As soon as Ren's father and mother changed their complexion, they immediately pulled Ren Dong's sleeve, "what, Dong, I want to divorce you?"

"What does Tang Fang mean? I never loved you at all. Is this true?"

Ren's parents are in a hurry.

Ren Dong pursed his thin lips and didn't speak.

Tang Fang saw that his plan had succeeded and immediately worked hard to perform, "president Ren, I love you. Choose it. In order to fulfill your love, my baby and I are willing to sacrifice for you. I just hope you can remember me and let me occupy a place in your heart."

Ren's parents looked at Lin buran and asked seriously, "in recent years, we really treat you as our own daughter. Don't lie to us. Is what Tang Fang said just now true?"

Lin buran didn't want to deceive the two elders, so she nodded, "yes."

"You..." Ren's father immediately had angina pectoris.

Ren Dong looked at Lin buran and said, "in this situation, do you still want to divorce me?"

"I can choose you. I don't want Tang Fang or the child in her belly, but you should follow me wholeheartedly, be my wife, and let us go back to when we first got married."

Ren Dong took advantage of the fire. His implication is that if Lin Ranran doesn't agree, he may choose Tang Fang.

As soon as Tang Fang's complexion changed, she didn't expect that she had performed hard, and with the baby in her belly, she couldn't be worth Lin buran's just in case.

If Lin ran doesn't agree, doesn't her plan create complications?

Tang Fang blames Tang Wang for his bad work. It's better to quietly solve Lin buran. In the future, Ren Dong's money belongs to their brother and sister. Why should he be in a hurry?

Tang Fang looked at Lin buran beside her and didn't know how she would answer.

Lin buran has no expression. In addition to her pale face, she can't give what Ren Dong wants. She is not qualified to let Ren Dong sacrifice her children for her safety.

And the attitude of Ren Dong and Ren's parents is here. They all care about the children in Tang Fang's belly. Their love is conditional.

"Ren Dong, I'm sorry. We can't go back. I don't want to lie to you."

Ren Dong's two big hands hanging on his side suddenly pulled into fists. At this time, does she still want to say that?

Can't she lie to him? Just lie to him.

However, she doesn't even want to cheat. How sad it is.

At this time, Tang Wang, who watched the good play, urged, "president Ren, have you considered it well? Which one do you choose, your wife and children?"

Ren's father and mother immediately said, "ah Dong, Tang Fang's belly is your flesh and blood. You choose... Tang Fang!"

"Don't blame us for being cruel. For such a long time, your heart is not warm at all. No wonder you don't want to have children. It turns out that you have never been our family wholeheartedly, but Tang Fang is different. She loves ah Dong and has ah Dong's children in her stomach. We can only choose her."

"Dong, listen to us and choose Tang Fang. If something happens to our grandson, you'll wait to collect the body for us. We don't want to live either."

Ren's father and mother threatened with their own lives.

Ren Dong wanted to choose, but forced by his parents, he began to hesitate.

His most chilling thing is Lin buran's attitude. Her heart is really warm. In other words, her heart has already been given to others.

Ren Dong's eyes flushed, and finally he said in a dumb voice, "I choose... Tang Fang."

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