"It's all right. I don't hurt a little." Lin buran comforted in a soft voice.

Ren Dong stretched out his hand and pulled Lin buran into his arms. "Wife, will you leave me?"

Lin Bu Ran's eyes were a little confused, and she didn't know.

"Wife, don't leave me. I really love you. As long as you don't leave me and stay by my side, I can stand anything."

He said such a thing.

It is false that Lin buran is not moved. A man loves her so much that he has put his humble into the dust.

"OK." Lin Bu ran stretched out his hand and hugged Ren Dong.

Once she thought Ren Dong was the light she held in her hand and her only salvation, but now she found that everything is a flower in the mirror. She doesn't deserve such a good man at all.

As long as he doesn't dislike her dirty, she will always be with him and never leave.


In the study.

Ren Dong received an email. He asked people to investigate Zhang Han and had the results.

Ren Dong opened his e-mail and his pupils shrank. At this moment, he knew that the man he saw in the military luxury car last night was a famous King Han.

Ren Dong also knows that the two lives in his company must have been made by Zhang Han. It turns out that he is behind all this.

This despicable man.

Although Ren Dong's teeth are itching, he can't help it, because he can't compete with Zhang Han. This is his site. He is king. Everything has the final say.

At this time, the door of the study was pushed open, and Lin Bu ran came in. "Ren Dong, are you finished? Your parents are coming. Let's go to the airport to meet them?"

Ren Dong reached out and touched Lin buran's injured forehead with a band aid. "Does it still hurt?"

"No pain."

Ren Dong hooked his lips, and then held Lin buran's soft, boneless hand tightly in his palm, "let's pick up our parents."

When they arrived at the airport, they received Ren's father and mother. Ren's father and mother pulled Ren Dong and were still in shock. "There was a sudden problem with our visa and passport just now, and the staff inside almost detained us."

Ren Dong and Lin Bu ran were surprised. "Mom and Dad, what's going on? How can there be a problem?"

Ren's father and mother were also at a loss, "we don't know. Fortunately, we met a good man who helped us solve the matter smoothly, otherwise we won't see you."

"What kind person? Then I'll go and thank others." Ren Dong said.

Ren Ma took Lin buran's small hand and said with a smile, "you know this good man. He's your brother."


Lin buran doesn't have a brother, only Lin mo. who is this brother and where did he come from?

"Look, your brother is out, too."

Lin buran looked forward along Ren Ma's eyes. Soon she saw a tall and handsome body. Zhang Han came over.

Today, Zhang Han is wearing a black windbreaker. The man in his 1.8-meter old age is handsome and stylish. He has his own aura. He shuttles through the hall and immediately becomes the most dazzling scenery.

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