been abandoned.

"You will never be his opponent, because he is not fighting alone. He has invincible power, so you are destined to lose completely." he Bing said.

"He's so powerful. Why is his right leg broken? It wasn't pierced by my bullet? Oh, by the way, I think of one thing. When he came to save Zhu Chao three years ago, he just came from the hospital. I overheard their conversation when I ambushed. Blood eagle just took out bone marrow in the hospital and had an operation. I think God treated me well, ha ha."

He Bing was stunned. What was he talking about?

Ye Ming took bone marrow in the hospital three years ago?


Did she use his bone marrow transplant three years ago?

With this thought, she knew everything she didn't understand.

He saved her three years ago, he gave her a new life, and he broke a leg for her!

It was him.

Why didn't he say it?

He Bing's two small hands hanging on his side clenched into small fists until he pinched his fingernails into his palm. What kind of suffering did he suffer three years ago?

When she was in a coma and hospitalized, the blood pupil army was exposed due to a beauty trick, Zhu Chao was arrested, and everyone was in crisis.

As a senior commander of the blood pupil force, he is both the country and her. How did he choose?

No matter how difficult it was, he did it. He held the country and protected her at the cost of losing one of his right legs.

Country is his faith and his responsibility. She is his beloved girl. There is no way to make a choice. The only thing he can do is sacrifice himself.

He arranged everything, pretended to die, and let her hate him and blame him for forgetting him.

She never wanted to be his burden, but she still became his burden.

She finally understood why he was so hesitant on the road of love, because... His love was much deeper and more than hers.

Ye Ming.

Her name is Ye Ming.

At this time, a subordinate quickly came in, "scorpion master, no, we were found, someone came."

Someone's coming.

Ye Ming is here.

The scorpion "ha ha" laughed, "I didn't expect the blood eagle to come so quickly. It really didn't disappoint me!"

He Bing's eyes overflowed with softness. Although she didn't see him, she had felt his breath, which was thick and reassuring.

"Bingbing, come with me. It's said that heroes are sad about beauty. Unexpectedly, the blood eagle is no exception. Now I'm going to take away the woman loved by the blood eagle."

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