Every time, when he thought he was going to find her, he found that it was his illusion. The girl disappeared five years ago, as if she had evaporated from the world.

Lin buran!

Chewing the name in his heart, Zhang Han rolled his throat up and down, and then sent out a low smile like a wild beast - -- oh.

Time is long, I have plenty of time to accompany you slowly.

Unless you die, I'll find you everywhere!


Zhang Han got on the camouflage jeep. He sat in the co driver's seat lazily chewing gum. His confidant asked, "King Han, which room are you staying in tonight?"

My men brought up several brands, which said Begonia room, cherry room, rose room and Lily room.

As we all know, there is a powerful harem in Zhang Han's residence. There are all kinds of beautiful women, such as clouds of beautiful women, thin birds and fat rings.

These beauties have their own rooms. These rooms are named after their character. Every night, Zhang Han will turn over the sign and spoil whoever he turns over.

Zhang Han chewed gum and looked lazily out of the window. He was not in high spirits tonight. He didn't bother to look at those brands.

His men are talking excitedly.

"Boss, the beauty in the rose room is the most passionate and enchanting. I think every time she wants to entangle you and don't let you spoil others."

"You say the beauty in the rose room. I've seen it. It's really beautiful and beautiful."

"Boss, how is the beauty in the rose room? Tell your brothers."

These men are Zhang Han's brothers who live and die. After staying in the camp for a long time, there are naturally few women. Although Zhang Han often takes them out to have fun, they are still very excited.

Zhang Han narrowed his eyes and said lazily, "you like it. I'll give her to you tonight. Take it to play."


The men cheered out immediately. Zhang Han has always been generous, and his women will share it with his brothers.

"OK, thank you, boss." everyone couldn't wait to go back.

At this time, the jeep turned a corner. Zhang Han looked up lazily and suddenly saw an art exhibition.

Zhang Han saw the autumn picture in the exhibition as a gold lettered signboard.

"Stop!" Zhang Han said two words.

The screeching brakes sounded and several jeeps stopped one after another.

Zhang Han opened the front passenger door and jumped down. He came to the autumn picture and reached for it.

At this time, the staff quickly came out and stopped, "Sir, this painting is not for sale. It's only for viewing. Please don't do it..."

Before he finished, his men came over and directly pushed the staff away, "how do you talk? You have the courage to speak like a bear heart leopard. It's just a picture. We take it away directly when we see it, and whether you're not for sale or not."

When the staff saw this momentum, their legs were scared and soft, "first... Sir, we do things according to the rules and regulations..."

"Fuck you, do you know whose territory this is? This is..."

At this time, Zhang Han said, "be civilized. How can you still be a rogue?"

The man felt his head with embarrassment, "boss, look at this..."

Zhang Han looked at the staff, cut an inch of head, and the man with extremely beautiful and evil looks showed a very kind and polite smile, "don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person."

"Sir, this picture..."


Zhang Han stretched out his hand, pulled it hard, and directly tore down the autumn picture. He only tore his signature, then threw the autumn picture at his feet like garbage, stepped on it, and continued to laugh, "don't be afraid, as long as you tell me who this is and where it is now, I'm not a bad person."

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