Lin buran didn't go out listening to the quarrel outside. Let them make their own decision.


With the protection of Ren's parents, Tang Fang was safe for the time being, but she was still upset, so she secretly took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, brother, I've done what you said, but Ren Dongzhen doesn't want this child. Even if his parents want this grandson and Ren Dong doesn't agree, I still can't go into Ren's family and be a young grandmother."

There is Tang Fang's brother Tang Wang. Tang Wang is a street gangster. Their brother and sister want money, so they target Ren Dong, the group's boss.

That day in the bar, Tang Fang saw Ren Dong drunk, so she took advantage of it. Originally, Ren Dong gave her a lot of money. She was very satisfied, but who thought she was lucky and was pregnant.

It is said that the mother and son are expensive. Since they are pregnant, the brothers and sisters are not satisfied with the money. They want more.

Tang Fang wants to marry Ren family as a young grandmother. Marrying a rich family is the best shortcut in life.

Tang Wang cursed over there, "this Ren Dong doesn't even want his own son. I thought he would be very happy when he knew he was a father. Who knows he's indifferent to your stomach."

"Brother, it's all Ren Dong's wife's fault. Ren Dong really loves his wife too much. If... We can make this disappear, as long as she disappears, I can enter Ren's house with a big stomach."

"This is simple. Then I'll take someone to tie her away, and then end her and get rid of this stumbling block."

"Brother, I'm afraid they'll doubt me. Then you'll tie me away. I'll play a bitter meat trick so that no one will doubt us."

"Fangfang, I didn't expect you to be very clever."

"Of course, otherwise we wouldn't have a good life."


Lin buran and Ren Dong sleep in separate rooms. Ren Dong knocks on the door and says, "you let me in."

Lin Bu ran didn't open the door, but said, "if you want to tell me that Tang Fang has children, you don't have to speak. Just decide with your parents. Think about the divorce again. Since we got married, we have been financially independent and have no economic disputes. If you figure it out, sign and we'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to handle the divorce as soon as possible."

Ren Dong outside was silent for two seconds, and then said, "are you so heartless?"

She is not heartless, but cut the mess with a quick knife. She can't watch Ren Dong sink into the abyss step by step.

"You think I am."

There was no sound outside. Ren Dong left angrily.

Lin buran sat on the bed tired, when his mobile phone suddenly rang and called.

It's Zhang Han.

The devil disappeared for a few days and came again.

Lin buran hung up directly.

At this time, there was a "Ding" and a text message came from the mobile phone.

Lin buran opened it and saw that Zhang Han sent it --- the skin itched, didn't you dare to hang up my phone?

---Do you miss me these days? Well, I know your answer. You must think I can't sleep.

---You're all right. I'll be back in two days. Wait for me, huh?

---You're dumb. Why don't you talk?

---Lin buran, speak quickly, or I will be angry. The consequences of my anger are very serious!

Zhang Han seemed to be a homeless man. He was in a panic at leisure. He kept sending harassing messages to her. Lin buran didn't read one. She felt very noisy, so she turned off her mobile phone directly.

At this time, the maid came in with a cup of hot milk. "This is your milk, young grandma."

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