"Do you think you can leave here? It's surrounded by FIU people, and it's hard to fly with wings."

The scorpion raised the gold ring on his hand, "he Bing, you have found my private seal. I have to say you are very intelligent, but you are too naive. But every place I have been to has a secret path exclusive to me. Not long ago, I have opened this secret path with this private seal. This time I will take you on the water, and we will leave here in a speedboat."

He Bing's eyes changed. She moved and wanted to take action, but the next second, her whole body was soft.

The whole body's strength was taken away, like soft marshmallows.

"You drugged me?"

"He Bing, if I don't give you medicine, you won't be obedient. Don't worry, I just gave you some overpowering medicine."

Then the scorpion came over. He stretched out his hand to touch he Bing's small face and said infatuated, "I haven't tasted you yet. How can I be willing to hurt you?"

He Bing sidestepped, "roll!"

"Ha ha, the stronger you are, the more I like it!"


With a bang, Ye Ming kicked the door open.

It's empty. There's no one inside.

Qianqian in the back said, "it seems that the scorpion has gone with he Bing."

The group leader quickly looked at Song Chong, "Sir, the scorpion is cunning. If he escapes today, it will be difficult to catch him in the future. Moreover, he Bing is taken away by him and will be in danger at any time. I suggest blocking all entrances and exits immediately and strictly investigating the whereabouts of the scorpion."

Song Chong nodded, "OK."

Qianqian looked at the man in front of him. His tall and strong body blocked all the light. He was silent all the way.

But he can quickly find out the hiding place of the scorpion. With him, he is the soul of the army.

"Even if I find he Bing now, I think he Bing has long been defiled by the scorpion's temperament." Qianqian yin-yang strange airway.

The group leader quickly frowned at this.

There are big people in front. Tiantian can't squeeze forward, but she can hear Qianqian speak. To tell the truth, she has long been unhappy with this big miss Qianqian. Now she dares to slander he Bing. Tiantian immediately said, "Miss Qianqian, how do you speak? Do you have a grudge against he Bing? Did he Bing rob your boyfriend?"

"You!" Qian Qian's angry face turned red.

At this time, a gloomy and unhappy vision was projected. Qianqian looked sideways and saw Ye Ming silently turn his head. His deep eyes hidden under the cap stared at her faintly.

Fear without anger makes people's scalp numb.

Qianqian quickly shut up, but her heart hated her teeth itching.

"Scorpion is cunning by nature and has more means than his predecessor's leading brother. This time we failed to get his private seal. He must have escaped by using his private seal. We have little chance of finding him, and once he leaves Mexico, there will be endless trouble." the group leader looked at Ye Ming from space.

The team leader recognized Ye Ming at a glance, the mysterious man who saved he Bing that time.

This man's identity is not simple. He can see that the head Qianjin Qianqian likes him very much and is infatuated with him.

Although Song Chong was the senior commander of the operation, everyone was watching the man.

Who is he?

Ye Ming's handsome facial features are plated in the dark. He doesn't really see it. He is very like a Night Walker. He exudes a calm, cold and powerful aura.

His brown eyes glanced inside, and finally stopped in a corner. He saw xueniang.

He quickly pulled out his long leg and came to xueniang.

Xueniang closed her eyes. Although she was covered with blood, her clothes were complete, her face was clean, and there was a smile around her mouth. She didn't suffer when she went and walked very peacefully.

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