Lin buran drinks a cup of hot milk before going to bed every night, which is a habit.

"Thank you." Lin buran drank up the milk and then lay down in bed. She soon fell asleep.


Lin butran felt dizzy. The whole person was dizzy. Yu Jie trembled. She tried to open her eyes.

She is no longer in the villa. This is a remote abandoned factory. Her hands and feet are tied and can't move.

Lin buran was surprised. Where is this?

Isn't she asleep? Why did she open her eyes and get here?

In front of her stood several people in black with black hoods. Everyone looked at her in a squint of color.

"She is a famous designer. Mrs. Ren of Ren Dong, a listed company, is really beautiful."

"This small water face, graceful and moving figure curve, tut Tut, it's a great blessing to be her man."

"No one has come yet. We are also idle. We might as well have some fun."

Someone reached out to touch Lin's face.

Lin buran was surprised and quickly avoided the salty pig's hand. She looked at these people on guard, "who are you and what do you want to do?"

"Ha ha, we have admired your name for a long time. Please come and play this time."

Lin buran's secret way is bad. She was kidnapped.

"Do you know that kidnapping is illegal and you need to go to jail?"

"Of course I know, but we are not afraid of hahaha." these people laughed recklessly.

At this time, a voice came from around. Lin buran looked sideways and saw Tang Fang.

Tang Fang was also tied up. She just woke up vaguely, "ah, who are you and what do you want to do?"

Tang Fang began to act hard.

"Tang Fang, why are you tied here?" Lin butran asked.

Tang Fang shook her head pretending to know nothing. "I don't know either."

At this time, a familiar voice came from outside. Ren Dong and Ren's parents came. Ren Dong was carrying a box with cash in his hand. "I've brought the money. Let's release it quickly!"

Tang Fang's tears came down, "Mr. Ren, help me, uncle and aunt. I'm afraid. Help me quickly. My stomach hurts a little."

As soon as she shouted that she had a stomachache, Ren's parents immediately showed a nervous look, "we've brought the money. Take the money and go quickly. Don't hurt people. Let them go quickly!"

The man in black is Tang Wang. This time he wants to solve Lin buran, but of course he has to blackmail a lot of money before solving it, so that he can be happy.

Tang Wang looked at Ren Dong. "You can release people, but I can only release one. You choose."


Ren Dong frowned, and his eyes fell on Lin buran and Tang Fang.

Tang Fang was so frightened that she burst into tears. This acting skill can definitely give full marks. "President Ren, you don't care about me. Just choose. I know you love. Even if you don't love you, you have to divorce you, but you still love her."

"President Ren, what I want to say is that I love you too. For you, I am willing to die for you."

"Yes, I still have your baby in my stomach. The baby's life is too hard. He hasn't had time to be born and hasn't had a chance to call you dad."

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