At first, the staff really thought that Zhang Han was not a bad man. After all, handsome men with the best looks would give people a good impression.

Who knows, in the next second, Zhang Han tore up the autumn picture and stepped on it. He handed his signature to the staff, pointed it out and asked for a roll call.

The staff was confused by these operations and said, "it's a mysterious painter and fashion designer. We... We've only seen her works, and we don't know where she is now..."

Is it?

Zhang Han pressed his right cheek with the tip of his tongue, and then uttered a sneer, painter? Fashion Designer?

Tut tut.

I haven't seen her for five years. She's having a good time.

Zhang Han looked at the signature in his hand with handsome eyelids. He had no artistic cells and was too lazy to appreciate these sunny and snowy things. He was different from Lu Yu. Lu Yu recognized Lin buran from this autumn picture, and he saw the signature at a glance!

How could he forget her words?

Five years ago, she set up a beauty trick to make him turn against his father. At that time, she left him one thing, in addition to the kissing photos of her and his father on the hotel bed, and her handwriting. She said - don't think too much of me!

At that time, he vomited a mouthful of blood directly.

Thinking of the past, Zhang Han's eyes had been stained with a layer of hostility. He twisted his neck ferociously, with some bloodthirsty impulse.

All his blood was ignited at such a moment. They were crazy and roaring.

"The exhibition was closed, all the people in it were arrested, and the news came out that there was a problem with the painting." Zhang Han ordered faintly.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Zhang Han casually folded his famous brand and put it in his trouser pocket. "I won't go back tonight. I'll sit here and wait for someone to come."

"Boss, what's the mystery of this outfit? It's better to let your men check it and catch her!"

Zhang Han hooked his thin lips. "I've said it many times. You're not hooligans. Converge. Don't scare away my little white rabbit. The good play has just begun. I want to play slowly."


Lin buran followed Ren Dong back to the villa. Ren Dong cooked and made delicious three dishes and one soup.

"Wife, it's time for dinner." Ren Dong put the bowl and chopsticks on the table.

Lin Bu ran put down the design drawings and walked into the restaurant, "Wow, it smells so delicious."

"Eat more incense."

From the heart, Ren Dong is definitely a perfect man. He is in his thirties. He is mature and handsome. He has set up a construction company himself. He is very famous in the industry and has many talents. Because he has received higher education, his character is gentle and considerate. He is definitely a diamond king.

Ren Dong is also a perfect husband. He is very emotional and pays attention to life taste. He can take good care of Lin buran, and his cooking is excellent. He has contracted the kitchen at home.

Lin Bu ran ate a bowl of rice and put down his chopsticks. "I'll wash the dishes tonight."

Ren Dong hugged Lin buran from behind. "Wife, put down the bowl and let me come. You go upstairs to take a bath and wash yourself."

Lin Bu Ran's lips. "What do you want to do?"

"What do you say I want to do?"

The two began to play and laugh.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings, and Lin buran calls.

"I'll answer the phone." Lin buran pushed Ren Dong.

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