Why is he here?

And when did he become her brother?

At this time, Zhang Han strode over and came to Lin buran. "Sister, what are you looking at me so foolishly? Don't you even know your brother?"

", why didn't you ever tell us that you have a brother? Your brother is really talented, handsome, and so enthusiastic to help us. His character is excellent. We didn't know how to thank others at first, but now we are all a family." Ren's parents like Zhang Han very much and praise him in words.

Lin buran was uneasy when she looked at the simple elders. She didn't know what Zhang Han wanted to do this time. Anyway, she didn't want to involve the two elders again.

"Sister, what are you in a daze? Aren't you happy to see your brother?" said Zhang Han, putting his hand on Lin buran's shoulder and holding her in his arms recklessly. "My brother misses you very much."

The sentence "miss you very much" he said in her ear was like a poisonous snake spitting a message. Lin buran was stiff and couldn't resist.

At this time, a hand stretched out, clasped Lin buran's bright wrist and pulled her over. Ren Dong looked at Zhang Han expressionless, "naturally, my brother is very welcome."

Lin buran was snatched into his arms by Ren Dong. Zhang Han narrowed his narrow eyes slightly, revealing some danger.

"Brother, where do you live now? Ah Dong drove here. Let him give you a ride." Ren's parents kindly suggested.

Zhang Han picked a sword eyebrow, "I don't have a residence yet. This time I came to see my sister."

"That's just right. You live with us. A Donghe's house is very big and lives with us." Ren's father and mother said.


Zhang Han lives with them?

Lin buran was surprised and immediately refused, "Dad, mom, where are we..."

At this time, Zhang Han nodded, "well, I'm not polite. My sister and brother-in-law, you shouldn't dislike my brother's disturbing you for a few days?"

Zhang Han looked at Lin buran and Ren Dong with a smile.

"We are a family. How can we say to disturb? Let's go and let's go home." Ren's father and mother were very enthusiastic and took Zhang Han outside.

Lin buran's mood has reached the extreme. It's not enough for Zhang Han to monitor her life. Now she uses two elders to enter her life. It's conceivable what kind of prison she will live in in the future.

Ren Dong's face was also very ugly. He pursed his lips into a dark arc. However, under his eyes, he wanted to see what trick Zhang Han wanted to play.

"Wife, let's go home." Ren Dong hugged Lin buran's shoulder and went home.


In the car.

Ren Dong is driving, Lin buran is sitting in the co driver's seat, Ren's father, Ren's mother and Zhang Han are sitting in the back.

Ren's father and mother really like Zhang Han. They have the posture of liking Zhang Han as their second son, "brother, how old are you? Are you married?"

Zhang Han shook his head politely, "I'm 32 and haven't married yet."

"I'm not married. Are you in love? Many girls like you because your conditions are so good?"

"I don't know. People who like me have nothing to do with me." Zhang Han's tone was cool.

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