Zhang Han is definitely an expert. He didn't seem to say anything in the conversation just now, but he actually said everything.

He not only hinted that Ren Dong was the love of Lin buran's heart, but also hinted that Ren Donglin buran revealed their nominal marriage relationship. This move offended his heart and directly stabbed Ren Dong's pain.

Ren Dong returned to his room. At this time, Lin buran just came out of the bathroom. "Haven't you slept yet?"

"Well, I went out to drink a glass of water. Come here, I'll blow your hair." Ren Dong picked up the hair dryer. He often helps Lin buran blow his hair.

Lin Bu ran sat down and said, "I'll do it myself. You've been tired all day. Let's have a rest early."

"I'll do it." Ren Dong turned on the hair dryer and began to help Lin Bu dye blow his hair.

Soon, Ren Dong's eyelids moved. Because he was standing now, he could see that Lin buran's closed skirt had dense kiss marks on her delicate white skin.

Ren Dong looked up at Lin butran in the mirror. Lin butran hung his head as if he was thinking about something.

"Wife, I remember your little day, isn't it?"

"Well, yes." Lin buran found Ren Dong looking at herself. She quickly closed her clothes and covered the kiss marks.

Just now, Zhang Han deliberately left these marks on her body. She scrubbed them for a long time, but she couldn't wash them off.

Now, Ren Dong, see?

He will see it sooner or later. Lin buran has been hesitating whether to tell him about Zhang Han.

She didn't want to hide it from him. Zhang Han pestered her like a devil, which was unfair to Ren Dong.

"Ren Dong, let's have a good chat." Lin Bu ran said.

Ren Dong's face is not good-looking. She has resisted his intimacy for the past two years of marriage. He understands her, loves her, respects her, and hasn't touched her. He is waiting for her willing day.

But he didn't wait for anything. She obviously revived with the old lady in the car. Even if they had cheated under his eyes during her childhood, Ren Dong felt that he had a green grassland on his head, and his dignity was ruthlessly trampled on.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk to you about my past and some people..."

Ren Dong directly interrupted her rudely, "enough, don't say anything. I don't want to hear this."

Then Ren Dong threw the hair dryer heavily on the dresser, "it's getting late. Go to bed first."

What's his matter?

Lin buran's memory of Ren Dong has always been as gentle as jade, and she is more considerate to her. It's the first time she's seen such a grumpy and impatient him.

Lin buran is 100% sure that he knows Zhang Han's existence and her cheating.

Lin buran got up and grabbed Ren Dong's sleeve. "Ren Dong, I think it's necessary for us to sit down and have a good chat. I don't want to hide it from you, let alone hurt you..."

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear anything!" Ren Dong waved and directly threw Lin buran away.


Lin buran fell and sat on the carpet. His forehead hit the sharp corner of the big bed. Suddenly, a line of hot blood flowed down her pale face.

Ren Dong knew he was out of control. Just now he didn't control his strength and threw Lin buran away, thus hurting her. He immediately came forward and looked at Lin buran with regret and heartache. "Wife, are you okay? I didn't mean to. Sorry, I don't want to hurt you."

Looking at Ren Dong's painful self reproach, Lin buran was stuck in her throat and couldn't say anything. She knew that she had caused irreparable harm to him.

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